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View Full Version : Winchester m1D question. need info please

razors edge
11-17-2013, 12:51
I'm wanting to buy an m1D Winchester off a guy but not sure about the cartouche. It is a closed box S.A over an RA. ON BUTT STOCK. Also the ribbed upper hand gaurd clip is not present. The guy said they never re -used that unique ribbed hand gaurd clip that is factory on w.r.a rifles. Mostly because Springfield rebuilt them with their own hand guards. Cheek pad , sling and barrel have the same date 1-52. Has an m 84 scope and hart flash hider Asking me to pay $ 2,700...pretty much the sum of parts.my main concern is the cartouche and hand quard clip...I feel price is fair enough.

Johnny P
11-20-2013, 05:51
Does he have documentation that the rifle was shipped from the DCM or CMP as an M1D? All the parts were available through the surplus market, and a lot were built up from these parts.

razors edge
12-07-2013, 09:11
CMP SAID IT WAS SOLD IN 1999. as an m1D! I got a statement letter only and a blacked out copy of a receipt-is this acceptable documentation??

12-08-2013, 06:49
Buy it!

razors edge
12-08-2013, 01:00
I did buy it week's ago. Thanks...