View Full Version : Can U.S.M.C. provenance on a 1903 rifle be determined by its serial number?

01-12-2014, 03:16
Can anyone help me to determine if my RIA 1903, sn 233642 was in a block of of '03's that went to the Marine Corps? Does such a list exist? I bought this '03 from the CMP and it has a Sedgley U.S.M.C. marked barrel dated 9-42. I looked thru the forum and I found that I don't have any USMC "features" like "pipe marks on barrel; no electro-pencil sn on bolt body; no "Hatcher Hole"; an arsenal stippled butt plate not hand stippled. The only things going for this rifle is a low RIA serial numbered receiver and an early dated USMC barrel. Help!!!

John Beard
01-12-2014, 03:46
USMC provenance can be determined by serial number if the rifle is listed as such in the files of the Springfield Research Service. Unfortunately, your rifle is not listed. In addition, your rifle's description indicates USMC issuance with very, very low probability. The USMC barrel is apparently a recent replacement.

Hope this helps.


01-12-2014, 04:50
That is a very sought after barrel, however... and one that was made for the Marines while they were really getting into gear for WW2 if that is any consolation! I've been looking for one for months and haven't seen one yet.