View Full Version : Range time today.

02-28-2014, 08:15
Took a "sick" day today and suffered at the range. Tinkered with a few of my pistols and a friends Mauser that he recently acquired. I never go however, without my favorite 03. My mark I dated 1919, re-barreled in July 1944 with a HS is my baby. My pet load is a SAECO 315 HP in front of 17.5 gr of 2400. At 50 yards that I usually shoot at it will outshoot me all day long. Here are two groups that I got with this rifle. One today and another the last time at the range. http://s210.photobucket.com/user/DwightD_1944/media/image.jpg.htmlhttp://s210.photobucket.com/user/DwightD_1944/media/image-1.jpg.html

02-28-2014, 08:19
Let's try this again. http://s210.photobucket.com/user/DwightD_1944/media/image-1.jpg.html


02-28-2014, 08:21
And one more time.

03-03-2014, 02:30
What grouping? I just see one hole :)

03-09-2014, 01:09
This 03 is a mixmaster. A collector it is not. A mark I with a wwII replacement barrel, but what a shooter. It is my favorite rifle by far and I have quite a few, some of which are collectible. Gave $400 for it and would not sell it for $2000 because of how it shoots.

Jeff L
03-09-2014, 09:55
Nice group! What kind of barrel?

03-11-2014, 07:22
High standard. July 1944. Saw this rifle at a local gun show on a Sunday afternoon. The guy was trying to sell it walking around. It was stocked in a scant c and was an obvious rebuild. When I looked up the bore, I could get the cash out of my pocket fast enough. Mirror finish. I only shoot cast loads. This grouping was a SAECO 315 HP sized .310 in front of 17.5 of 2400. Frankly, this is about the only load I shoot in this rifle anymore. I also restocked it, glass bedded the action and yes it has a timney. But still, the action is 1919, the barrel 1944, and I love to see all the guys at the range with their new modern rifles that can't match this old honey. I just laugh. I also have an original 1918 dated SA '03, that hasn't been touched that will get close to this one, but that trigger isn't the same, so I struggle with the tight groups my mark I will do.