View Full Version : Trivia concerning front sight USMC type WWII

10-14-2013, 11:48
relayed to me by a 92 yr old Canal, Pelilu, Okinawa veteran, in reference to the USMC front sight.
When he was in boot camp and camp Lejeune prior to shipping to pacific he was instructed to sharpen the back side of his front sight, the hook on the back to the base to be sharpened enough to tear the neck out of a japanese soldier if it had to happen in hand to hand.
He said it had to be "sharp" like a knife blade, not the top but the back side
True, ?? but sure could be

10-14-2013, 08:59
Maybe true, but,,,,,

Most photos I've seen of Marines and their 03's in WWII show the use of sight covers, which would cover any sharpened sight. Also a sharpened sight might make doing the manual of arms a bit dangerous, plus I've never seen a sharpened sight blade. Has anyone?



John Beard
10-14-2013, 10:19
relayed to me by a 92 yr old Canal, Pelilu, Okinawa veteran, in reference to the USMC front sight.
When he was in boot camp and camp Lejeune prior to shipping to pacific he was instructed to sharpen the back side of his front sight, the hook on the back to the base to be sharpened enough to tear the neck out of a japanese soldier if it had to happen in hand to hand.
He said it had to be "sharp" like a knife blade, not the top but the back side
True, ?? but sure could be

The "hook" on a USMC front sight blade is certainly sharp. But the downward angle was intended to eliminate glare and reflections and had no relationship with hand-to-hand combat. That's what bayonets were for!

And besides, the USMC front sight blades had long since been declared obsolete by WWII and were routinely removed during inspection and overhaul. Of course, anyone with a friendly company armorer could get one. But those were the exception, not the rule.

Hope this helps.


10-15-2013, 09:01
I guess you've never let an '03 slip when trying to pick it up by the forend. The front sights need NO sharpening to rip flesh and draw blood !!!

10-15-2013, 01:22
there is the book and there is reality
in RVN we soon learned the book was sometimes very very wrong, why would a 92 yr old Marine vet lie? I had a company cmdr tell me that i could not sharpen my bayonet, Sgt maj overheard that order and quietly escorted young captain off to the brush, sgt maj came back and said to me "make it sharp enough to shave"
in the rear tapped magazines could get you court martialed
in combat they saved lives.
enlisted not supposed to carry pistols, unless 'authorized' i wasnt auth but carried a 1911a1
and a hammerless 38 in my pocket..
who knows, me, after talking to some of the real experts on this topic i tend to believe my elderly friend
but wth

John Beard
10-15-2013, 03:50
I do not accuse your friend of being untruthful. Indeed, I have no reason whatsoever to question his statements. I merely point out that his experience and training were the exception, not the rule, as you so ably re-affirmed.


10-15-2013, 05:01
Wow, that'd sure hurt if a guy caught that sight on the webbing of his hand. Sounds like something that I'd inflict on myself through carelessness. I seem to be good at that!

10-16-2013, 05:50
Wow, that'd sure hurt if a guy caught that sight on the webbing of his hand. Sounds like something that I'd inflict on myself through carelessness. I seem to be good at that!

so you are like me, if i can make myself bleed, i will find the way to do it!

10-16-2013, 07:34
Wow, that'd sure hurt if a guy caught that sight on the webbing of his hand. Sounds like something that I'd inflict on myself through carelessness. I seem to be good at that!

Yes it does. Yes I have. Yes I am.

10-16-2013, 05:44
Marines seldom"lie".

But we are known to tell a "sea story" now and then.



10-16-2013, 05:48
That's probably why pictures of Marines show sight covers. The would take them off in combat.