View Full Version : replacement stock for swede 94

12-25-2013, 10:26
Got a swede 94 barrelled action..can't find an original stock...Anywhere!... can I use a Chilean 95 or Spanish 93 stock and possibly put something together so I can have a shooter?..:icon_e_sad:

Joe Wagner
12-25-2013, 11:49
For what its worth, I'm doing the same thing. I got an m94 barrel last year, so I bought a m96 receiver on gunbroker, and the rest of the parts from Gun Parts. For a stock I'm using an M38 stock, and an m96 upper handguard. When I get it finished, the upper sling swivel will be in the wrong place, but at least I'll be able to shoot it. I installed the barrel in the receiver and checked the headspace-its good to go. Now I need to finish my woodwork, and install my sights, and assemble.

12-26-2013, 09:31
So, I guess the barreled action of a m94 will drop in a M38 stock w/o issues and I need a M96 handguard to get going?:icon_salut:

12-26-2013, 09:38
The handguards on 38/96's are different from the 94(rear site cutout). You can CUTDOWN a 38/96 stock to work on a 94 but it involves a lot of woodwork at the front end. I replicated the look by moving the barrel bands back into the thicker part of the stock. Lots of wood to remove and metal to mess with. The action falls right in with out a problem. Here are a few shots of what I did. I used a 96 stock because I found one that perfectly matched the 94 handguard I had. I have the "sporterized" stock you see on my 94 and I'd be happy to let it go to someone who wants it.
I used leather dye on the wood and I wish I hadn't.