View Full Version : Remington 03/A3.......Newbie, What Have I Got......

11-02-2013, 08:03
Hello to the forum.
I've been looking around here for a little while, and this seems like the perfect place to ask about my rifle.
I have owned it for about 5 years now. It was given to me by an uncle. I believe he purchased it in maybe the 60's, through the NRA.
It came to me in a box, wrapped in some kind of padded paper material, and covered in a sticky goo. I have come to find out this is probably cosmoline.
After reading a lot of threads here about these rifles, here are my observations.
The barrel, safety, and receiver are parkerized. (I think) From what I have read, this would be right for an original 03/A3. I'm finding "R"'s on all of the parts that I can see.
My questions would be, could this be an all original rifle? The wood looks to be untouched. Not a scratch or ding on it. And all of the screws look un-touched. Not a mark on them.
Also, would it possibly hurt the price of it if I cleaned up the cosmoline. It looks kind of crappy in the pictures, and I'm sure it would clean up very beautifully.
I am thinking of selling it, as it just sits in my basement. And the funds could go toward a new camera body or lens.
Any and all info would be very welcome, including a range of possible resale values.
One pic I forgot to take was the markings on the barrel. RA, over the bomb, with 9 43 under.
Here are the pics, and if any more are needed, feel free to ask.











Above is the info on the box it came in. Thought it might help. Thanks.

11-02-2013, 09:13
You can always buy a camera. But they aren't making Remington 1903A3s anymore. The value will never decrease.
If you are not that familiar with firearms, here is a website that should help you disassemble it without breaking anything.
I would use mineral sprits on a rag to clean off the cosmoline. A light coat of boiled linseed oil in case the stock is dry. No water, oven cleaner, sandpaper, or steel wool within ten feet of the rifle! :>)
Check the auction sites for prices.
You are fortunate to have a very nice collectors item!

Oh, and save the box. That adds to the package.

11-02-2013, 10:50
The pictures show an 03-A3 in essentially the condition it had when it left the factory 70 years ago. Mineral spirits or (smelly) kerosene on a soft cloth will clean off the exterior if you really must - and a little raw linseed oil can be rubbed into the wood afterwards. Please don't disassemble it. Touching it with any tools or abrasives - even removing the sight protector - can quickly reduce its collector value significantly. I suspect retail price in the USA for such a specimen could surpass $1000 to someone looking for an "as new" specimen.

11-03-2013, 09:32
Thank you, Deano41 and Parashooter for your very informative replies.
After reading here and on other forums about these rifles, I kind of thought it might be a good one. But with all of the variations and arsenal rebuilds and such, it is good to have some confirmation from knowledgeable people.
I am not a collector, but am a hunter, and do love a beautiful gun. For this reason, I am torn between cleaning the goo off to reveal the beauty, or leave it as is. I don't think I would take on the task of disassembling it myself. The screws are perfect right now, and they probably would not be afterward.
Gonna have to think about selling it. Deano41 is right, cameras and lenses come and go.

11-03-2013, 07:05
The O.G. stamp on the stock signifies that the rifle passed thru the Ogden Arsenal for overhaul and or inspection.
From the condition shown in the pictures, it looks like it was just inspected and stamped.
I think it is a keeper, they don't get much better that this.

D. :1948:

11-03-2013, 08:05
The O.G. stamp on the stock signifies that the rifle passed thru the Ogden Arsenal for overhaul and or inspection.
From the condition shown in the pictures, it looks like it was just inspected and stamped.
I think it is a keeper, they don't get much better that this.

D. :1948:

Another testimonial!

Never mind taking it apart. ( It's just another bad habit of mine.) Anything parashooter says, you can take to the bank. (He's helped me on more than one occasion).

11-03-2013, 09:04
beautiful rifle, if cleaned I would do so carefully, and I wouldnt take it apart.

Jeff L
11-03-2013, 09:16
That's what we refer to as Minty!!!!!!!!

11-04-2013, 08:45
never use mineral spirts or other solvent to clean the grease, use a gun solvent or hot soapy water, why not just leave it, if you sell it..let the new owner worry about that .

Devil Dog
11-04-2013, 05:20
The O.G. stamp on the stock signifies that the rifle passed thru the Ogden Arsenal for overhaul and or inspection.
From the condition shown in the pictures, it looks like it was just inspected and stamped.
I think it is a keeper, they don't get much better that this.

D. :1948:

Where do you see an O.G. stamp?

Rick the Librarian
11-04-2013, 05:27
My friend (the one who had all the Remington M1903s) used mineral spirits on one of the stocks on my recommendation and it turned out blotchy and terrible - which was about as terrible as I felt for making the suggestion!

Although I am not a proponent of not cleaning off cosmolene, some are, and since you mentioned you might want to sell the rifle, probably best not to clean it.

11-04-2013, 05:34
Devil Dog,
Look at the first picture, scroll to the right.
O.G. stamp is on far right of the picture....

D. :1948:

Griff Murphey
11-04-2013, 07:34
Definitely an advanced collector piece you have there, willhunt. Congratulations, either way you get a highly desirable collector gun or some nice hobby money.

As far as your uncle giving you this time capsule, at the time those guns were sold by the Army for $20, which is maybe a bit over $100 in today's money. He likely had no idea what it was worth. They also sold other "obsolete" weapons, the M-1 Carbine and M-1911A1 pistol, at the same price.

Devil Dog
11-06-2013, 12:19
Devil Dog,
Look at the first picture, scroll to the right.
O.G. stamp is on far right of the picture....

D. :1948:

Thanks. I never scrolled to the right.

John Beard
11-08-2013, 03:51
Your rifle is original, except for having a replacement front sight cover. I have little doubt that the front sight cover currently on the rifle was on it when your uncle received it. However, it didn't leave the Remington factory with that cover on it.

You have an outstanding rifle. The rifle represents maximum value just as it appears. Any cleanup or tampering will reduce its collectibility and value. The "O.G." is a re-inspection stamp applied prior to sale and does not represent an arsenal overhaul.

Incidentally, your rifle is doubly interesting because a Remington M'03-A4 exists somewhere with that same exact duplicate serial number on it!

Hope this helps.


11-10-2013, 06:38
Congrats, you have a VERY fine rifle there. I wish it were mine. Consider yourself a LUCKY individual. Dont "F" with it. Leave her as is.


11-18-2013, 09:03
You have a real jewel there, willhunt.