View Full Version : rebuild mark question??

01-17-2014, 08:44
I have a Winchester M1 Carbine that is commonly referred to as Type II, in that it has a milled adjustable rear sight, but still has the puch button safety and NO bayonet lug. I pretty sure that all the parts are correct, including a WRA over GHD stock.
Thing is, the stock has RAAtamp in it, except it is on the bolt side.
I have been told that it means it is an "in theater" stamp.
Is there any truth or significance to that?? Or is it just a normal rebuild??
The stock is really in great condition and the only non rebuilt stock I once saw was being sold for $250. ( and it is long gone) Is it worth the cost or effort to change stocks??

01-17-2014, 10:03
I am going to guess that the stock has been changed by a previous civilian owner. I will also speculate that the carbine is one of those that was sold to NRA members in 1963 by the DCM. These are commonly seen with mixed features as they had not been through a rebuild program . I would leave as is and enjoy it.

01-17-2014, 06:23
The RRA stamp is for the Red River Arsenal. What is your serial number range and what type barrel band does it have. A type 1 or type 2?

Johnny P
01-18-2014, 06:46
The OP indicates the stamp is RAA which would be Raritan Arsenal. If RAA I would expect it to be RA-A.

01-18-2014, 08:52
Yes that was my mistake. Transposed the A into an R. Raritan is correct. I really need to get new glasses.

01-18-2014, 07:15
RRAD is Red River Army Depot.....

01-21-2014, 11:04
Thanks all