View Full Version : Is there a AR platform rifle that fires Garand M2 ball ammo?
I have never seen an AR platform that could fire M2 ball ammo. I'm curious if there is such a thing as t would be nice to have not only my M1 but an AR that fires the same ammo.. Just wondering.
The standard issue USGI M1Garand rifle was made in .30-06 only........... various other calibres have been made , including .308 Win/7.62NATO, some of those can be the gov't issue too, and custom made civilian target/hunting rifles in .270Win, .35 Whelan , .35 Whelan Improved , .243 Win..........
To the best of my knowledge, the longest AR platform receiver/rifle made is for the intermediate length .308Win/.243 Win/.358Win cartridges....... the .30-06 cartridge is quite a bit longer than those............ Heck I'd like to have an AR style rifle in .30-06, .35 Whelan & as long as I'm dreaming..... & much longer rifles chambered in .375H&H & .375 Ruger.............
Da Gimp,
I thought, since I have an "adaquate" amount of M2 ball for my Garands and 03-A3's it would be nice to have an AR platform so, depending on my mood, I could either take out a Garand, an 03-A3 or an AR and use some of my M2 ball. I guess I will have to remain satisfied having an AR platform in .308 and one in 5.56 and just use my M2 ball ammo in either a Garand or an 03-A3. Like you said, "just dreaming" but, MAYBE SOMEONE WILL BUILD ONE SOME DAY, who knows?
quick search says several folks made some limited runs,
google 30.06 AR,
cobb, MCR are the first responses, from the same question asked on different forums,
followed by good luck finding one,,,
Oh well, guess I'll just be satisfied with what I have. Thanks all.
Jim in Salt Lake
03-07-2014, 08:28
These guys make ARs in .300 Win mag.
Saw an artical while in the stan about an AR lower with a bolt 338LP on top.
Just leave the M2 stuff for the M1903, 17, and Garands. Shoot all the other 06 stuff in the others.
bombdog, out!!!!
John L. Lucci
03-07-2014, 08:06
I have never seen an AR platform that could fire M2 ball ammo. I'm curious if there is such a thing as t would be nice to have not only my M1 but an AR that fires the same ammo.. Just wondering.
No but you could have a Garand re-barreled into .308 and pick up an AR-10 and then you'd have the desired ammo commonality..
It's simple mathematics N+1 where N is the number of guns you now own. :evil6::icon_salut:
nah at my house John, it's the number of firearms that "she, who must be obeyed & promptly" has no objection to be buying or have made..............
03-21-2014, 12:53
Thought the same , even considered the Ohio Ordnance BAR , but after owning the DPMS AR-10 with a 24 inch stainless bull barrel I'm not so sure . The DPMS was a little awkard with the 20 rd mag as far as getting into a prone shooting position . But it was a good shooter . I would guess a reciever that would accept a twenty rd 06 magazine and I personally wouldn't want one in less than a 22 inch barrel , prefer a 24" in 06 , would make me think it wouldn't be to handy in the field except in a fixed firing position .
03-21-2014, 05:05
Go Big Bore.
The AR can fire .458 Socom Change the complete Upper.
I am having great results with this caliber...
Did not think the AR design could handle a cartridge of the 30-06 length.
Besides the BAR, look for a FN49, as far as I know it was the last semi-auto built for the 30-06. Commercial rifles would be the Remington 742 type; larger capacity mags are available and the gun shoots well as a hunting rifle.
Darreld Walton
04-11-2014, 04:35
IF I didn't have M1's and 03's, and desperately wanted a semi automatic .30-06, my first choice would be a Browning BAR Safari, and go from there. They've been around long enough that they've stood the test of time, the ones I've fooled around with (.243, 308, '06, 300 Winchester, and 338 Winchester) have been exceptional shooters, and a guy should be able, with some judicious shopping, to find one for the same, or less cash than it'd take to acquire a 'big' AR.
3 (
Sorry for the delay in seeing your response. Interesting rifle, the BN36. I wonder if anyone out there owns one and could say whether or not to look at it a little harder.
"Thought the same , even considered the Ohio Ordnance BAR ".
I bought one but it took a little over 1 yr to get it. Very accurate and always draws fellow shooters over. HEAVY AND LONG, but fun to shoot.
"Thought the same , even considered the Ohio Ordnance BAR ".
I bought one but it took a little over 1 yr to get it. Very accurate and always draws fellow shooters over. HEAVY AND LONG, but fun to shoot.
I have thought about the O.O. BAR but like you said, HEAVY & LONG. Can not afford an original BAR but I've wanted one since watching Kirby back when I was young! Never held or even seen one in real life and besides, full auto isn't something I need or want. Did enough of that back in another life.
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