View Full Version : USMC serial number punch

11-07-2013, 06:28
Does anyone know the purpose behind the Marines punching the hole before the SN? I'm assuming either to denote an inspection or rework?

Also, what was the purpose of sanding off existing cartouches?

John Beard
11-07-2013, 08:19
Does anyone know the purpose behind the Marines punching the hole before the SN? I'm assuming either to denote an inspection or rework?

Also, what was the purpose of sanding off existing cartouches?

(1) Yes. You assume correctly.
(2) I am not aware of any intention of sanding off existing cartouches. It was simply a matter of sanding the stocks during overhaul to restore the appearance and finish.


11-07-2013, 09:22
Thanks JB, good to know

11-08-2013, 04:33
I have another question for the experts- I received my 1903 today- first one. It was built in the Spring of 37, and has the original barrel. I find it sort of odd that it has a Hatcher Hole, as I would have imagined that a rework would have meant a new barrel as well. The rifle has it's stock replaced as well- it has the Script P stamp is still very lightly visible, while the other cartouches have been sanded off (a very, very long time ago- the evidence of the sanding is only visible in a perfect lighting situation), and other dents and scratches have been sanded as well.

The stock doesn't have the correct butt plate on it either- it appears to have been switched for a later butt plate at some point. The bolt is marked NS, which if I'm not mistaken stands for Nickel Steel and is likely from Rock Island. The only other marks I noticed are an X and H stamp under the cut off (sub inspector marks I believe), and an S at the front end of the stock- which I think means it is a replacement.

my question is, why a Hatcher Hole if no new barrel?

11-08-2013, 04:43
Pictures would help as well as the serial number. I think the "Hatcher Hole" was started a Springfield in 1936, so, it is likely "original equipment" on your rifle. If the NS is on top of the bolt handle, and the bolt handle is swept back, it is probably correct also. The S on the tip of the stock is an indication of an early stock. How many cross bolts does the stock have?

11-08-2013, 04:47
There was no SRS hit... its SN 1499391. I didn't realize that Springfield made rifles with a Hatcher Hole.

I didn't realize this until just now, but I unscrewed the butt plate and found an old type sticker with the name Doug O Neal on it... I'm guessing I will have to upload my pictures to the net to post them, so once I do I will link the pictures.

The rifle has one cross bolt

11-08-2013, 05:20
So all Springfield made 1903s after 1936 came with Hatcher Holes from the factory?

John Beard
11-08-2013, 07:20
So all Springfield made 1903s after 1936 came with Hatcher Holes from the factory?



11-13-2013, 03:38
The one cross bolt stock is from an earlier rifle.

11-13-2013, 04:02
Mr. Beard, When the USMC performed the Hatcher hole mod, what facility accomplished the work...Is it known what year the USMC first did the mod....Is there any idea how many 03 rifles were in USMC possession prior to WW2...How many USMC 03's were drilled for the Hatcher hole....When did the USMC receive the last new built 03 rifle....thank you....regards alex

John Beard
11-13-2013, 08:17
Mr. Beard, When the USMC performed the Hatcher hole mod, what facility accomplished the work...Is it known what year the USMC first did the mod....Is there any idea how many 03 rifles were in USMC possession prior to WW2...How many USMC 03's were drilled for the Hatcher hole....When did the USMC receive the last new built 03 rifle....thank you....regards alex

You ask a lot of questions. I'm not sure I have all the answers. But, if not, I'll make one up for you. :eusa_liar:

(1) I would presume that most of the work was performed at the USMC Ordnance Depot located in Philadelphia, PA. I would also assume that other forward USMC Ordnance Shops and facilities may have performed a few.

(2) I have a document from the Office of the Chief of Ordnance to the U.S. Navy dated 6 Aug 1938 forwarding the tool and jig drawings for drilling the gas vent holes in receivers and bolts. I would assume the USMC received those drawings in the same time frame.

(3) Approximately 60,000.

(4) Most of the 60,000.

(5) The highest USMC rifle serial number I have on file is S/N 1531980 manufactured in the fall of 1939. I cannot rule out the possibility that the USMC may have acquired it as a loose receiver.

Hope this helps. How did I do? :confused:

J.B. :hello:

11-13-2013, 09:11
Did the Marines ever get their hands on any scant stocks?

John Beard
11-13-2013, 10:18
Did the Marines ever get their hands on any scant stocks?

Yes! Lots of them.


11-13-2013, 10:44
Thanks J.B., as always, your answers are much appreciated.

Looks like this could be one, I know this SN range seems to have had a good amount of USMC riles http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=376154555

11-14-2013, 04:50
Mr. Beard, Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge....You did great as usual....Did the USN mod any 03 receivers....How about the US Army?....Did the USMC obtain a large quantity of HN rifles/receivers prior to WW2....When did the USMC Ordnance folks leave Philly..... thanks again....regards alex

John Beard
11-14-2013, 06:47
Mr. Beard, Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge....You did great as usual....Did the USN mod any 03 receivers....How about the US Army?....Did the USMC obtain a large quantity of HN rifles/receivers prior to WW2....When did the USMC Ordnance folks leave Philly..... thanks again....regards alex

(1) Yes.
(2) Yes.
(3) No.
(4) Don't know.

Hope this helps.
