View Full Version : Correct M73B1 Variants For Mid and Late Production 1903A4's

12-30-2013, 12:00
Is there any received wisdom on when the variant M73B1's with screws in the center of the dials began to be used?

I have one of the early scopes with the solid knobs. The right side of the tube is lightly marked with electropencil:

Telescope M73B1
Serial No. 5000

The plate is marked:


My other scope, which has the screws in the knobs, has 7669511 stamped into the tube, and the plate reads:

STOCK NO. 7579931
SERIAL NO. 34207

The serial number on this one is electopenciled.

I am assuming that SN 5000, with the solid knobs, would be correct for my original condition 1903A4 with serial number 34209XX and SN 34207 would be more correct for my Z block A4. Were the variants with the screws in the knobs in use when the Z block rifles were produced in early 1944?

12-30-2013, 09:32
i believe the first scope (s/n 5000) was assembled from parts as a scope with "M73B1", the patent marks and Weaver Address on the data plate should only have the following on the side of the tube:

"SERIAL NO." (stamped) XXXXX (electro penciled)

2nd model scopes with the plain knobs seem to run from s/n's just over 10,000 to around 18,000. There after the knobs were changed to the version with the resettable zero scale. The Late 2nd variation scopes were used to about s/n 31000~. Thereafter the data plate was modified again removing the Weaver name and address and adding GI stock numbers for the scope assembly and the data plate. One additional GI stock number was stamped on the side of the tube.

Based on several auctions of Late M73B1's over the last few years where the scopes were still packed in sealed, dated factory packages I believe the latest variation of M73B1 (with Gi stock numbers) were probably not used on original A4 production. More than likely thay were furnished as spare parts since the packages from the actions bear dates from the spring of 1945 - well after A4 rifle production ceased.

All this said I would not put too fine a point on it. The M73B1 had a high mortality rate in combat so a late model replacement would be correct for either rifle. Virtually no one has an A4 with the same scope that was installed by Remington.

The other scope is more problematic. The data plate should be marked "Weaver 330" with the Patent information and Address. A scope in the 5000 S/n range would have originally been installed on an early A4 - probably assembled and shipped before June July 43.


12-30-2013, 09:54

"1903A4 with serial number 34209XX " Your serial number is between 1-49 from mine so this is helpful to me as well. Thanks Jim.
