View Full Version : M1D with K-4 Weaver
12-03-2013, 09:19
Has anyone seen or have info on a M1D with 1 in.USGI mount with a K-4 Weaver scope? Thanks
12-04-2013, 05:19
Check the CMP Forum. I remember reading a number of threads over there about this...
Johnny in Texas
12-04-2013, 08:08
I have seen 3 of them in the box with documents showing they were shipped with the Weaver scope. I should have bought the first one I saw for 2000.00
12-04-2013, 03:45
These rifles had Weaver K4-60B scopes and required a special 1" mount. A number of these rilfes were included in the M1D CMP lottery of the 1990's. The parts for this set up use to be available at kind of reasonable prices. I recall that the CMP was selling some of the scopes at the National Matches for something like $40 to $60 - M84 scopes were being sold at that time for $175 with the elevation and windage caps missing. You could buy the 1" mounts for around $125 - these mounts now sell for in the area of $650 or more and are very hard to find.
12-04-2013, 06:55
Good Day,
I was fortunate that years ago (more than 15) I struck a deal and came home with a complete Weaver set up. It originally was purchased as Port Clinton and I bought it for $250. The scope cover is also marked Weaver.
12-04-2013, 10:04
Years ago I was walking around a gun show and a fellow was selling a Springfeld Rebuilt M1-D rifle serial number range 591XXXX for real cheap like $1000.00 ! (with all the correct accessories except the shipping box) I asked the guy what was wrong with the rifle and looked closely at the receiver- Some local "GARAND" experts said it was a reweld and had a fake scope and mount on it; one of the "Experts" was a founding member of the GCA from the midwest !! I ran back to the table and bought the rifle for $900.00 cash !! Later on one of the "Garand Experts" came over to my table and cussed me out for buying the rifle out from under him ! So I asked him why he didn't buy it right off and he said "Well he had a deal with the guy for $750.00 if he had the rifle at the end of the show!" So I said to him "you snooze; you lose!" and asked him if cheating a person is the mode for a GCA Member?? So not to offend anyone here there were two serious problems here at least! Dishonesty by saying the rifle was a reweld and also that it had a fake scope and mount on it!! I still have the rifle and will post pictures of it if anyone wants to see them !
12-05-2013, 06:47
Thanks to everyone! I recently picked one up at a gun show. I am going to try to get the Weaver scope approved for the CMP Sniper matches.
Jim in Salt Lake
12-06-2013, 01:10
1903rifleman, you should argue that since the K4 is CMP legal for a Swedish Mauser, which was never actually used, that it should be legal for an M1 where it was.
12-06-2013, 02:58
Thanks Jim in Salt Lake. I did bring up the Swedish Mauser. But I did not know it was never used.
12-07-2013, 10:17
1903 rifleman, Good luck getting that set up approved. It is most definitely a post 1953 configuration. It's a nice set up for sure but the odds are stacked against it ever being approved.
12-30-2013, 05:46
Is anyone making a repro of the 1" M1D scope mount as used with the K4 Weaver? If not, seems like there would be potential for sales especially if they were priced fairly
12-31-2013, 01:15
I once knew an aftermarket parts guy that looked into this aspect--Making a 1 inch mount in China where the other mounts are made would cost in Excess of $100,000.00 Dollars in start up costs alone--So go figure how many you would have to make to break even, and that company already had the rest of the stuff to complete the mount manufacturing operation! So figure that this will never come to pass!! A defiante money Pit !!
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