View Full Version : Krag Charger
02-17-2014, 02:55
Thought I would share these...
Using the plan that Parashooter provided, I went down to my workshop this afternoon and banged this out of .020 brass sheet. First, I resized Para's picture until the scale was correct. Then, I cut the picture out and transferred it to the plate, scribing the lines where needed. I used my Dremmel with a cutoff blade to make the cuts, and then made my bends using clamps and some parallel bars for a simple brake. Once I had everything bent into the proper shape and locations, I silver-soldered the joints. I cleaned all the edges with a fine sanding drum in the Dremmel. I tested it, and made some adjustments... and then silver-soldered the back brace which made it nice and rigid. The whole thing took me about 2 hours to make once I had the picture sized to scale.... and it works great!!!
Thanks very much Parashooter for the plan!
02-17-2014, 02:59
Oh, and before anyone asks... the black on the neck of those rounds tells me that they are my dummy practice rounds - no powder or primer!
I have a piece of .025 copper, so I think I'll make another as a backup unit!
02-17-2014, 07:33
I don't see any blood, must not have cut yourself. Now that you got the pattern down, keep at it, sell a bunch on ebay and maybe get a booth on vendor's row next year.
02-17-2014, 07:35
Just a little... and a little burnt also, but solvent cleans that off nicely so my secret's safe, LOL
02-18-2014, 05:28
Great job, "tin knocker"
Great job! I will take one once you've put them into production. :)
02-18-2014, 04:57
Hmmmm... This might be the ticket to earn a little extra "Camp Perry" cash. I might have to see what it would cost to make and ship them... if there were enough interest. What do you guys think?
02-18-2014, 06:51
Here's a hint to facilitate a series of quality products - use a mandrel.
Note the shoulder on the "out" side - helps align cartridges regardless of OAL.
02-19-2014, 04:36
I'll try to make one of those today before I make my second charger. Thanks again Para!
Let's see- 2 hours, at $3/hr.= $6 apiece. Sound good?:eusa_whistle:
Regardless, I would be interested in one if you take it that far.
02-19-2014, 02:47
LOL Yeah, right - no!
But seriously, I'll let everyone know if I do take it further. I have to make a mandrel like Para suggested first. Then, I'm going to make a couple more just to make sure I'm getting them right. I'll keep everyone posted!
I would be interested in 1 or 2 of them as well.
I'm interested in a couple.
Ah, what the heck! I'm in for a couple!
02-25-2014, 10:45
Me too
John Sukey
02-25-2014, 11:33
Looks very much like the charger for the Swiss K31
02-25-2014, 12:12
Ok... Looks like I have enough interest to get serious, so I'll get busy on this, and hopefully by the end of the week, I'll have an idea on when I can have them made, and what the cost is going to be.
Stay tuned! :)
02-25-2014, 06:45
Please put me on the list also for two...seriously!
02-26-2014, 07:35
Not a problem!
Might as well add me to the list. Put me in for 2.
02-26-2014, 02:26
Gotcha Cecil!
I would be grateful for a couple of these, too. Especially from a fellow Michigander. Thank you.
02-28-2014, 10:18
Ok... Looks like I've got it all worked out. I will produce these chargers for whoever is seriously interested. As much as I would like to make them as gifts, this is not possible, so the price per charger will be $35.00 and this will include shipping. I can not guarantee a work of art... but I promise that every single one will function perfectly (each charger will tested with both 220 gr RN, and with 165 gr spitzers).
Please message me to work out the details.
Here's a picture of the mandrel I made to help form them:
This is the charger I made using the mandrel:
Reverse side:
02-28-2014, 03:45
:icon_salut: Looking pretty good now. (There should be no need to solder the back flap. Just bending it tight was sufficient on those I've made.)
You are, however, making one serious mistake - putting far too low a value on your skill, labor, and initiative! Remember that folks with limited funds could always make their own, so you're basically providing a service for those who are not inclined to expend some effort and/or too affluent to care about cost. Back in 2006, I priced the prettiest ones at $45 to $55 and they sold out in short order. If I were producing more now, I wouldn't sell for less than $100 each - well, maybe $99.95.
02-28-2014, 07:10
PM sent~
02-28-2014, 07:30
I just completed a prototype charger of my own from aluminum sheeting. It is, to say the least, very crude and works most of the time. I'd like to iron out the kinks and make several from brass.
03-01-2014, 01:12
Looks very much like the charger for the Swiss K31
The one I made is part K31 charger. Since I'd already cut myself a couple times, bending the .035 brass into the tabs like the one's pictured didn't seem too inviting, and thought the .035 might be a bit thick to strip past, so the fingers from a K31 charger got pop riveted into place. It's cruder than parashooter's design, but just as effective.
03-01-2014, 12:08
Me too
Mannparks, Please PM me.
Please message me to work out the details.
Looks like your message stack is full. Please email me at
c/a\bal+dwin at (without the trash) and let me know where to send the check.
03-02-2014, 02:34
Ok... for those of you trying to PM me, I cleaned out my message box so you can PM me now. Please give me an email address in your message so we can email freely, thanks.
CAB, I'll send you that email...
03-03-2014, 06:00
Got it, thanks.
03-10-2014, 08:39
For those who stated they wanted chargers, if you are still interested, please PM me.
Thanks very much
Shipment received. The chargers look great and I cannot wait till I can road test them.
Thanks for your time and talent.
03-11-2014, 09:07
s o h1898 sent you a pm. did you receive?
03-11-2014, 10:52
I pm (twice), did you not receive?
03-11-2014, 12:40
Shipment received. The chargers look great and I cannot wait till I can road test them.
Thanks for your time and talent.
Thanks Cecil... Please let me know if you have any problems!
03-11-2014, 12:43
I pm (twice), did you not receive?
I tried several times to reply Charles... I think you need to empty your inbox (only allowed so many messages, or it won't allow you to send any). Check your messages and then try again.
03-12-2014, 03:05
Mannparks... Please clean out your inbox and then message me... Thanks.
03-16-2014, 10:12
Received my Krag Chargers and they work very, very well ! Loading instructions included also. Quick turn around time too...would highly recommend to any Krag owners who wish to shoot their rifles competitively that they consider purchasing these charges from psteinmayer. He is a great choice to do business with !
03-16-2014, 01:09
Thanks very much 03Rifleman! So glad that they work well for you and you're happy with them! :)
I ordered 2 of these chargers and they arrived in the same week I made payment. They look great. I took them to the range today (very cold) and tried them and they worked super. I am very well pleased. Paul, thanks for making these! They will be just the trick for rapids at CMP matches this summer.
If your looking to make/sell more of these let me know and I will show them to the guys I shoot with.
Thanks again!
03-16-2014, 01:40
Thanks very much also Ernie! I really appreciate it!
Of course, I'll be using a couple myself at the CMP matches... so I'll give you all a run for your money too!!! LOL
03-21-2014, 06:58
It arrived today. Very fast turn around time. Excellent quality. If this was ebay I'd have to give you a 5 star rating.
Please ck. P.M.
03-21-2014, 07:35
Thanks very much Soldier.... I really appreciate it!
If anyone else wants a charger, please PM me. I still have a few available. Otherwise, they are going on EBay!
03-23-2014, 06:43
Just to see what would happen, I loaded some rounds in one of Paul's chargers with the rims wrong. The cartridges sorted themselves out when going across the bottom of the magazine. Pretty foolproof design of both the charger and the Krag's magazine.
03-23-2014, 09:07
Has nothing to do with the charger design - just basic geometry. .30 Army cartridges of regulation length will always align correctly in the Krag magazine. That's why the front and rear surfaces are at an angle to the axis. Rim alignment is an issue only with underlength cartridges.
03-24-2014, 01:24
I'll keep that in mind, I have some very fat nosed 155gr bullets that wind up at an OAL of 2.846" when into the throat. They were the loads I was running through the chargers. What is the regulation length? Nevermind found it, 3.089". My fat nosed 203gr spitzers are shorter than that too, when seated into the throat, 3.042". Things are working fine though. Both the fat nosed bullets are NOE designs, intended for the Mosin Nagant, like one I have that has a .316 groove diameter. If I can get the accuracy I want out of the spitzer before Camp Perry, I'll be shooting the same weight bullet the 1907 Palma Team did. Mine's a wee bit shorter and pointier than the Hudson-Thomas bullet they used though.
03-24-2014, 10:49
Heck, I'm just glad that the chargers work as advertised!
I'm a little bummed out that some of the people that said they wanted one or two never responded to my messages or followed up with me. I have a bunch ready to ship... and if no one else wants one, they are going on EBay for more than I was charging here!
03-24-2014, 12:26
Ahh, the joys of dealing with the public! Now you may be seeing some of why I stopped selling chargers.
Put 'em on eBay and make some bucks. You deserve it!
03-24-2014, 04:07
Paul. I got the charger today. very nice work
Tried it out(not hot)and worked slik.
Can't wait till it warms up to try it.
If any of you guys were thinking about getting one of these, don't hesitate.
Thanks Paul
Good job
03-24-2014, 05:42
Thanks very much Mannparks! I am so happy that everyone who purchased them is satisfied with em'... Makes it worth it!
Thanks also Parashooter for your kindness and support in this!
You guys are all awesome!
03-24-2014, 07:22
Hi Paul. I'm sorry to see where some of the buttheads who ordered chargers
from you backed out and let you down. If you still have a few left I would like to order one more. I'll get the dough in the mail ASAP. The one I have now dumps the rounds into the magazine slick as H#!! Thanks again. R.J.Gray
03-25-2014, 05:38
I do still have some R.J., and I'll put one aside for you... No problem at all!
To be honest, I have no problems ordering more brass and making more, as long as they sell. I have lots of time on my hands these days (being laid off), so making them keeps me busy.
03-26-2014, 06:23
Paul I would like to buy one of your chargers. Send payment instructions.
John L.
03-26-2014, 08:54
No problem Ripper... PM sent
04-01-2014, 06:21
Received my charger today and it is very nicely made and polished, thanks Paul.
04-01-2014, 06:29
No problems Ripper!
For those of you who are still interested... I just received more brass, and I'm geared up to produce more. If you are still interested, please PM me, thanks.
04-02-2014, 07:21
Hello Paul. Just received my second charger today. Another masterpiece! It loads the Krag lunchbox better than my wife could pack mine when I was still working.
04-03-2014, 01:43
Thanks very much. So happy to have everyone pleased with them!
04-03-2014, 03:54
just joined sight / i would be interested in your charger ill pm you and may take 2 if possible . from don in canada
04-05-2014, 12:21
2 requested / ordered ............thanks !!
04-06-2014, 07:51
I do still have some R.J., and I'll put one aside for you... No problem at all!
To be honest, I have no problems ordering more brass and making more, as long as they sell. I have lots of time on my hands these days (being laid off), so making them keeps me busy.
Paul, could you put me down for two? Wish I was back in the States or I would be making them too. :) Guess I will have to ramp up that brass project.
04-06-2014, 01:46
No problem CJ. I just got another order of Brass... so I'm busy making more now!
05-01-2014, 06:01
Howdy everyone...
I just wanted to ask if anyone else is still interested in a Krag Charger? I still have a couple left, and I have no problem ordering more brass and making more as long as people want them. Just let me know, thanks.
06-30-2014, 11:15
Howdy again...
I just wanted to let anyone who's interested know that I have 6 of the chargers left (last ones I'm making). I'll be at Camp Perry for the CMP Nationals on Saturday and Sunday, and I'll have them with me in case anyone else wants one.
I would be interested in one or 2, if you have any left--pls. advise!
07-08-2014, 04:47
Hi Polock... Yes, I still have a few available. Please PM me for details.
07-10-2014, 07:01
Paul, I sent you a PM regarding your Krag chargers. Thanks, Rick
07-11-2014, 05:33
Update: All of the remaining chargers are now spoken for and I have no plans on making any more at this time. However, If anyone still wants them, please PM me and we'll discuss it. If I get an overwhelming number of requests, I may order more brass.
Thanks to everyone who purchased them from me, and a HUGE nod to Parashooter, who graciously allowed me to use his design. I really appreciate the support!
Best regards,
07-16-2014, 04:40
Update - Part 2: At the urging of my wife, I have ordered more brass and will make some more chargers. I had another request, and she said that I shouldn't leave anyone behind, so I'll have more ready in a couple weeks. Again, thanks to everyone for putting your faith in these chargers.
Best regards,
12-20-2014, 11:42
Hi Paul. Have you noticed the similarities (and differences) with the Norwegian Hagens design?
Would love to find a picture of the front side.
Note the short forward section, wide slot, and wide tabs. Looks like it might work better and be a bit easier to make than ours. I'd omit the contouring on the back but really like the idea of leaving enough stock at the bottom of the slot to roll it over, adding strength and thumb protection. Here's a (rough) revised template incorporating these changes -
12-20-2014, 12:41
Someone should combine your idea, with Mussoner's: Oops, was going to link, but I see you done been there. Plastic and Krags don't really go together, but who wouldn't want some convenient to carry ammo packs. For those other than parashooter:
Ned Butts
12-20-2014, 05:39
So how about making some for us Norwegian Krag shooters?!?!?
12-20-2014, 06:25
That's a great idea, Para! Maybe after the first of the year, I'll try to work on this and see if I can bang a few out. If it works, they might be just the ticket for both US and Norwegian Krags! I'll keep you posted Ned....
12-20-2014, 10:00
If made wide enough for the ~.545" U.S. rim, a charger of this design works fine for either Norwegian or American Krags. (So, apparently, does the A&B "injector" style.)
My original "made by Parashooter" chargers work equally well with US .30 Krags and my 6.5x55 Norwegian Krag. No worries.
Bob S.
Mickey Christian
12-25-2014, 11:44
So when will they start to ship?
I would like one.
Mickey Christian
12-27-2014, 04:16
Make it two. I know I am late getting to this thread, but they are such a good idea I would buy a couple.
Mr. Steinmayer: Hope I'm not too late to the party. I'd very much like a pair of your chargers if they're still available. Please advise price and shipping, etc. Thanks. R Rubrecht (
12-29-2014, 06:33
Who needs a Parkhurst with one of these mags! You're just a bit over a century too late, but there still is a market for some of these. Heck, I know I would buy one for my Krag. :icon_lol:
Dick Hosmer
12-29-2014, 07:12
I've mentioned this before, but check out "stangskyting" on Youtube for some FAST Krag action. Shooters never let go of the bolt and fire with the middle finger. Reloading is almost a blur - blink and you'll miss it. One thing I found interesting (and it probably has to do with keeping to one standard rhythm) is that they reload with the bolt closed. Did not notice if they start with six or five. Goal is maximum amount of aimed shots (and only hits count) in a fixed time - not a specified number of rounds.
12-29-2014, 10:05
I have played with my parkerized Krag a few times using their technique. Works good with it because it has a trigger that makes me cringe when they put the weight on it at inspection. It holds, but it has to be mighty close to tripping. The other 92/96 needs work before I can squeeze the trigger off with my middle finger. It has a bit too much travel before it lets go.
12-29-2014, 10:35
There's a logical reason for reloading with bolt closed - it saves hand motion. Opening the bolt before reloading requires moving hand some 7 inches from open bolt knob to loading gate then, after charging, 7" back to knob. With bolt closed, the distance from hand to gate is significantly less - and that saves a few vital milliseconds.
Reload from open bolt:
Open bolt - 5"
Move hand to gate - 7"
Open gate, charge, close gate - X" (constant either method)
Back to bolt - 7"
Close bolt - 5"
Total - 24"+X"
Reload from closed bolt:
Move hand to gate - 2"
Open gate, charge, close gate - X"
Back to bolt - 2"
Open bolt - 5"
Close bolt - 5"
Total - 14"+X"
Difference - 10"
Dick Hosmer
12-29-2014, 12:43
That makes total sense - kinda what I meant, but a much better, and more detailed, explanation. Thanks.
12-29-2014, 03:07
For those who still wish to get chargers from me... Please PM me. Yes, they are still available. I have 5 ready to ship and 5 more blanks ready to finish... and I'm not opposed to ordering more brass either.
As for the new design from Parashooter, I am going to work on that over the next few weeks and see how it works out. If it works alright, then I will make them available this spring.
Mr. Steinmayer: I attempted a PM with no apparent luck. I'd very much like to buy a pair of your chargers. Can you confirm via email to with address, etc. ? Thanks
12-31-2014, 03:54
Email received, thanks Dokcop!
Mickey Christian
01-01-2015, 05:44
Sent you an email through the page. Would like 2 chargers.
01-02-2015, 05:51
Email coming Mickey, thanks very much.
11-24-2015, 01:02
Are you still making these? I would like two. Email me ordering instructions. Regards.
11-24-2015, 02:11
Message sent wolfer69
Am I too late to order a couple of these?
12-20-2015, 04:46
Hi Steve!
Nope, I still make the chargers. It will be after the new year however, as I have been temporarily sidelined by a medical situation. I'll be ordering more brass soon, and I'll get blanks produced once I'm able to get down to my work room (a few weeks). Just send me a PM and I'll give you my contact information.
12-28-2015, 07:40
I'd like to purchase one of these when you're able to make more.
12-29-2015, 04:23
Hi Kent, Please send me a private message.
Package arrived todays post. The pictures posted here don't do your work justice. Very nice job, excellent. You've done a very good job on these.
Thanks, Steve
01-02-2016, 03:47
Thanks very much Steve... I truly appreciate the kudos!
Dick Hosmer
01-02-2016, 04:44
Do you ever get "rim-on-rim" stoppages, or do they just roll right in 100% of the time? My only experiences with bulk loading have been by hand, not under match pressure, and they don't ALWAYS go exactly where you want them.
Just re-watched some of the Scandinavian stangskyting videos on You Tube - man, are those guys fast!! Never let go of the bolt and pull-off with middle finger - of course, the 6.5mm is rimless so no worries on that score (beyond being sure the charger is in the hole before you squeeze it, of course).
01-02-2016, 08:02
Given cartridges of appropriate (full) length, the US Krag's diagonal magazine is designed to automatically align rims in echelon for proper feeding. With non-standard length, it depends on gravity. Muzzle up or down and uniform sub-length rounds often align correctly, in obedience to magazine and cartridge geometry. In between, rifle near horizontal, it's a bit random.
01-03-2016, 04:46
Surprisingly, I've not had a problem with feed alignment yet. I've used mine in 20 or so local matches now, as well as the Nationals for the last 3 years... and they've performed flawlessly for me. I've also had no complaints from anyone. If someone wasn't happy with them, I would definitely make it right. Para's design seems to be bullet proof (no pun intended)!
FWIW, each one I make is tested with full-length standard .30 USA ammo (Hornady 220 gr RN), as well as a shorter 150 gr RN, and a 165 gr SP spitzer bullet (I have a set of dummy rounds made up for each, just for testing purposes). I want to make sure they work properly no matter what round is used.
Dick Hosmer
01-03-2016, 08:12
Thanks (to both of you) and I hope you understood that mine was a technical question, born of simple curiosity, not any sort of suggestion that you were providing something that did not work. If anyone has complained, I've never heard of it - just assumed there might be the occasional glitch - glad to hear there isn't. Thanks again.
01-25-2016, 09:38
hello , new to this forum, and i saw your thread about the krag charger, would like to order two also if possible.
01-26-2016, 02:19
hello , new to this forum, and i saw your thread about the krag charger, would like to order two also if possible.
Private message sent Jetblue
01-26-2016, 02:46
I have used the Chargers built buy psteinmayer,it works.
02-01-2016, 10:23
I haven't had an problems either. I still use my cruder made open top model, I can see for sure the rims are properly oriented with it. I load the first five with Paul's. Spritz, and shut the gate. Meanwhile the rest of the line is still fumbling and guys are shouting "not ready", then I use mine for the reload.
02-03-2016, 04:59
I would like to thank psteinmayer for two nicely made Krag charger's that came today! Also like to thank Parashooter for the original idea! Thanks guys
02-04-2016, 03:45
Amen to that! Para graciously allowed me to make his design, and I am eternally grateful!!!
I am a new Krag shooter who is preparing for the new Krag match to be held at Camp Perry's CMP Games this Summer during the National Matches. i understand that you are fabricating chargers for the Krag. I have been practicing for the rapid fire course of fire and having extreme difficulty loading and firing the Krag within the allotted time. I would like to obtain one or two charger from you. Let me know if you are still making them as well as the cost and turnaround time.
Mike Scocos
134 Scenic View Drive, Copley, OH 44321
03-20-2016, 09:07
Paul will get with you soon Mike, he's still making them. You could get by with one, for the reload, and simply load the first five as usual, but I like having two. Spritz, you're loaded, other guys are still fumbling around with stripper clips or loading one at a time in other rifles.
03-21-2016, 02:42
Howdy... Yes, I am still making them. I have a few on hand for some members who requested them, and then never got back with me... so I'll send you a PM here and you can just respond.
Update: Email sent to you Mike!
05-09-2016, 04:33
I was told of a charger listed on EBay... so I checked it out, and YEP... It's one of mine! He even shows them in one picture with the instruction sheet that I send with each charger... LOL. He's selling it with a pouch that laces up on the stock and holds the charger. Now I don't know where the pouch came from, but I'm betting he made it, cause it looks kind of cheesy. This guy is in Canada, and I remember him specifically because I had to jump through hoops to ship the chargers to him! He shows the pouch laced onto a Norwegian Krag.
Wonder why he's selling, cause if he's trying to turn a profit, I don't see him doing that with the current bid!
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