View Full Version : Hatcock and the 50 cal at the arizona??
i have lived with enough MA deuces and cleaned enough of them to know that there are no screw holes for a unertl scope.
how did he mount the scope on the fifty cal for the shot he made in the Arizona?
so many knowledgeable folks out there some one has to know?
went back to correct the spelling fror hathcock but could not do it
It may have been the spotting rifle on a recoilless rifle.
it was a tripod mounted deuce, that for sure, have seen photos of it
11-21-2013, 03:02
The old M2HB rear sight bases had a dovetail scope sight off to the left side of the irons . I believe he fashioned a scope mount out of a night vision bracket .
i have the distinction of being one of the Marines that those bastards at AnHoi used to shoot at, can remember being on all fours to avoid being a tick mark on a stock
Until Carlos eliminated the threat to a large degree
see if i can get this to work
50 cal sniping clip from afghanistan
this is supposed to be the actual 50 cal that he made up, now i can not say for true it is, but it is reported to be
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
11-24-2013, 07:51
I have seen a picture of Hathcock aiming what appears to be the same weapon.
beats ne?
this is supposed to be the actual 50 cal that he made up, now i can not say for true it is, but it is reported to be
That M2's scope has the newer shiny mounts and a recoil spring on it. I would almost bet that that's not the USMC scope.
David H.
11-28-2013, 01:33
It also appears to be sighted for 100 yards.
11-29-2013, 02:23
The picture in post 7 has the newer no scope rail rear sight and the scope bracket has a clamp set up that goes over the top of the reciever .
The mount in post 9 has no clamp over the reciever ( you can see the reciever's rivets there , nothing covering them up ) and attaches around the rear sight area. It's too blury to see if it's on the old style rail or a completely homemade set up.
Palago, like a lot of the stuff on the internet your(very old) vid was pooh-poohed long ago. People don't blow up like that(if that's what your alluding to). It might be Aphgan(or anywhere)but those are rock chucks(or something).
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
12-05-2013, 05:40
Palago, like a lot of the stuff on the internet your(very old) vid was pooh-poohed long ago. People don't blow up like that(if that's what your alluding to). It might be Aphgan(or anywhere)but those are rock chucks(or something).
A fifty cal round will absolutely tear your ass apart. Saw a dink running across a rice paddy hit with a fifty cal and he did a flip in the air when hit, with what looked to be his internal organs flying all over the place including one of his rib cages. We recovered his carcass and he was thoroughly disemboweled to a high degree. Had a fellow Marine accidentally hit with a fifty cal ricochet (I did not see him the moment he was hit), and the damage to his body was just freaking incredible.
I had a 50 cal Barrett for several years, and my personal observation was that the damage from one of the rounds (talking about deer now) was way more pronounced at longer ranges than at point blank range. I was using Argentine surplus military ammo ($7 a pop at the time).
Who poo-pooed the video? I, for one, have no doubt they are authenticate.
Do they have 200 lb rock chucks in Afghanistan?
12-05-2013, 11:52
Regarding the pic of the M2 and scope....the bracket looks different and I believe that's a 1.5" scope...the objective bell looks different than the 1 1/4" target scope.
Palago, like a lot of the stuff on the internet your(very old) vid was pooh-poohed long ago. People don't blow up like that(if that's what your alluding to). It might be Aphgan(or anywhere)but those are rock chucks(or something).
next time i will be sure to ask if it is okay with you to post something
You should, I know almost everything! LOL
The vid you posted is just an aside to the real interesting fact that Carlos rigged up a .50 as a sniper rifle. I read the biograghy a long time ago.
-I'm surprised we haven't covered this before. The video clips have been around for a few years. They appear to have been taken from this site:
Varmint Safari- (from a thread about the vid that was posted in' 07).
The equiptment and training that goes into long range shooting today is amazing. I kind of feel the same way about some of this stuff as I do about prospectors who found motherloads with just a pickaxe and a mule. It's always some really tough/smart,dogged guy who does it first.
It also appears to be sighted for 100 yards.
Interesting observation. The two pictures show the scope pointing in very different directions.
01-04-2014, 09:24
The pic in post 9 indicates they are shooting a long way!
Interesting thing, the scope rings are only about 2" apart (I'm guessing) but they are clearly too close for the adjusting ring to work correctly.
I would think the recoil would wreck the scope with all that scope hanging out.
Badger Ordnance
no doubt though that gun in post 9 is being used when the picture was taken there is a casing in the air under it and a link in the air to the right pretty cool pictures if you ask me
this is supposed to be the actual 50 cal that he made up, now i can not say for true it is, but it is reported to be
The .50 base mount looks like a base mount for a AN/TVS-2 night vision scope. The AN/TVS-2 base mount was probably left on the .50 during the day time when the Unertl scope was used. The Unertl scope looks like a commercial one that was readily available through the base exchange system. Hathcock having been a member of the Marine shooting team probably had access to his buds back in Quantico to make up the Unertl base. I imagine after night fall the Unertl was removed and Hathcock used the AN/TVS-2 night vision scope for night time sniping with the .50. I cannot think of anything more deadly at night.
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
01-05-2014, 05:05
The .50 base mount looks like a base mount for a AN/TVS-2 night vision scope. The AN/TVS-2 base mount was probably left on the .50 during the day time when the Unertl scope was used. The Unertl scope looks like a commercial one that was readily available through the base exchange system. Hathcock having been a member of the Marine shooting team probably had access to his buds back in Quantico to make up the Unertl base. I imagine after night fall the Unertl was removed and Hathcock used the AN/TVS-2 night vision scope for night time sniping with the .50. I cannot think of anything more deadly at night.--fjruple
The background doesn't look like any part of Hill 55 I ever saw.
The picture shown is a later model Unertl as it has recoil spring and shiny mounts instead of blacken. I don't think you would find shiny mounts in a combat zone on any rifle.
Those arent shiney. They are on my unertl they are a flat matte grey/silver
A fifty cal round will absolutely tear your ass apart. Saw a dink running across a rice paddy hit with a fifty cal and he did a flip in the air when hit, with what looked to be his internal organs flying all over the place including one of his rib cages. We recovered his carcass and he was thoroughly disemboweled to a high degree. Had a fellow Marine accidentally hit with a fifty cal ricochet (I did not see him the moment he was hit), and the damage to his body was just freaking incredible.
I had a 50 cal Barrett for several years, and my personal observation was that the damage from one of the rounds (talking about deer now) was way more pronounced at longer ranges than at point blank range. I was using Argentine surplus military ammo ($7 a pop at the time).
Who poo-pooed the video? I, for one, have no doubt they are authenticate.
Do they have 200 lb rock chucks in Afghanistan?
That video has been extensively "debunked". Those are rock chucks or varmints of some other kind.
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
01-06-2014, 08:33
That video has been extensively "debunked". Those are rock chucks or varmints of some other kind.
Who "debunked" them? What varmint that size exist in those mountains?
I would like to know how the size and weight of the target can be determined from the video with no point of reference. You're right, I cannot name the people that debunked this video, but I put a lot of faith in the folks on this website. Their knowlege and experience regarding this type of shooting is pretty much unimpeachable. If the folks on the Culver's Shooting Page site say the video really does portray the shooting of human bad guys I will change my position. On the other hand, if most of them think it is not some Taliban a..holes getting blown away you should consider changing your position. The thought of the video being real is very satisfying, but that is not enough to prove it is real.
been some comment and or questioln as to (not a quote but close) has anyone seen what a fifty cal does to the human body,
yes i have
it not only puts the insides on the outside but blows it into chunks and blows it in the air
a torso shot usually leaves thighs, knees and feet not much else
i have never seen anyone walk away from a fifty cal hit
No i did not shoot them myself, but we had them at 881 and we used them, and they do reach out and touch
01-06-2014, 07:40
Some of you may like to know the M2 now has modern scope mounts; the most common in the form of a bracket that fits over rear sight. Also, the butterfly trigger assembly has been updated with a safety switch.
Mw too! Wasn't it An Hoa?
David H.
05-21-2014, 11:25
I have been told this Unertl is set up for the M2. I showed it to my Supervisor who is an old Marine (I say old Marine because there is no such thing as an X-Marine). He states He saw one set up in Beirut like it. He is not one to tell tails. I showed him the scope and he looked through it and said in a matter of fact way it was set up for a .50 M2. I don't know how true It is, but his word is golden with me. It dose have that been there done that look about it. It has a post reticle in it instead of cross-hairs. vPhY/cC/f%3D0/ls%3D00109240483020071128081438093.JPG/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/
Photo below is titled "Carlos_Hathcock_M2-1.jpg" but could have been mislabeled.
Another photos of M2 with scope:
David H.
05-22-2014, 11:30
Here is a pic of the post reticle. It is still a clear optic. Dave vPhY/cC/f%3D0/ls%3D00109240483020071128081559158.JPG/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/
David H.
05-23-2014, 09:38
another pic. vPhY/cC/f%3D0/ls%3D00109240483020071128081558307.JPG/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/
Jay Johnson
05-24-2014, 11:26
How many of you know that William Brophy, the same Brophy of the 1903 rifle reference book fame, is one of the early pioneers of the .50 BMG sniper rifle?
"Hathcock's successful 50-caliber experience rests on work Brophy began with the 50 caliber in Korea in 1951. However, Brophy redesigned the firearm to make it more easily usable and deployable. Thinking that turn about was fair play he took a Soviet PTRD 14.5mm (57 caliber) bolt-action antitank rifle and fitted it with a 50-caliber machine gun barrel. The rifle had a skeleton tube stock, an elevating device as a pistol grip, a bipod for stability, and a cheek piece that projected from the stock. With a scope mounted on top it looked like a Jurassic Age ancestor of the rifles that running boar shooters use today. The use of the 50 caliber enabled Brophy and his team to inflict casualties on the enemy at ranges between 1,000 to 2,000 yards."
If you've never read Bill Brophy's bio, you should. Here's the bio where the above quote comes from
been some comment and or questioln as to (not a quote but close) has anyone seen what a fifty cal does to the human body,
yes i have
it not only puts the insides on the outside but blows it into chunks and blows it in the air
a torso shot usually leaves thighs, knees and feet not much else
i have never seen anyone walk away from a fifty cal hit
No i did not shoot them myself, but we had them at 881 and we used them, and they do reach out and touch
Pelago, A captain with the local fire department suffered a grazing wound to his hand from a VC with a ma Deuce............ Donny always felt he was truly blessed that the round did not hit him anywhere on his torso..........he has a helluva scar, but has pretty good use of that hand.....
Added: Jay thanks for the link to the best piece on Wm. Brophy that I've ever seen
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