View Full Version : Sad News about Major Dick Culver
Jefferson Adams
02-11-2014, 04:08
Folks, I spoke to Gloria this afternoon, and I'm afraid the news isn't good.
As many of you know, Dick suffered a stroke and a pretty severe head injury in the process a few years ago, and it's looking like the end is just about here. Gloria asked me to sign on here to let you all know. Dick is in Hospice, and he isn't expected to live much longer than a couple more weeks (today is February 11, 2014).
Gloria is currently without internet service, but I'll check in periodically and keep everyone posted.
Your thoughts and your prayers are much appreciated - as I'm sure you can imagine, this is a VERY hard time for Gloria, and Dick hasn't really been all that much "at home" for quite a while. It's so sad to see such an amazing man, who did so much in his life, reduced by age and infirmity to where he is today.
Dick Culver graciously blessed many of us over the years with his presence, his cigars, his knowledge about both weaponry and freedom, and his contagious sense of humor. Losing him is going to be an incredible loss.
As I said, your thoughts and prayers are coveted, and I will do what I can to keep you all posted.
Jeff,please give Gloria my best regards and please tell her that ALL of us are pulling for Dick.
I would also appreciate her mailing address and phone number by PM if she is amenable.We talked many times when they were holed up at the HoJo in Sand Point.
Best regards,
John Robertson,
Vancouver, British Columbia,
To "The Major":icon_salut:
Dave in NGA
02-11-2014, 04:36
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Michael Tompkins
02-11-2014, 04:47
Thoughts and prayers to the Culvers. God bless... Mike
Mr. Adams,
Thank you for the information about the Major. I understand where Gloria ( and you ) are, as I have been there before. Be strong. While it is a sad time; just remember.....
We must all celebrate the great life one has had and all the contributions that person has made to society, and sometimes to us personally.
My prayers are included with everyones elses.
May GOD bless,
Richard Turner/Turner Saddlery
02-11-2014, 04:48
Thoughts and Prayers from Richard and Camille (Melebug)
02-11-2014, 04:58
Thoughts and prayers from Bill & Cricket. May God have mercy on the Major and take Gloria into his arms for solace We lost our eldest son to cancer two weeks ago and we know the misery she must be going through.
Profound and extreme regret to read this.
Jefferson Adams
02-11-2014, 05:30
And the same profound and extreme regret to have posted it, Bruce, as you can imagine.
Thanks for the replies, folks - I'll keep you updated. Your thoughts and prayers mean a lot.
John Kepler
02-11-2014, 05:31
Our heartfelt sympathies to Gloria. God speed Major, whatever happens.
Can only pray that Dick's last days be peaceful ones. He is a true American, a fine gentleman, and a most distinguished and honorable United States Marine Corps officer. Asking for a special blessing for Miss Gloria that she be comforted during this troubling time and also be strong for what the future brings. God bless Dick and all his many friends and family.
02-11-2014, 06:08
We are deeply saddened by the news of the Major's deteriorating condition. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Gloria and the Major during this difficult time.
Dave Caikauskas
02-11-2014, 06:15
Kind thoughts and prayers go out to both Dick and Gloria. God speed, Dick.
Many thoughts and prayers. Thank you Mr Culver for your service to your nation. Thanks for taking the time to help many of us understand what young men went through serving during a time of war. Finally thank you for the humor you interjected on some serious and not so serious topics.
Really sad news. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Culvers.
Sad news indeed. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Culver family.
Tom Trevor
02-11-2014, 07:10
Very sad news. Our thoughts are with you both.
Ken The Kanuck
02-11-2014, 07:12
May the memories of the good times ease some of Miz, Gloria's pain and speed it's fading.
To Dick " Semper Fi with respect "
I'm deeply saddened to learn this. I know the major will fight- he wouldn't quit even if ordered to. I can only take solace in knowing that moments after he breathes his last breath, he'll hear the Lord saying, "Welcome home, Marine. Job well done. Rest now, there are no enemies here."
Griff Murphey
02-11-2014, 07:21
Certainly sorry to hear of this. What a great guy, so many stories, so many deeds.
Fair winds and following seas to a great soldier of the sea.
A salute and a prayer for the Major. :icon_salut:
I am saddened to hear the news of Dick's failing health. As a marine, I thank him for his contributions to our country. For his contributions to jouster along with Gloria, both have touched my life. My prayers to both of these fine people.
tom gray
02-11-2014, 07:42
Prayers to both
Thanks for the update
I'll be praying for Dick and Gloria...
02-11-2014, 08:10
He will be missed. God Bless the Major and his family.
Seller Fi!
It was with Dick and Gloria Culver that ushered me into the computer age in 1998. The knowledge gained here is invaluable.
It is with great sadness that I learn of this bad turn of events.
Thank you Dick and Gloria for all you have given to our community.
God speed,
02-11-2014, 08:50
May the Lord ease both Dick's and Gloria's pain.
02-11-2014, 09:32
Ease and comfort to Gloria. As for the major, Perhaps he'll get some questions answered, or maybe just a new assignment. For both, for us all, I believe it's just another turn in the path.
02-11-2014, 10:01
What is there to add that has not already been said by others here tonight.
Ms. Gloria, you and the Major are in our prayers.
John Sukey
02-11-2014, 10:39
Oh my!:icon_e_sad::icon_e_sad:
S.A. Boggs
02-12-2014, 12:45
You are only dead when you are forgotten. Dick will be in a better place then this.
Sir, you have fought the good fight.
02-12-2014, 03:20
May the good LORD bless him and his Wife during this time.
Major Tom
02-12-2014, 03:40
So sad! I will always remember Dick for what he has contributed to our community.
Prayers to Dick and Gloria.:icon_salut:
Very sad news indeed. I add my prayers to those of the others for the Dick's comfort and support to Gloria. Thanks ot jefferson for keeping us up to date.
Rick the Librarian
02-12-2014, 06:39
So sorry to hear that - I hadn't heard in some time what had been happening and should have written/called. Tell Gloria to especially take care of herself. Sometimes, the caregivers forget to do that.
Thoughts and prayers heading their way.
02-12-2014, 07:12
Major Culver has friends on other forums. They will want to know. Major and Mrs. Culver are in my thoughts and prayers.
Prayers for all concerned. Dick will be in a better place and it is Gloria that we need pray for most earnestly. ........Gaffer
Major Culver has friends on other forums. They will want to know. Major and Mrs. Culver are in my thoughts and prayers.
Make that in ALL our members thoughts and prayers !
I pray for the Major and his family.
My heartfelt prayers for the Major and Gloria. God Bless.
02-12-2014, 08:35
thoughts a prayers to them.
Our thanks for the many years of wonderful, faithful & true service that Major Culver gave our dear country....Father , we ask that you gentle the Major's journey & to hold his dear Swede in the certain love of your Arms to console her & all of their family in this the time of their need.....................
Thanks also to Jefferson , Jeff & Pat for all the great help they've given the Culver's here.............
02-12-2014, 10:31
I'm saddened to hear this news, prayers for the Culvers, they have done so much for us and have asked for nothing in return.
Sorry for being a tad late but my prayers for Major Culver and his family are winging their way to Valhalla, where warriors live forever.
It's a sad thing to hear of such a fine person in this condition, I am so very sorry for this and wish him and Gloria as much good as anyone could.
johnny l.
02-12-2014, 11:17
God Bless Major Culver and Gloria. You are in our prayers. Johnny Lawson, former Sergeant USMC.
God Bless My prayers for Major Culver
02-12-2014, 11:49
Dick, Lad I hardly knew ye and now you are leaving for a special place God keeps for warriors of honor, may the wind be at your back and the road be gentle on your feet soldier. Tis time for you to rest. (Seagoatami) Carl Young CPO United States Navy veteran
Dick, Lad I hardly knew ye and now you are leaving for a special place God keeps for warriors of honor, may the wind be at your back and the road be gentle on your feet soldier. Tis time for you to rest. (Seagoatami) Carl Young CPO United States Navy veteran
Gary and Karen
02-12-2014, 12:03
Sending comforting thoughts to the Major and Gloria from Tahoe.
Gary and Karen
Larry G.
02-12-2014, 12:50
My prayers go out for the Major and to Gloria.
Wishing the Culver's only the best from Arizona.
A respectful salute to Major Culver as he passes through the doorway to his next great adventure. God bless both the Culvers.
Mr. Adams,
Thank you for sharing the sad news about Major Culver. We all extend our thoughts and prayers to Mrs. Culver and to family and friends.
Another great Marine passes from the Great Parade Ground of Life, having lived out the values of 'Duty, Honor, and Country' with distinction.
Is there an address to where we can send cards and letters of support to Mrs. Culver? She will surely need that support in the days to come.
Hearing this beautiful hymn in my head today, since reading the news of Major Culver's declining health:
There will no doubt be a sea of dress blues standing behind St. Peter when Major Culver reports for duty in the world above, to welcome him aboard.
May God Bless Major Culver and his family, and grant his family comfort in these last days.
Jefferson Adams
02-12-2014, 04:34
Just to let folks know, Gloria is kind of in transition right now and doesn't really have a mailing address at this point. That's likely to change, and I'll let you know when it does. She also has no internet access, so I'm passing your messages along, and she was very touched last night when I read her what had been posted so far over the phone.
The doctors told Gloria 2-4 weeks, but those of you who know Dick know that he's not going to go without a fight.
Again, I'll keep everybody posted as I hear anything. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, I'm sure that the Major feels them.
I do not know the man, but sure sounds like he would be one to stand tall with. My respects to his name and his family, and wish them all wisdom, and peace in this time. It appears as if he was well read and liked and yes, he will go, but he will not go alone
Regards IR Jones USMC retired
02-12-2014, 05:05
Posted by request
Thanks for the heads up. Dick is one of my "Brother Rats" from VMI, a fellow Physics major, Class or 1958. He would be 78 now.
He was one of the most loyal Marines you can imagine. Every year while we were at VMI he went to a Marine summer camp. When we graduated, during the summer he was at Quantico, he invited me up to shoot in the Eastern Regional Pistol matches. I was sufficiently a tyro that I brought my S&W 357, now called the Model 19 and a hat full of heavy loads, 158 gr Keith semi-wadcutter in front of 12.5 gr. of 2400. After the first flight, the range officer asked me to shoot something a little quieter. Shot Dick's 1911.
While he was there I got him a date with a cute girl that lived on my block in Richmond. Was a short lived passing fancy.
He is an unusual guy. Someone most folks would be proud to call a friend.
Convinced me that when I went, I wanted it to be in a violent firefight.
02-12-2014, 07:36
In my 23 years in the Navy, I've known some exceptional Marines. I'm sure Major Culver would stand with the best. God willing when my time comes too I'll be proud to stand with him. Prayer in the times of transition.
George Scott
LCDR, USN (Ret.)
02-13-2014, 08:15
The Culver's helped me to sell an entire gun collection many years ago. My wife was ill and we needed the money. I'll never forget how both of them would email me and help with the posting of the guns on the old web site. Heartfelt prayers out to both of them.
John Sukey
02-13-2014, 03:11
Barretcreek, Odd you should mention that, We might have met back then. I was in the band, (same class) but only spent one year there.
My prayers go out to the Culvers.
Dan In Indiana
02-14-2014, 03:55
Semper Fi !
Jefferson Adams
02-14-2014, 07:51
Folks, a little bit of an update: Gloria told me last night that the doctors had just told her it looks like 4 to 5 days at most, his body is basically shutting down. He's unable to talk or move much at all.
Thank you all so much for the remembrances and the comments - I know they're going to be a comfort to Gloria when she has a chance to see them, since she's currently internet-less. If she hasn't scrounged up a mailing address by the time Dick walks through The Gates, I'll post mine here so you can send cards or whatever to her through me.
Thanks again for your thoughts, prayers, and comments.
We all appreciate your help to the Culvers and keeping us apprised.
Jeff, Post office boxes often prove to be one of the safest ways to do it..........they are cheap & do not have to be kept forever.........unless they're needed....... that way, neither her address nor your street address appears on the net, providing a place that professional burglars would want to seek out, as either would/will yield high value items that could easily be fenced..............
just an old deputy's thoughts that keeping things private, is often the best way to go............of course my ultra liberal cousin says I'm just paranoid............
02-14-2014, 09:27
add my name to those to pass along to gloria. Both of them at various points over so many years have demonstrated kindness to me. I wish the major an easy transition in his journey.
Through the years a lot of knowlege has passed through this site, on many many topics.
Brad in Idaho
02-14-2014, 10:29
Sad news indeed. We have had the honor of meeting The Major (Dick) and Gloria, spending some time with them, and hearing some of Dick's stories, told masterfully. We will keep the Culvers in our thoughts in this difficult time, especially Gloria.
Thanks to Jefferson for keeping us posted.
Brad & Jean Manau
Thoughts and prayers for the Culvers, many thanks for all you have done for us.
Jeff, +1 on what da Gimp said, the PO box would be a good way to go.
John Kepler
02-14-2014, 11:58
I've been privileged to meet and talk with the Major on a number of occasions.....up to and including him cutting grass on the Camp Perry Ranges so ORPA would have a semi-decent environment to shoot State Matches in! The last time was when he was at the Nationals with "Dad" Farr's rifle....a rare, "bucket list" treat for those idiots that try to shoot Long Range Service Rifle. Dick is one of those unsung jewels of the shooting community that if you are VERY lucky, happens once a generation or so. Dick and a handful of others did a great deal to not only save Highpower Competition shooting, but advanced it as a viable sport in the 21st Century. The entire CMP Games Matches are largely Dick's doing. I was one of the "Beta-testers" of the concept, shot the very first JCG Match later that year.....and was also one of those predicting a VERY short, highly acrimoniousness lifespan for the idea., and felt that Dick and the supporters were as visionary as they were terminally naive. It was Dick's unwavering optimism that put their stamp on the venue and made it the unqualified success it is...and I was never so happy to be so wrong in my life! It could have gone either way, and but for men like Dick, I'm fairly sure my cynical view would have prevailed, and the Games Matches would be nothing but a shooting footnote. And Dick rarely says a word about his involvement in developing the entire concept!
Mark in Ottawa
02-14-2014, 07:40
Our thought are with you at this time
My thoughts and prayers are with the Culvers.
02-15-2014, 10:31
Prayers sent up for the Major and Mrs. Culver.
02-15-2014, 02:52
Prayers and good wishes to The Culvers.
02-15-2014, 06:03
Prayers said for The Culvers.
02-15-2014, 06:20
I think I'll send a card, as well as a prayer.
Richard Turner/Turner Saddlery
02-15-2014, 06:48
Just spoke with Gloria a few minutes ago and she wanted me to post for her that she appreciates all of the thoughts, prayers, and sympathy from all of the members on the board, it means so much to them during this time. She said that she still does not have internet service at the hospice center, but would post as soon as she is able to. Let us pray for peace and comfort.
Dick's New England family is grateful for updates.
Very sorry to hear and keeping Dick & Gloria in our prayers here. Life is just to short :( Rick B
Jefferson Adams
02-18-2014, 07:01
I just spoke to Gloria, and there are some hopeful signs, although she asked me to not get my hopes up and to pass that on to the board as well.
Apparently Dick has a new doctor, and they've made some changes - and he's eating again. It's not much, but it IS a change for the better.
Thoughts and prayers, folks - and thanks.
Thank you Jefferson, for the good news and update.
Yes, thank you. Pray it's a first step towards more improvement to come.
02-19-2014, 06:25
Thank you Major. Yours was the first forum I landed in years ago. I never met you and Gloria but I wish I had done so in better days.
A USAF Semper Fi to you, Sir.
C. J. Culpeper
Afghanistan Detachment of Culver's Company.
02-21-2014, 06:42
Will keep you in my prayers, Major.
Semper Fi!
Jefferson Adams
02-21-2014, 10:22
An update just now from Gloria - apparently Dick's now totally unresponsive, but currently very peacefully asleep. It looks like his kidneys may be going, but his breathing has gone from labored to normal as he sleeps. Glo says "He is a tough old goat"!
She's been with him every day and night, and she says she's tired - but that "he is the love of my life".
An update just now from Gloria - apparently Dick's now totally unresponsive, but currently very peacefully asleep. It looks like his kidneys may be going, but his breathing has gone from labored to normal as he sleeps. Glo says "He is a tough old goat"!
She's been with him every day and night, and she says she's tired - but that "he is the love of my life".
G-d Bless and keep them both ! !
John Robertson
May he be hearing in the distance Thor filling a welcoming flagon of mead
for a magnificent Marine, warrior, friend.
02-22-2014, 12:16
Please extend prayers to Dick and Gloria from me as well. His Eastern Washington friends, fans and admirers are to numerous to mention.
CSP was my first forum that I landed on after becoming a "gun guy" back in 99. I can't explain how the folks on the site including the Major and Gloria took me in, and put up with the newbie questions even though they've probably answered the same ones countless times. I read all the sea stories and the jouster tales in reverance of the experiences described therein...I passed on the saga of the M16 at least 4 or 5 times. I read of the Swede's injuries and how the Major took care of her, the theft of their gun collection and the recent struggles with both Gloria and the Majors' health. I feel like I'm losing family members here first with the splintering of the forum members and now with the Major's decline. I pray for the Major and Gloria and for others on this forum..that we stay strong and together as the group is very familial...and its where I go for the answers to a lot of questions gun related and not.
Dave Petrella
Well said Dave. I believe you speak for us all.
Jefferson Adams
02-24-2014, 05:46
I just heard from Gloria moments ago, and Major Dick Culver, USMC passed away about 10 minutes ago.
Dick, it was an honor and a blessing to know you!
My condolences to Gloria, Pat, Jefferson, friends and family.
Rest in peace sir;
your friend; Dennis
It is with extreme and profound regret that I read of the death of Major Culver. My thoughts and my prayers are with Mrs. Culver. Respectfully. Bruce.
Jefferson Adams
02-24-2014, 06:19
Folks, I'm also going to make sure that Gloria gets a copy of this thread when I see her, since she has no internet access right now. Just so you know.
Rest in Peace, Major Culver. My deepest sympathy and condolences to the family.
Mack Richards
aka Oyaji
Rest in eternal peace Major. God Bless.
May I add my condolences . . . . .
I met The Major and Gloria in the middle of the exhibit floor at Springfield Armory . . . . when the GCA annual convention was there. (August, 2000.)
Rest Easy, Major . . . Your earthly "hitch" is complete!
02-24-2014, 06:59
Thank you, Major Culver. Well done faithful servant. My deepest sympathy and condolences to Gloria and the family.
C. J. Culpeper
The guards at the pearly gates had better be ready for inspection.
I am saddened to learn of the passing of a great man and person. I extend my sympathies to Gloria and the Culver family. I grieve with you. Dick will be missed but he has blessed us with his many earthly accomplishments.
Brad in Idaho
02-24-2014, 07:37
I salute you sir. Rest in Peace Major, it was an honor to know you. Deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences to Gloria.
Brad & Jean Manau
In looking to see of any references to Major Culver on the Web, I came across his commendation for the Silver Star.
Read on:
My condolences to Gloria and his son.
All of us on the forums are like one big family with many different interests but we have all had one thing in common and that was Dick and Gloria. We all now have a bit of the family missing from inside each and everyone of us. He will be missed but he no longer will suffer. My thoughts and prayers are with Gloria and his family. May you rest in eternal peace and thank you Dick for your service to our country and to each and everyone of us.
Ken The Kanuck
02-24-2014, 08:12
Thank you for the many hours of enjoyment you have given me through CSP, the other posters and your stories and sea tales. I have spent many an enjoyable hour here thanks to you and Miz Gloria.
May you be sitting in Valhalla right now with one of your famous egg nogs and many old friends surrounding you.
Semper Fi with respect,
John Sukey
02-25-2014, 12:06
Never met him, but he was a "brother rat" (VMI)
Requiescat in Pace
Major Richard O. Culver Jr. USMC
Dick, it was an honor and a privelege to have known you even if only via telephone. We are diminished by your loss,
May you have Fair Winds and Following Seas on your voyage to Valhalla old Soldier of the Sea !
It was a pleasure to have spoken with you and our charming hostess while you were recuperating in the HoJo. I only wish that we could have done it more often.
My most sincere condolences to Gloria and family. AVE ATQUE VALE and G-dspeed !
John Robertson,
Canadian Army (Ret'd)
I feel like l owe a debt to someone.
It wasn't a surprise but its still very, very sad news. We hope that the thoughts and prayers of so many others are with them is a real comfort to the Culver family.
Now the world is a poorer place. Sad to see such a man pass.
Mrs. Culver, I'm terribly sad to hear of your loss. My wife Dawn and I extend our deepest sympathies to you and your family. I never met nor even talked to Mr. Culver but he surely touched many in our community.
God bless,
The Shufflins
Gary and Karen
02-25-2014, 10:06
Condolences to Gloria. Maj. Culver will be missed by many. I never had the honor of meeting him but the loss is still profound.
Rest easy, Marine!
Gary and Karen
Jefferson Adams
02-25-2014, 10:08
Just a quick note to let you all know that Gloria was able to view this thread this morning. I hope she doesn't mind my telling you, but she said that she cried like a baby. I know we all understand.
Semper Fi, Major Culver - once a Marine, always a Marine!
Dave Waits
02-25-2014, 11:59
I am at a loss for words. I owe the Major greatly for some pieces of wisdom he passed to me when I first joined this August Forum. The world is a lesser place for his departure. When you get to the Gate Major, just report to the Gunnery Sgt. He'll direct you to a higher spot. Semper Fi!
Prince Humperdink
02-25-2014, 12:26
My condolences to the family.
May God Bless the Culver family. Maj. Culver will be in my and my wife, Millie's prayers.
My condolences and prayers for Culver family, Ray
Sad news indeed. A salute to Major Culver............
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Very sorry to hear this news. Rest in peace, sir.
02-25-2014, 01:50
A salute, Major. My condolences to Gloria.
02-25-2014, 02:07
My condolences to the Culver family. This is a sad day indeed. A toast to the Major, may he rest peace.
02-25-2014, 02:15
Prayers for the Culver family. I never met the man, but his military service, shooting contributions and unique writing style have done credit to his memory and remaining family.
God Speed sir, Semper fidelis!
My condolences to the Culver family as well. I feel I owe him a large debt of gratitude for his military service and for this forum where his memory will continue on.
Dan Shapiro
02-25-2014, 02:44
Very sad news indeed. He'll be sorely missed.
Dick Culver,
It is a sad day indeed to hear of your passing on. I hope that when I pass over to the other side you will sit with me at the table of my Fathers and I and enjoy or company. Gloria I am so very sorry for your loss and the loss to the rest of the family.
Floyd Thomas III and Family
Words simply are not adequate...
I would like to extend my condolences to the Culver family.
02-25-2014, 03:08
Condolences to the Swede and the rest of the family. I sure hate to see him go and his wit is sorely missed. I like to think he is with all his old buddies now, including ones that have gone before him on this forum. I'll have to make up some of his famous hot buttered rum for a salute when I get home.
Rest in Peace, Major! Our lives are richer for having known you.
I am so sorry to hear of Dick's passage.
His efforts at putting up these forums many years ago were such an incredible boost to the rifleman community and the efficient dissemination of knowledge among us. (And, of course, Gloria was the force that kept it all civil and on the right track.) All of us who have enjoyed and benefitted from this site owe him a great debt of gratitude.
Those of us who came to know of him through these forums have had the opportunity to learn much more of Dick's adventures and accomplishments than would have been possible otherwise, and we are all the richer for knowing of this American hero.
I got to meet Dick for all of five minutes a few years ago at Camp Perry. The memory of talking with him is what keeps flashing up in my mind when my thoughts return to having heard of his passing.
God speed, Dick, I am so glad to have known you.
02-25-2014, 04:45
My first introduction to a carbine forum was on the Culver site.
It's a sad loss for Gloria and the military arms community. The Major will be missed by many.
Semper Fi to a decorated Marine.
- YouTube (
Shawn Grear
02-25-2014, 04:48
Gloria and family ,
it is with great sadness and a heavy heart that we learn of Major Culvers passing . I wish that I knew of something to say or do that would take away all of your grief and pain as I would do it in an instant .
The thing that does come to mind are the words to a to a World War 2 song that was played when my father passed away ,
We'll meet again
Don't know where
Don't know when
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day !
May God bless you and keep you .
Crystle and Shawn Grear
Jefferson Adams
02-25-2014, 04:57
I should have expected it, but our glorious Postal Service wouldn't allow me to add Gloria's name to my PO box without her being present with an ID.
Words fail me. Bureaucracies are truly the spawn of the devil.
I'm sorry, folks, I tried. And especially sorry for any that may have already sent cards or whatever - they said they'll be returned.
UPDATE: Gloria will be getting a PO Box later today, Wednesday 2/26!
Dollar Bill
02-25-2014, 05:01
All men have been created equal, but some stand a little taller. Dick Culver is one of those men.
My profoundest sympathies to Gloria and family, as well as the many here who might as well be considered family.
02-25-2014, 05:06
Major Culver, Sir may God walk with you hand in hand as you take this last journey, and Gloria may God be by your side during this time. Simper Fi from Major Bill Hughes USAFR
I should have expected it, but our glorious Postal Service wouldn't allow me to add Gloria's name to my PO box without her being present with an ID.
Words fail me. Bureaucracies are truly the spawn of the devil.
I'm sorry, folks, I tried. And especially sorry for any that may have already sent cards or whatever - they said they'll be returned.
You mean they won't allow "Gloria Culver, C/O Jefferson Adams, PO Box ###, Chicken Belch, ID?
Jefferson Adams
02-25-2014, 05:34
Well, maybe - if Jefferson Adams was my legal name. It's the name I've used for many years on forums and such to honor my favorite two founding fathers - Thomas Jefferson and Samuel Adams.
I'll talk to them tomorrow about my real name. Buncha ass clowns, they are - a few months ago my PO Box payment was due on a Friday, so I mailed it on the Thursday before. To the address on the bill, local, at the Post Office. Went in Friday and they'd locked my box. I've had it for over 10 years, and they all know who I am. Turns out that mail goes the scenic route, because this is a small town. I convinced the manager to get my mail for me ONE TIME (he emphasized that several times during our conversation), and my check got there the next day, so they unlocked the box.
Sorry for the rant, but this is ridiculous. In the America I remember, the explanation of what's going on with Dick and Gloria, plus maybe an emailed photo of Glo's ID, would have done it in a heartbeat.
But this is the NEW America. Obama's America.
These Postal Orifice people are a lot like the HHS & IRS people that are now in charge of our healthcare.
Jefferson Adams
02-25-2014, 06:48
OK, Gloria will be getting a PO Box later today, Wednesday 2/26. I'll post it when I know it :)
02-25-2014, 07:04
Have not been dropping by as much as in the past lately and just found out.
For some fifteen years I've enjoyed Dick's whit, wisdom and war stories.
Rest in Peace Major Culver, our deepest sympathy and condolences to Gloria and the rest of the family. You are sorely missed.
02-25-2014, 07:16
another Marine reporting Sir, I have served my time in Hell".
Billy Beeza
02-25-2014, 07:26
I'd like to add my condolences as well. While I was never privledged to meet the Major face-to-face, nor to speak with him over the phone, several years ago we did briefly communicate via email when I learned he was stationed in New Orleans back in the 60's. As it turned out, unbeknownst to me at the time, we lived just a couple blocks from one another in Metairie ('Metry' as pronounced by the natives). When he expressed his fondness for New Orleans' coffe and chicory, I was all too glad to send he and the Mrs. some love from home. I've enjoyed reading his stories, have always appreciated these forums albeit primarily as a lurker, and was thrilled when I spied his interview some time back on the history Channel's episode on military snipers. May he rest in the peace.
Try the "soft approach" first with the local Post Office people. Explain what is happening, and why. If they get ugly, then contact management. But remember, always use the positive approach, otherwise they'll pull out their rule books and dig their heels in. If you've ever had contact with the DMV, you'll know what I'm talking about.
Good luck!
Brad in Idaho
02-25-2014, 08:30
One more try.
Gloria Culver
c/o Monte Cooley
PO Box 9611
Moscow ID 83843
Will try to get a card to Gloria via this method. Many thanks for your help with this effort. I have called Moscow "Berkeley, Idaho" since I moved here to Lewiston.
They seem to have that attitude.
02-25-2014, 09:33
Rest in Peace, Major Culver. My deepest sympathy and condolences to Gloria and the family.
S.A. Boggs
02-26-2014, 02:28
I don't have the words...
Thoughts and prayers ........along with condolences. ............Gaffer
God bless Dick's family and friends. Though the
end was inevitable it was still a kick in the gut to loose
him. If you met him for a moment or a life time his
warm smile and brilliance captivated you.
Total inadequacy at expressing anything else.
Semper Fi to a dear human.
God Bless.
We as a nation are richer for his service and because he refused to compromise his own morals when he saw a wrong. He was one of a kind, and we are each richer for having known him.
Valhalla is richer now. God's speed, Dick.
And my condolences to Gloria and all those close to them. You have my thoughts and prayers.
02-26-2014, 07:03
I started on Culvers many many years ago, certainly back in the 90's. It has resulted in a number of friendships through the years all over the country with people in many cases i have never personally met, but through email, phone and so on. At various times, that also included contact with the culver's, mostly as my memory dictates, with a shared love of dogs. Gloria, in particular, was a "dog" person as i call it, and I got several emails from them upon losing one of my furry friends. I also give Culver's the nod for developing my long appreciation of collecting military firearms. And the knowlege base assembled on Culver's for guiding me through some real interesting aquistions. It resulted in the accumulation of a lot of knowlege, writing a lot of checks, but it has enriched my life in more than one way. I heard it said once, the measure of a man is how many lives that man has touched. In the case of Major Culver and Gloria, they are immensely rich in that they have touched the lives of so many. I know that the major is in a better place, and I would want Gloria to know she is not alone, even tho the distances may be far.
Johnny in Texas
02-26-2014, 07:18
I never met him but from what I have read here about him.
He was a good soldier that fought till the end!
A good man with a loving family and many friends.
Now with his maker where love never ends.
My condolences to all who feel his absence.
Jefferson Adams
02-26-2014, 08:53
OK, Gloria will be getting a PO Box later today, Wednesday 2/26. I'll post it when I know it :)
Also, the local service for Dick will be videotaped, and everyone will be able to view it online, at no cost.
USMC Major Richard O. (Dick) Culver Jr. will be buried at Arlington, with full military honors.
02-26-2014, 09:24
If you could please post when the service would be at Arlington. I'm sure some of us are local and could attend if it is not private. Thanks
02-26-2014, 11:06
the world is a better place because of this man having lived
02-26-2014, 11:28
Major Culver, rest in peace Sir!
Gloria, my deepest sympathy.
David Chandler
If you could please post when the service would be at Arlington. I'm sure some of us are local and could attend if it is not private. Thanks
Ditto that. I already told the wife that we're going to Arlington.
Rest in peace, Major, and my most sincere condolences to Mrs. Culver.
Also, Arlington has funeral schedules on their website:
Unfortunately they only have the next 5 days schedules.
Rest in Peace Major
You have served God and Country
Jefferson Adams
02-26-2014, 05:31
Gloria's new mailing address:
Gloria Culver
2900 N. Government Way #12
Coeur d'Alene ID 83815
Dan In Indiana
02-26-2014, 07:41
He fought to the very end. RIP Major.
Jefferson Adams
02-27-2014, 07:48
If you could please post when the service would be at Arlington. I'm sure some of us are local and could attend if it is not private. Thanks
Definitely. It'll be a few weeks down the road, and I'll let everyone know here on the board.
Our heartfelt condolences to the Swede and the family.
George and Michele
Sorry to hear this. My sincere condolences and prayers.
02-27-2014, 08:57
The world has lost a little bit of color today, sorry to hear the news.
02-28-2014, 05:52
He kept the faith, Fought till the better end. Now the Good Lord has called him home for the rest he deserves. Sleep well Major, untill we all meet again. My prayers for the Majors wife Gloria an all on this bord. Michael
02-28-2014, 04:07
Definitely. It'll be a few weeks down the road, and I'll let everyone know here on the board.
RIP Major; I'll certainly keep Gloria and family in my prayers. I'm also interested as I am local.
Jefferson Adams
02-28-2014, 05:31
Just a quick note to Doug, whose wife's name begins with an "L" - I got something in the mail from you today, and I'll be forwarding it on to Gloria tomorrow.
Gloria's new address, for those who didn't see it before:
Gloria Culver
2900 N. Government Way #12
Coeur d'Alene ID 83815
Thanks. I included the address in the announcement which shows at the top of all the boards. Any word on services? I'm sure a few CSP troops would like to attend.
Jefferson Adams
03-01-2014, 10:16
Thanks Jeff, excellent idea :)
The services are still in the works, from what I understand there will be a local one in Coeur d'Alene and then the one at Arlington. I suspect that the local one may still be a couple of weeks away, as it apparently takes 6 to 8 weeks to arrange the Arlington service. I'll let folks know here as soon as I know.
Troy (WA)
03-02-2014, 08:01
I'm very sorry to hear the news of Dick's passing. I discovered CSP in 2000 after buying my first Garand. I was fortunate enough to find the most knowledgable group of people here. My first Garand was a fine June 1942 Lend Lease. I spent countless hours pouring over any information I could find. I bought books and then more Garands. Then came Carbines and 1911's. I added quite a few CMP military 22's into the mix. And so it goes not unlike some of my fellow CSP'ers. Thank you Major and Gloria as well as the rest of the gang.
Doug Douglass
03-03-2014, 05:09
Rest in peace Marine............:icon_salut:
Jim in Idaho
03-05-2014, 04:20
I just read of Major Culver's departure moments ago on another forum. I am deeply saddened to hear this.
Obviously, CSP won't be the same without him. I gravitated away from CSP after 2001 or so (popping in now and again), but often thought about him when I was back at Camp Lejeune from '05-'11, and wondered if he'd even recognize the place he would write about now and again when he was remembering his career as a Marine officer.
I never met him (although I have a suspicion he attended one of the USMC Birthday Balls in Boise over a decade ago), but knowing he was around the forum was a hoot. You never knew when he'd show up to a thread with a good sea story.
Farewell and following seas, sir-may God bless you and especially your family during a time of difficult loss, and thanks for taking the time to share you stories with us here at CSP.
Jefferson Adams
03-05-2014, 06:58
Some information about the memorial service for Dick (still no details about Arlington, this info is about the local service in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho).
Funeral services with full military honors will be at 2:00 pm on Monday, March 10, 2014, at English Funeral Chapel, at 1133 N. 4th St., Coeur d’Alene, ID. After the service, there will be a reception at VFW Post 889 at 406 N. 4th St. in Coeur d’Alene, at 3:00 pm.
Viewing will be from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Sunday, March 9, and again on Monday, March, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Here's a >> link to the funeral chapel ( << where you can sign the guest book if you wish, as well as read the write up (actually, Gloria and I just went over it in detail, and there will be some changes and additions hopefully sometime Thursday).
Jefferson Adams
03-11-2014, 12:12
The local service in Coeur d'Alene yesterday was excellent. Everything was red, white, and blue, there were numerous photos of young USMC Officer, Richard O. "Dick" Culver, and a number of short speeches by people who knew him.
The display table was covered with photos, ammunition spilled around, a couple of cigars, a Larue Tactical black bumpersticker that said "God bless our troops - especially our snipers" (which Gloria is considering sticking on the outside of the coffin for the Arlington burial), a helmet, dog tags...
I'm sure Dick was pleased.
I was so sad to read about Dick on the 1911 Forum. I haven't been on this forum in quite some time, so did not know about his health problems. My heart and prayers go out to Gloria. Dick was such a great guy and a true hero. The Pearly Gates just got another guard.
Jefferson Adams
03-13-2014, 05:08
Folks, English Funeral Chapel has posted >>> a video ( <<< of Major Culver's service in Coeur d'Alene.
There was a short Masonic ceremony first, followed by the main service with a larger crowd.
Still no word on when the Arlington service will be - and again, I will keep you all posted.
Jefferson Adams
03-21-2014, 06:47
Arlington News:
Major Dick Culver's service will be at Arlington National Cemetery on Wednesday, May 28, at 3:00pm. It will be with full military honors, including caisson with horses and a band.
More details as I know them, such as where, specifically, and other information.
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