View Full Version : Vintage scope ID

10-19-2013, 01:19
I have an old vintage scope and I am looking for any idea of the maker.

This I know about the scope. It has Mossberg crosshairs and a shortened mossberg tube. The objective lens was removed to add the "Booster". The "Booster" is about 11 inches long and the AO is marked 0-25. When the AO is turned, the lens slides out (it doesnt rotate with the AO). The stationary part (tube) has marks for yardage, but no numbers (no 100, 200,etc, just marks in the tube) The lens assembly at the ocular end is not mossberg and is a 5 lens system. It seams to be about 12-15 X. This scope may be a old target scope that the original tube was damaged and a Mossy tube was used as a replacement.
The last picture shows it in comparision to an uncut Mossberg 4X scope (I believe it to be the same tube as the cut tube).
Shown on my Mossberg 46.

http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n130/dgfischer/Scope1.jpg (http://s111.photobucket.com/user/dgfischer/media/Scope1.jpg.html)

http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n130/dgfischer/Scope2.jpg (http://s111.photobucket.com/user/dgfischer/media/Scope2.jpg.html)

http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n130/dgfischer/Scope3.jpg (http://s111.photobucket.com/user/dgfischer/media/Scope3.jpg.html)

http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n130/dgfischer/Scope4.jpg (http://s111.photobucket.com/user/dgfischer/media/Scope4.jpg.html)

Are there any message boards that specialize in the old scopes?
Thanks for your help,

10-20-2013, 07:58
If you are asking who put this to-gether I doubt anyone will know. Most likely an individual, not a Company. It a Mossberg mount on a Moss. rifle and according to your observations a cut down Moss. scope. The 'boosters' were made by many companies--Bushnell, Edwards, Fecker, Litschert, Leupold and perhaps others.

10-20-2013, 04:17
Thanks for the reply,
I'm not asking who put this together because I doubt that I'll ever know "who" put this together, I am just curious if any one would recognize the "booster" end of the scope and possibly identify the manufacturer from that.
I think it is probably a "other" scope that the tube was damaged and replaced with the Mossberg tube, that would explain the cut down tube and non-Mossberg optics in it.
I have N. Stroebels book on scopes and the closest possible ID would be a Litschert. Unfortunately, Stroebels book doesnt have any measurements or much info on the Litscherts, but a print of a Litschert add claims the AO lens slides in and out and doesnt rotate. All the Litschert scopes and boosters I have seen have been clearly marked. I have other boosters but none are ths long and all are clearly marked.

10-21-2013, 10:30
I was also looking at that book, saw nothing that looked like what you have. However that does not rule out those companies as Stroebels probably does not show all vareitys that were made. It could be part of another scope, as you say but that rules out the average "bubba" working in his basemeant. Someone had to know what he was doing, lenses would have to be in correct order and distances apart to work correctly.

You sound like you may be a Moss. collector, do you belong to the National Moss. Collectors Assc. ?

10-23-2013, 02:45
No I'm not a member of the Mossy collectors assoc., yet. I probably wil join in the near future, at present I have 8 1930-1940's Mossy 22's'
I found this Winchester scope on Ebay that looks to have the same "booster", but it seams to be missing the objective lens.


I'm not familiar with the Winchester scopes and how the original objective lens is mounted, but the "booster" could be empty and just acting like a sun shade.
