View Full Version : Persian Mauser trivia

11-30-2013, 07:21
Recently discussed the crest on the Persian Mauser with a coin collector and learned a bit of trivia. The crest is also found on many items such as architecture in palaces, literature, etc but it was also used extensively in coinage. It was also stamped on the 1930s Czech made rifles as well as the 1940s Iranian manufactured short and long rifles. (It is also found on the Persian contract Lugers and Broomhandle Mauser pistols). The crest contains the Lion and Sun symbol (Sheer va Khorsheed): the rifle's crest contains the addition of the Pahlavi royal crown. The Lion and Sun has a complicated history in Iran/Persia; the crown was adapted by Reza Shah from the earlier Qajar dynasty he supplanted. The wreath is composed of olive and grape leaves representing peace. The Pahlavi crown still exists and is available for viewing at a museum in Tehran; it contains numerous precious gems centered around a rare yellow diamond. The crown also has an attached feather in the Qajar style, the feather sits atop the front part of crown and its type and meaning are still being researched.


FWIW: wiki page.




http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r50/joesmith_05/PersianVZ9829crest01_zps9bfe9109.jpg (http://s141.photobucket.com/user/joesmith_05/media/PersianVZ9829crest01_zps9bfe9109.jpg.html)

12-01-2013, 07:05
Some early made Persian/Czech VZ-24's were marked with the standard Czech markings of the time, with just a small crown on reciever ring above the Czech markings.

12-01-2013, 10:48
Neat. Which crown? The Persian or Czech royal crown?

12-01-2013, 01:51
Exactly like the one at top of the Sun-Lion crest you picture. Back when these were imported and sold, the 60's both types were advertised. I have only seen one of the 'crown' 24's and I bought it. But then neither that one or full crested 24's show up often! Persia also purchased FN model 24 or 30's during the 30's, with full crest.
I am not aware of any Czech royal crown, they became a Republic after WW1.

12-02-2013, 01:47
Neat, learn something new all the time. Will have to check Ball for any pics.