View Full Version : A few questions for the resident experts for my 1903A1 sniper build.

01-20-2014, 06:53
Gents, I recently purchased this barreled action from RichardM- it is a Springfield Armory 1903, serial number in the 1.4 million range (I'll know which one specifically when it gets here). It has a 1903A3 bolt, and a HS 44 barrel on it.

Only issue is with the way it was sporterized and the rear sight collar, here is what I have heard about it from Richard:

"...whomever removed the base from this rifle cut a small notch to remove the pin at the bottom front of the sight. I would think that one could drill a new hole for a cross pin 1/4" back or so and that would stop it from moving forward. I have seen some 1903 rebuilds that had this done. But again, would need to check with someone who actually does the work. I did slip a sight collar on the barrel and it stopped 7/8" before the receiver ring - so it would have to be driven on and should still have some tightness with the barrel. This may be one where the gunsmith would need to look at it and measure..."

Any thoughts on this? Is there a way to get the rear sight attached that would still make it legal for the CMP Vintage Sniper matches, or should I look for a new barrel, and what way would be cheaper?

Also, how much of a factor while having the right NS bolt play? Any other 1903 replacement bolts that are possibly cheaper but can still fit the bill?


01-22-2014, 07:13
Since it is going to be copy and not an original rifle, any bolt would do. You don't have to try and make it "correct". As for the rear sight fixed base, clean the inside of the base and the barrel real good with de-greaser and use loctite when you drive it on. That way it will stay in place and not need a pin to retain it.

Good Luck !!
