View Full Version : Redfield JR. Base for A4

10-13-2013, 01:37
Can someone tell me if the older Redfield JR. mounts made in USA are steel and not
this Chinese pot metal crap. I got one from Midway and when shooting the rifle I tried
adjusting the windage loosening the one side and then moving the other side and ended
up stipping out one of the wholes on the base, not the screw, it is fine. So I'm wondering if
I can get my hands on a old vintage one are they made of stronger steel so the holes
won't strip out. AND - no I wasn't and didn't put a lot of torque on the screw.

Thanks to all


10-13-2013, 06:42
Yes, they were made of steel. Or at least the 60's vintage one I had was.