View Full Version : My New Krag - 1898 Rifle
10-29-2013, 11:29
I decided to go ahead and pull the trigger on an un-sporterized 1898 Krag rifle last week. Attached are some photos: ( ( ( ( (
And some more detail shots: ( ( (
I am so excited to finally own a Krag. The bore is very dirty, I've put about 50 patches through it so far. I do see rifling, but I need to scrub it some more. It also looks like I have tree different colors of wood?
All in all, I am quite pleased. Thanks for looking.
Dick Hosmer
10-29-2013, 12:22
Would it be OK to inquire as to how much you paid, and if a lot, whether you have any recourse against the seller?
I ask that because I fear - primarily on the basis of the wood, which you clearly saw, you may have been the victim of fraud, or at least have been taken in by the sales pitch of a "sharp operator".
I WISH you guys would ask BEFORE you buy!!!!!!!!!
Tom Trevor
10-29-2013, 04:12
Did you mean to say DE-SPORTERIZED??
10-29-2013, 11:32
Looks like the forearm was replaced, and the fit of the handguard reminds me of a reproduction I once returned. Hmm, a 1901 sight in a modified 98/02 handguard. But still, just fine for shooting.
Griff Murphey
10-30-2013, 05:47
A little dark walnut stain would be nice on that replacement forearm. I might also distress it a bit.
10-30-2013, 06:21
I like restoring them and thousands are. Stain and oil. Then clean, shoot and repeat.
Rick the Librarian
10-30-2013, 07:44
It depends on what he paid. If he paid $400-450 or less, a decent deal. Anything above that, (and the flaws are as suggested), he got "took"
10-30-2013, 11:08
I like restoring them too. I even had a forearm made from European walnut for one. (Got to get those together some day.) But people don't wish to pay as much for a shooter as they would a collectable firearm.
It depends on what he paid. If he paid $400-450 or less, a decent deal. Anything above that, (and the flaws are as suggested), he got "took"
In his earlier thread of "Thinking about picking up an 1898 rifle - what to look for?", the poster, Viking73 said that the rifle was priced at $850.00. So I think that he was certainly taken. He sounds like a friendly, trusting and likeable fellow who, like so many others, should've done his homework first to determine just what it was he was spending his money on before he spent it. How many times have we all seen someone buy a rifle and then come on one of the forums and ask how they did, what have they got, did they spend too much for it or did they get a real bargain? For their own well being, it would be so much better if these good people would study up on the subject first, which includes handling a Lot of such rifles at gun shows and in collections. Then after really reading up on the subject, handling and looking at and comparing many rifles at gun shows with what they've learned from books and pictures, and after asking a lot of questions here on these forums, then they wouldn't have to ask what they were looking at or if they spent too much or just what it was that they'd bought for many hundreds of dollars. That's sort of like a guy saying that he was planning to go out and get a wife pretty soon and he asks what sort of wife he should get. Or that he just got hitched and wants opinions on if he did any good. Well, when they spend good money on a particular type of rifle, without knowing anything about that type of rifle, you've got to wonder, why are they even interested in buying and owning the rifle in the first place. It seems to me that buying a rifle is a very personal thing and when done, is supposed to be based upon what the buyer has wanted, based upon diligent research, searched for all over and for so very long a time and finally found in his long quest. Nobody else can tell a guy what he should like or look for or collect. A guy ought to know what he wants and what he's looking at. If he doesn't, why on earth is he spending his hard earned money on something?
The poster shouldn't get his feeling hurt by what I've said here. He should understand that I'm saying these things to him and all others in his situation because I've been there over 40 years before. I don't want to see anybody get taken or to spend their money on a Pig in a Poke. I'm glad that he posted here and now he can take the information that he's been offered and will go and demand his money back from the seller. He should keep posting here and asking questions and learning about the subject and eventually, he will most certainly know just what it is he's wanting, looking at and what he's buying.
Viking73, did you ever get your money back from the seller? Please tell us what happened because we're here to assist you and we want to know what's going on!
I'm afraid that alot of new-be's that come on these forums and ask 'how did I do' want to hear allot of reasurance and praise on how good they did, not what has been said here. Doubt he will ever post here again.
Dick Hosmer
10-31-2013, 07:37
I'm sorry, but am not going to gush over a problem gun, by lying about it, just to make someone "feel good". There is way too much of that sort of psychobabble going on in society right now as it is. One earns their kudos by making wise decisions, not by looking for a pat on their head. What earthly purpose does that serve! They will find out sooner or later - perhaps soon enough (as I suspect may occur in this case) to get an adjustment from the seller.
I DO always try to be polite and respectful, and always mention the good side - they're ALL fun shooters, if that is all one is looking for.
I also spend a LOT of time helping to educate, as best I can, those who may read these pages before they spend their money.
This particular gentleman has not reposted here, but we have had a most friendly dialogue on the KCA site.
It is my intent to continue to call 'em as I see 'em.
To any "newbies" reading this - do your homework BEFORE you buy!!!!
I am with Dick on this 100%. Should we all Say WOW that is a Beautiful rifle when you can clearly see the front end was put back onto a previously Sportereized stock? Poorly colored wood and ill fitting hand guard besides a horrible bore that he speaks of. This rifle is worth no more than $40.00 at best. To think those telling the truth are wrong is a horrible way to spend your life and it will be a rough journey when reality finally hits. Rick B
On Tuesday at 6:20 PM, I PM'd the poster and told him what I thought was wrong with his rifle which was everything that had been pointed out by everyone else on this forum as well as the KCA. No response back but I'm glad to see that he's continued communicating on the KCA where he's getting good advice. If I were him (hoping he reads this), I'd forget about trying to fix or improve the rifle. He can't make it right for the money he's already spent on it. He needs to go back and either get the other rifle IF its legitimate (take photos and post them for advice) or reverse the trade and spend his money on something he's familiar with. There are Much better Krag's on GunBroker for less money.
You all are confused on my meaning. My first line in my post was a statement of fact, not to mean that is what should have been said. I did not say you should lie about it and say it was a good buy. But to use words like 'been taken in', 'sharp operator', 'he got took', 'was taken', and a long lecture on how to be a smart collector, etc. is a bit much. Makes the guy feel really stupid! Tell the truth but "the facts, just the facts", and some helpful info on how to remedy the situation would be nice. Just my opinion!
10-31-2013, 11:09
Hello Everyone,
Well good news. I contacted the shop where I bought this gun from and they said they are more than happy to have me return it and trade it for the other 1898 Krag rifle they have.
My Poyer book showed up yesterday, and that coupled with everyone's great advice and comments here will be a big help with I inspect the other Krag. I will make sure the stock is one piece, and that the handguard is the correct - it also had the M1901 sight on it. I guess there is no guarantee that it will be any better than this one but I will find out.
I do appreciate everyone's comments - I know they are to be taken constructively. Thanks too Fred for the PM. I do feel a bit foolish for buying something I wasn't familiar enough with. I just have not seen that many Krags before and I jumped at the chance to own one.
I hope to do the swap tomorrow after work. I'll be sure to post photos here - I hope it is more original and not molested like this one. Thanks to you guys, I'll be better able to tell! I also post this message at the KCA Forums.
More on this saga in a few days.
I understood what you meant. I was just explaining that after I'd sent him the PM with the information of what wasn't right about his rifle, the gentleman then had gone on to the other site and sought further advice to learn more about it, which is good.
Great Derek! If you could, take some photos of the rear sight and hand guard, the whole rifle, the serial number on the side plate and of any stampings behind the trigger guard and also on the left side of the wrist. We'll run through the pictures and give you our impressions of what it is. I'm Really Glad that the dealer was decent about it all.
10-31-2013, 12:26
10-31-2013, 12:35
And, since he's shot it, he can see if the rifle swapped for shoots any better. To this non-collector, that's what matters most.
10-31-2013, 07:24
Amen to that!
Rick the Librarian
11-01-2013, 07:32
It is a very reasonable seller indeed that will take back a rifle after it's been fired! I'm glad it had a happy ending.
In Viking's defense, I think all of us have done the same thing - jumped on a firearm that we had no knowledge that we "felt" was a good deal. I almost bought a Ross rifle at Cabelas a couple of months ago, but the "wise angels" inside told me to wait.
In fact, I have to say that buying my first Krag was just about the ONLY gun I've bought where I did the research first. :D
11-01-2013, 10:04
Uh, we won't discuss the cutoff I thought to be a school gun. It was nowhere near that, but my uninformed mind told me it was. Shoot, it even had an 03 barrel and a 98 stock that had been cut at one time for a 96 receiver. Parts is what it was and is.
11-01-2013, 05:18
My sporter was my first (and only) purchased Krag (my 1898 rifle was passed down to me by my Dad). When I purchased it from a Mississippi pawn shop in 1983, I knew it was a Krag, but that's all I knew. I thought it was a Carbine, and was ignorant enough to not even realize it was sporterized (I was only 20 at the time, and didn't know much about different guns). I only purchased it because I knew of my Dad's 1898 rifle (which is now mine), and wanted a Krag also... so I borrowed $175 and took it home. I learned a lot after that, although nothing compared to what I've learned in the last three years being on this and the KCA forums!
I'm now the proud owner of a couple Arisakas, a Garand, and soon to be the owner of a pair of Trapdoors... and I'm not ruling out another Krag or two (quiet, Bob!).
By the way, the sporter is still a great shooter!
11-02-2013, 09:39
Hi Guys,
I posted this on the KCA Forum, but wanted to post here too. Oh, and also, I never shot the Krag before I took it back to the store yesterday. Just wanted to clear that up.
I did do the swap yesterday, I'm happy to report that the shop was very nice about it. I was nervous on the way there about the other Krag. What if it was in as bad shape as the one I already had? I wasn't sure what I was going to do. Much to my relief, I think I did 110% better! They even let me slide the rear barrel band forward to check for cuts or repairs - none were seen! For one, the bore condition is very nice - it's already shiny, no where near the dark, dirty condition of the rifle that started this thread.
Enough talk. Here are some photos. Sorry in advance for the quality. I will take a few more outside in the natural light soon and post them here. Now for the photos: (
Illegible cartouche (1902 maybe?) (
Proof mark: (
The hand guard seems original and correct for the M1901 sight: (
There were some interesting stamps on the butt plate, something I didn't notice before: (
Here are some more detail shots, again I apologize for the quality. I am just excited and want to share! ( ( ( ( (
I promise to post some better photos soon.
Thanks again to you guys pointed me in the right direction as to what to look at. I feel pretty good about my Krag now. I can't say enough good things about the shop either. They could have told me, sorry, all sales are final. It is so nice to know that there are still some honest folks out there!
Now that's a rifle to be proud of. Sometimes things work out for a reason and in this case you learned and got lucky at the same time which is a Win Win situation. I own one really close to yours :) Rick B
11-02-2013, 10:20
Now that's a rifle to be proud of. Sometimes things work out for a reason and in this case you learned and got lucky at the same time which is a Win Win situation. I own one really close to yours :) Rick B
Nice rifle Rick!
Yes, I do feel very fortunate. Things could have gone the other way for sure. I did learn a lot from this fiasco. I'll make sure I do my homework next time I see a rifle I want but know nothing about...
Dick Hosmer
11-02-2013, 10:53
Very glad that it all worked out - you will be MUCH happier with this one, I assure you!
Now that is a fine example of a 98 rifle. Congrats on a nice piece.
Rick the Librarian
11-03-2013, 06:17
I agree, excellent. Glad it turned out for you. Anyone who has "been around" in this hobby and hasn'r had the same thing happen to thm is a liar! :D
Outstanding rifle! It's all correct and original. Worth every bit of what you have in it!
Kudos to you Viking! I'm very glad this turned out well.
Now find some ammo and enjoy.
11-24-2013, 06:08
Hi Guys,
Just wanted to share a few better photos of my rifle here. I have also picked up a 1903 dated bayonet for it in the meantime. The bayonet is pitted and didn't come with a scabbard, but the price was right ($40). It will work until I can find a better example.
I ran a few patches down the bore and except for some faint green spots, they came out pretty clean. I did notice a spot of pitting near the chamber end, but I don't think it's anything to be worried about.
I think I'll try to find an original sling for her too. I've seen several pop up on eBay lately.
I have two boxes of Remington ammo for her. Maybe this holiday weekend I can hit the range and see how she does with spitzer bullets.
-Derek ( ( ( ( (
11-24-2013, 06:36
Then you'll be hooked for good. A few of mine shoot just as good as any modern rifle. Even though it was the United State's first go round for a smokeless powder rifle, they got a lot of things right.
11-25-2013, 04:23
Good looking rifle, there. I bet it shoots great, too. The old guys used to tell me (before I became an old guy myself) "those things are really accurate!"
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