View Full Version : Great Grandfather's 1903/Archives request
A little over a month ago I sent a request to the National Archives in an attempt to locate my great grandfather's WWI USMC 1903. I got a response, and they said they could send me his OMPF, at a price of $70 for the photocopy.
For those of you that have already undertaken this before, did your relative's OMPF include their rifle's serial number? I'm not sure exactly what they have in his OMPF, and am assuming it is sort of just whatever they still have from his days in the Corps.
Clark Howard
01-28-2014, 06:57
I obtained the serial number for my grandfather's 1903 from his range book. I have been unable to make any progress in 22 years of trying to locate a record of this rifle or it's whereabouts. Good Luck, and Regards, Clark
I obtained the serial number for my grandfather's 1903 from his range book. I have been unable to make any progress in 22 years of trying to locate a record of this rifle or it's whereabouts. Good Luck, and Regards, Clark
Clark, what was the serial number of that rifle?
Clark Howard
01-29-2014, 07:56
Hello Fred- The SN of the 1903 Springfield issued to Will E. Moose in the late summer of 1918 was 872022. He endured basic training at Camp Hancock, Georgia. This Army camp was located outside of Augusta, Georgia. He was retained after basic training to become a machine gun instructor. He preferred the Lewis gun, and had a poor opinion of the gun he called the "Show-show", which from his description was the French Chauchat. Late in 1918, the influenza epidemic struck the area. After three weeks of chaos and suffering, an Army band arrived and began marching around the tent city, playing rousing marches. The order was passed for all who were able to march, to join the parade. About a third of the camp were able to answer the call, one of which was Grandpa. They moved to another encampment being prepared for another unit. The balance of the soldiers who could not march eventually died. Thanks for your interest, and Regards, Clark
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
01-29-2014, 08:22
....For those of you that have already undertaken this before, did your relative's OMPF include their rifle's serial number? I'm not sure exactly what they have in his OMPF, and am assuming it is sort of just whatever they still have from his days in the Corps. Thanks
Yes, if they send you the right document. Beware, when I requested my own file, it was woefully incomplete, and the documents I needed were missing. If it were not for my DD214, one would not even know I served in RVN. Those copying the files must get tired of copying, and just send you whatever they want to send. You will find what you want on his deuce card, depending on when he served. The deuce card is Form 782, on which you sign for any gear you must return to the Corps. My deuce card was not in the documents they sent me.
Good luck.
JT, thank you very much for that insight. I know the way rifles were issued back then is different than it is today, so I'm not sure when he would have gotten it. He ended up in France in July 1918, so I'm assuming some point before that.
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
01-30-2014, 03:29
JT, thank you very much for that insight. I know the way rifles were issued back then is different than it is today, so I'm not sure when he would have gotten it. He ended up in France in July 1918, so I'm assuming some point before that.
He was issued his rifle in boot camp and kept it when deployed. No ITR in those days, and only snipers, runners, and Automatic Riflemen were issued a different weapon when they began SOS or AR training.
In my day, I had one rifle in boot camp (M14), another in ITR (M16), and was issued yet another in country when deployed (M16), and had no rifle upon return to the US.
Good deal, that is helpful to know. I have USMC M1903 rifle 831202, if by chance he was issued a new rifle it might be sorta close. I'm going to take a risk and see if the files sent to me from the National Archives contains his 782, I'll just keep my fingers crossed!
01-30-2014, 03:47
A little over a month ago I sent a request to the National Archives in an attempt to locate my great grandfather's WWI USMC 1903. I got a response, and they said they could send me his OMPF, at a price of $70 for the photocopy.
For those of you that have already undertaken this before, did your relative's OMPF include their rifle's serial number? I'm not sure exactly what they have in his OMPF, and am assuming it is sort of just whatever they still have from his days in the Corps.
From 1941, Granpa's basic training records only listed passing swim test and qualifying with a rifle on a Marine Corps range along with a Lewis Gun. No other specifics.
02-03-2014, 08:05
Good deal, that is helpful to know. I have USMC M1903 rifle 831202, if by chance he was issued a new rifle it might be sorta close. I'm going to take a risk and see if the files sent to me from the National Archives contains his 782, I'll just keep my fingers crossed!
While you wait, here's a link to another forum which contains a similar discussion. The thread rambles a bit, but the background may help you when your copies shows up. Good luck.
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