View Full Version : Rem 03A3 SN 3861019 - Small or Large TG?

11-12-2013, 01:43
I recently purchased a great looking Remington 03A3. Serial Number is 3861019, barrel date is 4-43, stock is RA marked and has pins. Plus the whole thing looks like it's been together a long time. Based on my research and experience I'm good with all of that.

There was one thing wrong with it. The cutoff was a Smith Corona. Since I've never heard about 03A3's having the "lateral support" that might explain a lot of otherwise improper M1 Carbine parts, I have to conclude that cutoff is a replacement.

The fact that the cutoff has been altered makes me wonder about another easily changed part, the trigger guard. So here's the question:

In the experience of the group should a Remington 03A3 with SN 3861019, which the calculated month end serial number chart by Mr. Hansen places as an August produced receiver, have a small or large bow trigger guard?

11-12-2013, 03:20
I will take a stab and say more than likely an August assembly would have used an unpadded, large bow guard. The finish, on an original, would have been blue.


John Beard
11-12-2013, 06:44
Your rifle should have a large-bow trigger guard. But, a small-bow trigger guard cannot be considered incorrect. All design/manufacturing changes have an associated transition range. And your rifle falls at the far edge of that range. As Jim Gaynor says, just be sure that it has a blued finish.

Hope this helps.
