View Full Version : Maybe an '03 National match . . . At one time . . . . .

11-13-2013, 01:40
. . . In the distant past!!!

I saw this rifle today in my LGS.

Serial #1511176 . . . . Barrel marked "SA 3-38" with the "turtle" denoting star gaged.

If this was once a NM, it isn't now!

This rifle was sporterized . . . . Make that mutilated . . . years ago, beyond redemption!!

Could someone please check SRS??

Many thanks! --Jim

11-13-2013, 03:28
Your serial number is not listed, but it is in amongst many in that serial range that were sold as receivers through the DCM. Pictures would really help.

11-13-2013, 04:00
Thank you sir . . . .
Maybe this WAS sold as a receiver, then made into a rifle using a SA star gaged barrel.
I know some people used this method to make these "hybreds" back in the day.
Many thanks for looking it up. --Jim