View Full Version : rapid fire reload
looking for advice from others matching shooters what technique do you use for rapid fire reload during the vintage matches with your krag I am used to an 03 and obviously an ar but I'd like to know what technique to use to reload the five rounds within the allotted time you get for rapid fire. thank you for any input
I cant the rifle to the left, then grab 2 rds from the box, drop them in (making sure the rims are well in the rear of the opening, otherwise the bullet noses hang up on the front and fall in diagonally), grab 2 more and drop them in, then the last rd. Shut the gate and drive on. Never had a problem with it. There are a number of methods, probably faster than mine, but the key is, as with all things, to practice, practice, practice. Using dummy rounds of course. Best of luck!
12-22-2013, 06:41
12-22-2013, 06:45
There are plans out there for a 5-round charger that works well with the Krag (Parashooter and Madsenshooter... please feel free to chime in here), but in the last two Vintage Rifle matches at Camp Perry, I did about the same thing as M2Phil... Tilt slightly to the left with the gate open. Where we differ is I grab all five rounds. If you're careful, and practice, you can drop the five rounds in, close the gate, and bang away! My trick is to lay the five rounds on the mat with the rims overlapping so when I pick them up all at once, they are already in the correct orientation.
You should make some dummy rounds of what you'll shoot to practice with (I shoot 220 gr round nosed, so I made ten dummy rounds with 220 gr bullets for practicing). Don't plan to shoot 180 grain spritzers, and practice with 110 grain... if you do, then you'll have problems on game day! Always practice with your competition setup!
Where are you located Rick? I'm in Southeast Michigan, and I'm always up for going shooting, and always happy to help too!
12-22-2013, 06:45
Oops... Guess Para was posting at the same time as I was, LOL
12-22-2013, 06:51
. . .Don't plan to shoot 180 grain spritzers. . .
There you go again with the wine and seltzer!
12-22-2013, 07:22
OFGS... This stupid auto correct! That's the second time it did this!
Im in arizona but if you want to drive out im sure dragonfly and i would go shooting lol
On a side not does anyone know where i can find that charger thing videoded above?
12-23-2013, 12:46
I use a charger loosely based on parashooters design. It spritzes em in there with one finger. Used to a 60 second limit, I have lots of time left with an 80 second limit.
I use a Mosin-nagant stripper clip. I open the gate and tilt the rifle slightly to the left . The stripper clip is the cheap Tapco one which holds the Krag rounds loose enough so that I can push them in with just one finger.
12-23-2013, 07:38
It spritzes em in there with one finger.
You all are going to keep harassing me on this, eh? LOL
12-23-2013, 07:42
Im in arizona but if you want to drive out im sure dragonfly and i would go shooting lol
Hmmmm Thinking of heading to Vegas in February... Should I tell my wife we're planning a side trip???
Sounds good ... do it around washingtons birthday match and we will put together a krag team
Now that said.... can someone tell me where to get one of those cool reloaders
Ken in Iowa
12-24-2013, 05:12
I leave the 5 cartridges lined up on the mat. Open the gate. Tilt rifle to the left with muzzle slightly elevated. Scoop up the cartridges and pour them in. The magazine sorts out the rims. I use 173 gr GI Match bullets that feed reliably in my rifles.
I dropped a cartridge in the last match. No matter, I just fired the 4 that were loaded and grabbed a single when I was done. I had plenty of time.
In a Grand Army of the Frontier SASS match, one Krag shooter using a belt with double loops would pull the 5 rounds between his fingers. It worked very slick. That was standing of course.
12-24-2013, 10:59
Now that said.... can someone tell me where to get one of those cool reloaders
Madsenshooter was going to get some made from an injection molding company he knew... Maybe we should start leaning on him????
12-24-2013, 11:44
Best get out your tin snips, and the bandaids.
12-25-2013, 04:49
These guys might set a standard:
Ned Butts
12-25-2013, 06:55
Who's got a 3D printer?!?!?
I bet all our liberal/leftist friends are amazed that with all those terrorists/criminals tossing all those rounds down-range, NO ONE was massacred! "That video clip musta' been STAGED!" --Jim
Dick Hosmer
12-25-2013, 08:39
One thing struck me immediately - which I've never seen mentioned before - is that they apparently never let go of the bolt, and pull the trigger with another finger. The Krag shooter sure is smooth with that charger - of course the rimless round takes a bit of the uncertainty out of the drop-in process - but VERY impressive, nonetheless.
12-25-2013, 04:09
Practice Practice practice.
Impressive with a capital I
12-25-2013, 05:14
Hmm, I have one bolt body that has had the handle lengthened and lowered enough that I can use his technique. Never thought to try it before, but it works pretty good. Let me see how it does in the parkerized Krag, it has the best trigger of the bunch. Works pretty good, you gotta be careful with the trigger, but one would get better at it with practice. Now, if I can just find that old shooting mitt, and some velcro to fasten the charger to the back of the mitt. Then I could open the trap, reach a bit further forward and get the charger.....then I'd be set, except for tickets and directions to this race. Looks like a good event for one of Bob S's hopped up K31s.
12-28-2013, 07:24
One thing struck me immediately - which I've never seen mentioned before - is that they apparently never let go of the bolt, and pull the trigger with another finger. The Krag shooter sure is smooth with that charger - of course the rimless round takes a bit of the uncertainty out of the drop-in process - but VERY impressive, nonetheless.
I seem to recall somewhere/someone/some reference stating that this technique was what the Brits used/were taught circa WW1 era and is what allowed them to obtain such high rates of fire with the SMLE. Anyone hear of same or know of a reference?
01-11-2014, 07:11
One thing struck me immediately - which I've never seen mentioned before - is that they apparently never let go of the bolt, and pull the trigger with another finger. The Krag shooter sure is smooth with that charger - of course the rimless round takes a bit of the uncertainty out of the drop-in process - but VERY impressive, nonetheless.
This is how volleyshooting has been done I Norway for the last 100 years. The speed shooting discipline is called "stangskyting". If you search for that in Youtube, you will find several examples.
01-12-2014, 03:51
In norway, Kongsberg produced a speedloader for the civillian marked. This model is still in use.
Thanks for tease, ranger66. How about sending a few hundred over to this side of the pond? Are they commonly available?
Found this whilst surfing...
01-12-2014, 02:12
Thanks for tease, ranger66. How about sending a few hundred over to this side of the pond? Are they commonly available?
Found this whilst surfing...
Interesting, those pictures indicates that a Norwegian speedloader can be used with 30-40 krag cartridges. Yes they are for sale now and then. I just found this on qxl, but the auction has ended.
01-12-2014, 02:47
But as I see it, this can be fixed in several ways without too much mechanical skills. in this video both the Krag and Mauser shooter uses the same speed loader, which is currently in production. It's made for the Mauser, but Staxrud, the Krag shooter, has adapted it for the Krag. He says it's quite easy, since it's made of plastic.
I would also think it should be possible to adapt a Lee-Enfield strpper clip for the Krag. I presume this stripper clip can hold 30-40 krag cartridges. It should be possible to lengthen the outside and mybe back og this clip by soldering on some sheet metal. If it is lenthened this way, to the total length of 6 cartridges, it should be possible to use it in a Krag.
Parashooter's design will work with both US 30-40 Krags, and Norwegian 6.5x55:
Bob S.
01-13-2014, 11:25
The spring and follower are just unnecessary mechanical complication in my opinion. I'd much rather use my finger. For more detailed direction for parashooters chargers, see post 20 here:
01-13-2014, 02:46
The spring and follower are just unnecessary mechanical complication in my opinion. I'd much rather use my finger. For more detailed direction for parashooters chargers, see post 20 here:
I agree, but still it isn't overly complex, and it has worked well since 1920 when it was introduced. In reality it's is nothing more than a single stack magazine with a release mechanism. But this was something that was made for the civillian marked. The armed forces never approved this model. The Parashooter design is very close to some models that was tested for the armed forces, among them the Hagen clip (after gunsmith Hagen). One of these was actually approved for the armed forces but it never went into production. (According to Hanevik's book).
Here are two charger clips that I bought from Parashooter years ago. The brass one with the ebony in it is the same one that is seen in the short video segment that shows it loading a Krag magazine. The copper clip is made by contouring the metal and soldering it closed. They're both made extremely well and function flawlessly. However I no longer have a Krag on which to use them. They are a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of Parashooter who insists that the chargers are a simple thing to make. They might be, but it still takes skill to make them properly. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
01-14-2014, 02:10
I'm going to be attempting to make one of these shortly. Hopefully, I'll make a good one and have it working like butter by in time for Camp Perry!
01-14-2014, 04:29
Gosh, the copper one looks good with that "antique" patina on it! Glad you liked 'em, Fred.
Appearance when new - no character!
I sure do! Money well spent! The patina on both developed while they were kicked around in a drawer with a bunch of other stuff over several years. They were both a lot darker but I swished them up with fine Bronze wool a bit.
01-15-2014, 03:28
Those clips seems to be wery well made. The problem must be solved then. Here is an article about the technique itself, with some videoes. These guys use more modern Sauer rifles with 5 round magazines, but the technique is the same. They use the middel finger to pull the trigger. Agotnes manages 17 aimed shots in 25 sec, by starting with a round in the chamber and throwing in a single round at the end.
01-16-2014, 04:26
In norway, Kongsberg produced a speedloader for the civillian marked. This model is still in use.
Neat, thanks for the info. Worked with Norwegian military, very professional. Many also immigrated to the US and Canada, there is a large festival up north, stop by sometime.
Here's another rapid fire display...
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