View Full Version : Rem 03 Stocks

02-10-2014, 09:50
My brotherIL picked up two REM 03's that had cut or replacement stocke, etc's. Based upon his description, minus a few stock parts they appear to be complete RA so I am going to try and provide him parts from what I have on hand. Need some help in getting it correct as he wants to install full length stocks.

3112xxx/ 5-42 RA brl (that's all I have). non boxed RLB? I suspect this may have a few milled parts. Stamped butt plate with stamped sling swivel and band spring?

3211xxx 8-42 brl. FJA stock? Would all the barrel bands, springs, butt plate etc., be stamped by this time frame or still a mix?

When did Remington quit using the serifed type cut off on their 03 rifles? I'm sure John B has mentioned it before or in his Man at Arms articles but those are still boxed in storage.

He is approx. 400 miles away or I'd take some picks.


Lee T.
02-10-2014, 10:31
The 5-42 would be an unboxed RLB and originally would have all milled furniture with (I believe) an uncheckered smooth buttplate, so based on your description it sounds like it has a replacement stock. I'd find out if it has the A3 handgurad ring cutout.
The 8-42 is about when FJA starts but I'd think most parts would still be milled. A mix would be OK though, kind of an in-between period.
Can't help with the cutoff. Hope this helps, let us knoiw what you find.

Rick the Librarian
02-10-2014, 12:26
As I recall, Remington used the serif cutoffs until the end of production; SC used "block" ones IIRC.

John Beard
02-10-2014, 03:28
My brotherIL picked up two REM 03's that had cut or replacement stocke, etc's. Based upon his description, minus a few stock parts they appear to be complete RA so I am going to try and provide him parts from what I have on hand. Need some help in getting it correct as he wants to install full length stocks.

3112xxx/ 5-42 RA brl (that's all I have). non boxed RLB? I suspect this may have a few milled parts. Stamped butt plate with stamped sling swivel and band spring?

Unboxed RLB inspection stamp, all milled parts, marked "R".

3211xxx 8-42 brl. FJA stock? Would all the barrel bands, springs, butt plate etc., be stamped by this time frame or still a mix?

Boxed FJA pin-reinforced stock, NOT inletted for M'03-A3. All stamped parts, but milled parts can also be considered correct.

When did Remington quit using the serifed type cut off on their 03 rifles? I'm sure John B has mentioned it before or in his Man at Arms articles but those are still boxed in storage.

They didn't.


02-12-2014, 08:07
JB, Rick, et-al,
Thank you for the information and reply.

02-18-2014, 06:18
I have seen one or two Remington 1903 stocks where they were not originally cut out for the 'A3 Handguard ring, but crudely gouged out to retrofit.