View Full Version : Home-made BP - the sulfurless type
11-10-2013, 06:22
Is there a disadvantage to sulfurless blackpowder? I shoot a flint lock, I hear the burn rate is slower, but will this be so slow as to be noticeable with the priming powder in the pan? I want home made stuff and I am aware that it is by some estimates 30-50% less powerful than the commercial BP but at the same time I dont want to be able to count a second long delay between pulling the trigger and the main charge going off.
I hear the suggested ratio is 3/4 KNO 3 and 1/5 to 1/4 wiillow wood charcoal and binder (volumetric)
Sounds like a dangerous undertaking to me. Lots of people injured or killed making that stuff. Easier to but it buts that's MHO.
11-11-2013, 09:19
The mere handling of a muzzleloader with paper cartridges by the old manual of arms is according to modern experts "asking for trouble"
A lot of those same experts could not agree that the half cock position was really a safety feature.
Have you ever attempted this process to know what could go wrong?
Wasn't it Dupont that had their BP factory blow up and kill one of the Duponts that ran the place?
11-11-2013, 08:05
So by this logic, anyone that comes in any contact with anything as remotely as dangerous should avoid that activity. Meaning I should stay off the highways due to the high fatality rate of accidents and avoid gas stations because static electricity has been known to ignite the fumes.
I cant argue with paranoia and it's clear to me you haven't ever even attempted the process for yourself. I might as well wear a helmet each time Im in Hawaii because a 150 people die from falling coconuts there annually. But a BP factory only blows up once.
More to the point: It is illegal to manufacture blackpowder without an explosives license, and therefore a bad thing to discuss on a public forum.
11-14-2013, 09:19
This truly reveals to me to the total lack of knowledge you people have on the subject as a whole. The federal laws restrict the sales and distribution and a few points about storage of large amounts. We're talking about 50lbs before a storage magazine is required. Responsible personal use is not covered by federal law, the line is drawn if you attempt to sell.
So by this logic, anyone that comes in any contact with anything as remotely as dangerous should avoid that activity. Meaning I should stay off the highways due to the high fatality rate of accidents and avoid gas stations because static electricity has been known to ignite the fumes.
I cant argue with paranoia and it's clear to me you haven't ever even attempted the process for yourself. I might as well wear a helmet each time Im in Hawaii because a 150 people die from falling coconuts there annually. But a BP factory only blows up once.
Not criticizing you at all. A while back a board member did make some BP. Even made his own charcoal. If you want to make BP have at it. The risk and MO was it easier to go buy what you need.
I used to make it when I was a kid. We'd fill little bottles and taped them to toy cars. Made our own fuses and set "matchbox" land speed records.
randy langford
12-15-2013, 11:48
Making Black powder is not overly dangerous as long as a few procedures are followed which does require reading up on it. I have made it using sulfur, soft wood Charcoal , and Potassium Nitrate using wood tools to grind it in a wood bowl. The Dixie Gunworks catalog I have tells you how to do it.
Everything you'd ever want to know about making your own BP, courtesy of a enthusiast Swiss musketeer
Posted strictly for educational purposes. Ja ja, selbstverständlich!
Sliver Shooter
01-14-2014, 07:01
I have messed with it some and have not perfected the recipe to where it would work good. There are some vidios on line that go through the procedure, that I have watched and they explain most of the operation. I have a supply of NOS3 or what ever it is(saltpeter) just in case things get tough and we can't get ammo down the road. I can always shoot BP. There are precautions you must take but there's nothing that says you can't give it a try.
Major Tom
01-18-2014, 06:45
I cannot understand why anyone would want to make their own black powder! It's dangerous and you don't know what the end product is, ie: fff 1, ff2, ff3. BP is available. Sure it cost more now, but, no worries about it's performance or safety. IMHO, only a wannabe terrorist would want to make their own BP.
02-10-2014, 05:49
I doubt he is a wannabe terrorist, LOL
It is good to know how to do this kind of stuff. Heck in the old days lots of people made their own powder... They did it mostly out of necessity, but there is nothing wrong with replicating what our ancestors did. It is kinda a homage to them I think..Heck go hide in a corner if you are all that afraid that Danger may be lurking everywhere..GEEEZ
Major Tom your comments kinda frighten me. Somewhat sounds like stuff the Liberals say. Like who needs an Evil "Assault" AR15 anyway. Only bad guys in their opinion I guess. You are from Iowa, so that may explain your thinking or lack of..
02-10-2014, 10:13
US Patent No: 4,497,676 "Gunpowder substituted composition and method"
Granted: 02/04/1985
Inventor: Earl F. Kurtz, Las Vegas NV
Abstract: A gunpowder substitute which is capable of also being molded into a consumable cartridge or cartridge case comprising between 50% to 75% by weight of an inorganic nitrate and between 25% to 50% by weight of an organic acid including ascorbic acid, erythorbic acid and mixtures thereof.
No idea if it works, but it sounds like fun.
broom jockey
02-13-2014, 07:52
Major Tom your comments kinda frighten me. Somewhat sounds like stuff the Liberals say. Like who needs an Evil "Assault" AR15 anyway. Only bad guys in their opinion I guess. You are from Iowa, so that may explain your thinking or lack of..[/QUOTE]
carbineone: your disgusting slam of Major Tom is appropriate of someone who thinks he knows-it-all, snobby and just plain immature.
02-14-2014, 07:46
First I will mention this just to give you a idea why I think the way I do of Toms comments and why you are a idiot for defending his comments..The NMLRA actually has a seminar during their Muzzleloader events that actually teaches you how to make Black Powder. Stupid comments like Toms hurt us all when they are publicly spewed....I am sure they are not the only Muzzle loading association that has done this type of thing either..
I guess all those Muzzleloading Freedom loving members of the NMLRA are Terrorists, HUH Tom..And surely Broom Jock agrees with your thinking as he is defending the un-defendable terrorists comments of yours..
You have the right to say what you say about me,I have the right to say what I think..You have the right to wrongfully defend Toms stupid terrorists comments..
We do not need more people like good old Tom. Telling us what we should not or cannot do. We have enough of those types around..
People who make their own Black Powder. Which is a fairly large crowd... Are the ones offended by his stupid disgusting terrorist comments. Alot of people do it just for the Historical aspect of doing it. Alot of people have to because it is getting harder and harder to find and very expensive.
That comment insinuating that those who want to make Black Powder are terrorists, is right out of the Leftist liberal antis playbook and is very offending....
And yes I do know it all if that makes you feel any better or hopefully worse for that matter:icon_lol: I have been around long enough to know it all also..
I am not "slamming" Tom. He made a ass of himself all on his own with his comments.. I am defending my rights and my freedom to do something if I choose to, against someone who happened to make an Idiotic terrorist comment about a group of people who are obviously not terrorists...
There is so much ignorance about subjects that come up on the Internet, that it is good there are some people who will repute the ignorance of those comments when they arise..To insinuate a group of Law abiding people are terrorists because they like to make Black Powder, is obviously one of those times that needs defending..
Toms comments and others like his cannot go unchallenged..
Now Go Away...PLEASE
broom jockey
02-17-2014, 09:52
You calling Major Tom an "ass"! And that makes you 'What'? Major Tom has been thru more than you ever would want to do. He absolutely was not calling BP makers "terrorists", He has spilled more powder both BP and smokeless than you will ever load. He is not against making your own BP, just trying to warn of the dangers. Nuff said and nuff name calling!!
02-17-2014, 03:26
Here is his exact quote if you cannot read. What do you take away from that comment... WOW
" IMHO, only a wannabe terrorist would want to make their own BP. "
I and others that make it cannot construe it as anything else, clearly he called us "wannabe terrorists"..Geeez What the heck do you not understand there...You think that statement is less offensive because he used the word "wannabe"..Well it is not..
Making BP is perfectly safe if you take the time to obtain the knowledge to do so, and have atleast a half a brain to use why doing it..
Tom is likely sorry and embarrassed he made the comment. But the fact is he did and he cannot take it back now. Maybe he wishes he could..Maybe not. But that is up to him to defend his comments.. NOT YOU
I welcome Tom to clarify his comments if he can. You have no further need to reply...
And what makes you think Tom has spilled more BP than I have ever used...That is a fact that I cannot verify, so I guess I will have to concede that stupid statement from you too. Maybe he has, maybe he has not. Heck maybe I am clumsier and I have spilled more than he has ever shot or loaded..You are funny that is for sure.. But I would think if he is that involved in BP shooting, he would know not just "wannabe terrorists" make BP.....You are something else..
Also I never called Tom a name at all in my original post. He never even replied back to me....You however called me snobby, immature. You in fact took the low road first and got the name calling started in this thread, not I.
I said he was thinking like a Liberal. That is not name calling, that is a a reference to the way someones thinking on issue is..
I am going to post his comment on a large forum and get a vote on as to if that is a offensive comment or not and will link you to it...Thanks
02-18-2014, 12:55
If I had worded the poll differently I would have gotten 100% that it was a stupid comment. But asking if you would be offended instead got a few votes for not being offensive but still stupid... Anyway. It is still a victory and as some put it, a idiotic statement for a person to make..
I like the one guys input that the Founding Fathers made their own BP and I should be proud to be in that Company with them....I am...
Anyway I rest my case and claim victory and will not be back to this thread. If you want and have any questions PM or email me..Thanks
02-27-2014, 07:25
I have read that many model rocket folks make their own propellants which is black powder. They have different methods and mixtures and compare their results with factory made black powder. They are quite ingenious and some have some pretty sophisticated equipment for testing. It has come a long ways from ball mills and bunkers. Some BP shooters use their formulas to concoct their own mix seeking that elusive perfect powder. It appears to be somewhat labor intensive, but interesting to read their results. As with any hobby it is a good idea to do all the research ahead of time before jumping in. I have never attempted to make it because Swiss powder is available as well as other brands in my home town. It's easier for me to pull out the plastic and get a pound or two rather than assemble all the needed supplies and equipment to make it.
O K, OK, OK.......
Wasn't the original thought to make a "black powder substitute"?
Asorbic acid or something?
mold maker
03-03-2014, 03:32
I make my own and I'm no terrorist.
It is just as safe as hand loading.
It requires using common sense and following some rules.
If ya cant follow the rules and have no common sense, don't do it. But than, you have no bizz handling any kind of powder, primers, or guns.
03-06-2014, 12:40
US Patent No: 4,497,676 "Gunpowder substituted composition and method"
Granted: 02/04/1985
Inventor: Earl F. Kurtz, Las Vegas NV
Abstract: A gunpowder substitute which is capable of also being molded into a consumable cartridge or cartridge case comprising between 50% to 75% by weight of an inorganic nitrate and between 25% to 50% by weight of an organic acid including ascorbic acid, erythorbic acid and mixtures thereof.
No idea if it works, but it sounds like fun.
It works pretty good, it's marketed as American Pioneer Powder. I recently shot a 1", 3 shot group at 100yds using TC Shocker 200gr Spire Points over 120gr. The rifle was an very inexpensive CVA Buckhorn Magnum. I was super impressed as I didn't even have to adjust the old Armsport 4x scope I'd put on it. I know one can buy ascorbic acid acid powder, all you need is to find a source of nitrates. I won't be mixing my own soon, but might consider doing so at some point in the future. Might even play with it in a 30-40 Krag with cast bullets.
I had some American Pioneer substitute and used it up. As it got older, it definitely deteriorated but still worked. I tried to buy more but cold not find it anywhere for sale. In the end I went to Alliant Black MZ which I am told is the same thing. I read somewhere that Alliant bought out American Pioneer but I can't confirm that. The Black MZ is good stuff IMO. It has no sulfur and clean up is just warm water. I mixed up some cleaner made from equal parts Murphy's Oil Soap, Alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. It cleans it up nice. The only problem is I have to buy the powder from Grafs or other mail order operation. No one sells it locally. All I can find on the shelves around here is Pyrodex and it's somewhat corrosive.
I used to make it when I was a kid. We'd fill little bottles and taped them to toy cars. Made our own fuses and set "matchbox" land speed records.
Same here. I used BBQ charcoal and ground everything up like flour. I don't remember the ratio but it was like firecracker BP and very potent. You could put a match to a pile of it and it would flash off leaving hardly no residue. I set some of it off using a 2" diameter steel water pipe cut down to about 20" long with a treaded cap on one end basically making it a cannon. I put it in a pipe vise outside on a bench and aimed it straight up almost. When I lit it off the wind concussion blew out all the windows of my Dad's workshop, it cracked some old auto batteries that had been sitting outside and they started leaking, there was an old steel rusted 5 gal bucket sitting there as well that was full of rain water. That bucket never held water again. All of this just from the concussion. The pipe launched itself from the vise and went >10' into hard packed driveway gravel. It turned some junk into super junk--I needed to clean up the place anyway. Those were the good old days.
I for one would not have wanted a substitution for this. This fine grade could not have been used in a firearm bore or chamber but would have made great flash powder for a flintlock.
James Kelly
06-08-2017, 06:40
Used to make it when I was a kid. However, I was Immortal then.
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