View Full Version : Unbelieveable
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
01-25-2014, 05:35
5 points to anyone who can find an original A4 part on this obvious POS. Check out the grinding on the receiver.
just when i was getting worried about the world supply of suckers! I see they are still being born at the rate of one a minute. :banana100:
werent the A4s marked A4?
what would be the purpose of grinding on the receiver to remark it Remington A3-03?
Johnny P
01-25-2014, 06:48
It was an 03-A3 receiver, and the markings had to be removed and relocated to make it an 03-A4. The 03-A4's were still marked 03-A3, but in marked down on the receiver so that the scope base wouldn't cover them.
I guess someone somewhere is thinking how lucky they were to get an 03-A4 for $3300.
Does it look like they ground the bolt in place with a carbide wheel and cut into the receiver? I believe that the trigger pin may be original... Jim
I'm sure the trigger pin has been faked also.....
...removed and relocated to make it an 03-A4. The 03-A4's were still marked 03-A3, but in marked down on the receiver so that the scope base wouldn't cover them...
thats right. i remember now... thanks for stirring the memory...
Johnny in Texas
01-26-2014, 07:03
the receiver is real and maybe the bolt as well as the bands and the trigger housing stock is hard to say need better pics but it is suspect I would say a very poor restoration at best using fake parts.
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
01-28-2014, 09:48
the receiver is real and maybe the bolt as well as the bands and the trigger housing stock is hard to say need better pics but it is suspect I would say a very poor restoration at best using fake parts.
I don't believe that receiver is an authenticate A4 receiver.
Allen Humphrey
01-28-2014, 10:26
Trigger guard and bayonet lug are both reproductions. Stock cartouches look fake or re-struck.
Not sure about the bolt. At a minimum it was bent up to an unnatural position. Based on the rest of the gun the bolt is probably a fake.
Maybe the stacking and lower bands are real? Will that get me the 5 points?
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
01-28-2014, 11:50
You got the points.
The serial "number" appears right but does anyone else see that it looks like someone drew it with a stock in chocolate? Is it the photo or are the edges of the Z-prefix ser # raised and kind of blurry? Chip
01-28-2014, 06:34
Wow! It starts and the end of the barrel and just works its way worse the closer you get to the buttplate!! Someone got happy with the engraving tool for sure, and they have even mastered using it on wood!! An RA/FJA on a K replacement stock? It isn't where do you start to pick this one apart, but where do you stop.
Feel bad for the buyer...he's out $3000 and I am being generous saying this POS is worth $300 as a novelty shooter.
01-28-2014, 08:48
felonious sale
Steve Preston
01-28-2014, 09:51
In photo #23, you can clearly see the remains of the" U.S." markings that were removed before the new 1903-A3 markings were applied in the 1903-A4 format. This is a plain 1903-A3 made into a fake A4 to dupe someone out of their money.
Who ever bought that rifle better get hold of his credit card co and stop payment in a hurry if he's go any since. That is the worse job of P proof and K Keystone markings I have ever seen faked. The BBl has had a front sight at one time and removed also the top of the receiver has been filed down to remove the original markings. That serial number really looks as though it has been restamped. Doesn't look right.
unless they've (the BO Illinois bunch) changed de law on firearms.. the last I knew....... any factory identification/model/serial numbers that were removed, obliterated/defaced..... earned the sellers/owners a mandatory stay in Leavenworth or Atlanta's fed pen.................
02-23-2014, 07:57
How did the lettering on the US Springfield look worn and the serial side look new? Possible restamp?
02-23-2014, 08:07
Yup photo 24 Is a butte. Did y'all know the govt plant mis-stamped a4s then stamped em right. Saw it myself in the Mexican war on my 03a4 that I used to shoot Mexican general Hirohito. Lol. This one proves out PT Barnum.
03-19-2014, 10:55
I have owned 10-15 03-A4's since the mid 1970's, and I do remember one DCM sales rifle that I had in the 341XXXX series that had the appearance that they were applying the identification and then did it a second time, All that was left was the left leg of th U in US, that was next to the gas hole in the left side of the receiver-- This rifle came complete with a sales receipt to an individual in 1961 for $16.00 plus shipping-- I remember it so well because it was the first 03-A4 I bought with paper---FWIW I have seen Carbines Garands and 1903's with incomplete markings -- i suppose if you look at enough of them you will see some deviation that is minor in the markings!
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