View Full Version : New to me - 1898 Krag
Surplus Fan
01-06-2014, 05:33
New here. Frequent a few forums and recognize RTL from elsewhere. Been reading here and seems like a good group. I had been on a quest for a Krag for a while, had a misstep when I brought one home and had the barrel twist off in my hands upon inspection - bought from a big box who returned my money.
I read up online and probably handled a couple dozen at shows before I finally picked one up. Not long after I stumbled upon another that was a good deal so I grabbed it. Has a great bore. Need to slug it soon. I'm looking to get into reloading for these and would eventually love to shoot the Krag in competition. Thought this would be a good place to hang around as I delve deeper into this fine rifle.
Here is a link to pictures. Thought I'd share with my introduction.
Mark Daiute
01-06-2014, 08:11
thank you!
01-07-2014, 06:41
Welcome to the forum, and to the wonderful world of Krags!
That's a nice looking 1898. From the looks of the screw heads, it has probably been apart a few times. It should be a great shooter, and do you well in competitions As for the reloading, lots of great info and help here on this forum to get you started!
Rick the Librarian
01-07-2014, 06:44
Looks like an excellent example. I also enjoy shooting the Krag and have done a little reloading, as well.
Watch out, as Krags can be habit-forming. I started out about 10 years ago wanting just one "example". At last count, I now have SIX of the little darlings! :D
Surplus Fan
01-07-2014, 07:51
Welcome to the forum, and to the wonderful world of Krags!
That's a nice looking 1898. From the looks of the screw heads, it has probably been apart a few times. It should be a great shooter, and do you well in competitions As for the reloading, lots of great info and help here on this forum to get you started!
Thanks for the welcome. The buggered screw head is dissapointing but at $650 OTD I'm not too bummed.
01-07-2014, 07:55
That is a nice rifle! When I was a kid one of the things I heard time after time from the old-timers was "those are really accuraTE." Now I'm an old-timer and I have 3 of them. I think you will be happy with it.
The Krag in its carbine configuration (real or fake) is easily the best hunting rifle Springfield ever made. No sporterizing required. And the Krag period's military history is interesting as hell without being overwhelming.
Good luck!
Rick the Librarian
01-08-2014, 06:22
As I often say, considering the Krag was only a first line rifle for about 10 years, it saw a LOT of action - S/A War, Boxer Rebellion, Philippine Insurrection, etc.
Reproductoin screws can be had for most of the Krag screws. They look good and hard (impossible?) to tell from original.
Get yourself a good set of proper gunsmith screw drivers, good investment!
01-08-2014, 06:09
Even with the buggered up screws, it's still a great investment... and one hell of a great shooting rifle too! I knew I struck gold with my cutoff sporter, but when dad finally let me take possession of his 1898 rifle, a love affair began... It became my mistress - one that my wife still curses to this day!
Speaking of seeing action Rick, my 1898 rifle did time in France in 1917/1918! She's seen her share... :)
Surplus Fan
01-09-2014, 05:13
Reproductoin screws can be had for most of the Krag screws. They look good and hard (impossible?) to tell from original.
Get yourself a good set of proper gunsmith screw drivers, good investment!
Thanks Dave. I have a good set of screwdrivers. The buggering was done by a previous owner. I'll look into the reproduction screws, good tip.
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