View Full Version : 03A3 Ejector help request

Viking Guy
12-15-2013, 01:01

I've got a Rem 03A3 with an ejector problem. I have uninstalled/installed dozens of these and have never run across this problem. After the ejector is installed, it binds up meaning it will not pivot fore and aft on the pin without great difficulty. If I install it and just put a loose punch point in place of the pin, it works just fine. With the ejector out of the rifle, it pivots just fine on the pin. The pin does not appear bent and the ejector moves freely on it when out of the rifle. The ejector has no apparent defects. Any ideas? Maybe just replace the pin and ejector since they are normally not that expensive? Before that, I suppose I could swap out with another rifle, but this is driving me nuts!


12-15-2013, 04:54
If you've got another set try your extra pin first. I had one the pin looked fine on but when I pulled one out of another rifle everything worked. Good luck.

Allen Humphrey
12-15-2013, 04:55
Any burrs on the part or on the receiver. Is the hole in the ejector true? How about dried on cosmo back where is sits in the receiver. Check the part thickness. I just measured 3 and they were all .164 to 165" thick. Just some thoughts. Good luck.

Dan Shapiro
12-15-2013, 05:22
Roll the pin between your thumb and forefinger. If it's out of round, you'll "feel" it. Had a trigger pin in an M1 that looked okay, but the trigger was frozen. Finally, while looking at the pin and rolling it between thumb and forefinger I could feel that it was out of round.

John Beard
12-15-2013, 06:52
If the ejector pin is seated hard against the ejector, then it will bind the ejector. Try tapping the ejector pin down very, very slightly and see if that loosens up the ejector.

Hope this helps. Merry Christmas!


Viking Guy
12-16-2013, 09:27
Thanks Guys,

I'll fiddle with it tonight when I get home from work

Merry Christmas,

Viking Guy
12-16-2013, 09:37
Thanks Guys,

I'll fiddle with it tonight when I get home from work

Merry Christmas,

12-16-2013, 12:30
Thanks Guys,

I'll fiddle with it tonight when I get home from work

Merry Christmas,

While you're fiddling, you might want to use a dental pick to remove any gunk that's hiding in the receiver recess that houses the ejector. --Jim

Viking Guy
12-17-2013, 12:46
I found a spare ejector and pin in my parts locker. I tried swapping out the pin only with the same problem as above. Swapped out the ejector keeping original pin...same problem. Swapped both ejector and pin together and that solved the problem. Go figure. Thanks for all the suggestions!