View Full Version : Need information on bayonet.

12-19-2013, 11:44
I have a bayonet that I need some info on. It is a 10 inch marked on the blade with PAL in a circle with a flaming bomb and 1943. On the handle backside it has the markings KM 10058. I think it was originally an 18 inch blade. Bayonet is overall in good shape and of course it fits my Smith Corona 1903-A3. The guy that sold it to me said the PAL was hard to find and of course was worth more. The scabbard is marked with the flaming bomb with U.S. inside the bomb. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

12-19-2013, 11:55
Please delete double post. Thank you.

sac troop
12-19-2013, 01:01
From the markings you listed it sounds like your bayonet was originally a PAL made Model 1942, 16 inch blade. (Speculation), the KM 10058 may refer to when the bayonet was modified to 10 inch blade.
Others here I'm sure will know more about these.

OBTW, your bayonet also fits the M1 Garand.

12-19-2013, 01:35
Thank you for that info. Reason I bought it was because of the 1943 stamp on it. Same as manufacture date on my A3. I have already had it on my M1 also.