View Full Version : 1903 Sprinfield Armory SRS request...

12-27-2013, 12:44
Curious if there is anything in SRS for SA 1903s 991166 or 908162... I likely will be utilizing one of these for a project and wonder if there is anything known about them.


John Beard
12-27-2013, 01:13
Seasons' Greetings!

No "cigar" on either one. Condolences.

Happy Holidays! :hello:



Ooooooo! I just realized how dated and politically incorrect is my reply. :eusa_shhh: So if you have trouble understanding it, I will translate it into more contemporary terms. ;)

12-27-2013, 01:18
Thanks for the reply JB! Both appear to be promising for what I want to do- build an M1903A1-USMC sniper replica for this summer. Both have a Hatcher Hole, and one has already been D&T, so I would feel less like a villain for using it in such a way... For the right price, I might just go for both of them- I'm sure that will definitely keep my wife happy for the holidays!! ;)