View Full Version : Experts Opinion Needed/Requested

02-09-2014, 07:05
I recently picked up my first '03. It is a Springfield 1903 #1319xxx. It has the original 5-29 bbl which is in very good condition (T=2, M=1, shiny and sharp). The rifle is a Greek return (numbered stock, "B" on the pinned floor plate). The rest of the parts are a mix of SA and Remington and the stock is a scant. I would like to restore the rifle to its original condition (all SA parts, new "C" stock, refinish). My question is, would this be considered a wrong thing to do? Or, should I leave it alone? Greek return Garands, in my opinion, have no historical significance, I would gut/rebuild one of those in a heartbeat. Just not that up on 03's. Thanks for thoughts.

John Beard
02-09-2014, 06:08
With few exceptions, CMP Greek rifles are best left as-is. The rifle's valuation will not increase in a manner commensurate with the upgrade expense. And with very few exceptions, most upgrades will look like they were done by Bubba's workshop. At least as a CMP Greek rifle, it has a well-established and documented legacy.

Hope this helps.


02-12-2014, 06:25
Are the "B" marked and pinned floorplates exclusive to the Greek guns?

Rick the Librarian
02-12-2014, 06:35
Yes, pretty much so.