View Full Version : Presentation Carbine Question

01-28-2014, 10:47
This last weekend at a show I saw an IBM presentation carbine for sale. Everything looked marvelous but it had a (according to Craig Reisch) type lV op rod. If IBM lost their contract in mid 44 and this was the last gun off the line would that slide be correct. It was indicated that this gun was as it was when it left the line and the finisher. It bothers me.


01-29-2014, 08:49
The thing to remember about presentation carbines is that they were often a hodgepodge of whatever parts were laying around at the time. This time was often towards the end of a given contract, and parts used MAY have been those forwarded by other facilities as parts "donated" under the carbine integration program. They also may have been given as examples to be evaluated.

Any presentation carbine should NOT have any acceptance cartouches ("crossed cannons"), as they were not government property. Usually, wood was selected for grain, and in some cases (RMC?) the sling/oiler cut was omitted. Look for consistency of finish and wear. Obviously, any papers which would provide provenance would be nice...

P.S. This thread belongs in the carbine section...

01-29-2014, 04:50

da gimp
01-29-2014, 04:58
daam & here I was hoping for that one of a kind 1903 Springfield presentation carbine.............. my hopes were dashed..........again.