View Full Version : RCBS or LEE case lube for bullet lube
Your thoughts on this? There's been many discussions on best and sticky lubes for case sizing. I have anyways used the sticky stuff in the past and it is indeed a mess to constantly wipe the cases and your hands while preforming other reloading task. From my opinion and many of you it seems like the water based case lubes made by LEE and now from RCBS is the way to go. They can be diluted with water and/or alcohol and sprayed on the cases and allowed to dry. Some chose to use the alcohol because it speeds the drying time. NOW, unless you use a bullet sizer such as the RCBS Lube-A-Matic or the Lyman 45/450/4500 which fills the bullet cannelures with a solid type lube like bees wax, you tumble the cast bullets in something like Alox that puts a thin coating on the entire bullet. My question (finally): have any of you used the water based case lubes on the bullets instead of Alox or bees wax? This stuff works so great on the cases it seems like there would be some aplication on bullets as well. Of course the bullets would have to dry just like the cases before reloading.
The only case lube I use now is what I make myself. After many stuck cases I switched to Dillon's and now I make my own which is like dillons.
Major Tom
03-08-2014, 05:42
I use Imperial case lube. Comes in a little can and looks like paste wax. A little dab will do ya. I will never go back to RCBS or Lee case lube.
03-08-2014, 06:50
I only use Hornady One-Shot spray lube. Does not affect powder or primers, and no muss or fuss!
I tried the Imperial wax and am still using using it, before that I had used Crisco and never had a stuck case of any cal. I think that the Imperial is a little easier to use than Crisco and a lot easier than the sticky RCBS stuff.
03-12-2014, 07:30
I make and use my own. I bought a bottle of Lanolin off of Ebay, a bottle of 90 percent alcohol and a empty spray bottle from walmart. I pour a small amount of lanolin into the spray bottle then add the alcohol. I leave and inch or two of space to allow for mixing, shake well then spray on cases, the alcohol evaporates quickly and is the best lube I have ever used. It's a lot like Dillon's case lube but a whole lot cheaper. Plus it works great for dry skin too.
01-27-2017, 05:42
I make and use my own. I bought a bottle of Lanolin off of Ebay, a bottle of 90 percent alcohol and a empty spray bottle from walmart. I pour a small amount of lanolin into the spray bottle then add the alcohol. I leave and inch or two of space to allow for mixing, shake well then spray on cases, the alcohol evaporates quickly and is the best lube I have ever used. It's a lot like Dillon's case lube but a whole lot cheaper. Plus it works great for dry skin too.
It's exactly like Dillon's Lube. I mixed up lanolin and fresh denatured alcohol & refilled my Dillon's spray bottle until, after about 15 years, the sprayer finally broke. I'm looking for more lanolin, but it's not as easy to find as it was a dozen years ag.
01-27-2017, 07:04
It's been over a decade since I've used my Luber-Sizer & I've had it long enough that it's still partially filled with Javelina lube.
I just got everything together to begin reloading for .45-70 trapdoor & cast up a buncha bullets yesterday. I got some Beeswax/Red Carnuba wax blend sticks from White Label and mixed a stick of it with an equal part of Javelina (Alox/Beeswax). I've forgotten just how messy the bullet sizing dies gets when pan + cookiecutter lubing bullets prior to resizing.
I had planned to try the Johnson's Paste wax tumble lube, but it just didn't seem like it would be enough (despite extensive use by those who love it). Besides, I've got a pan of the blended sticks of lube that I don't like.
I just added an equal part by volume of the Paste Wax to the pan of lube, then added some mineral spirits. It works great to evenly coat the bullets & isn't as ungodly sticky as the stick stuff alone. It easily wipes off the bullet nose without the paper towel shredding & sticking to the bullet.
Vos Parate
02-17-2017, 06:44
I use the Lee case lube. I dilute it with water and paint it on with a kid's paintbrush.
Case lube is like thick oil. Bullet lube is like wax. Case lube is too thin for using as bullet lube. And lubing the entire bullet doesn't do anything.
Lanolin can be had in your local drug store. No need to fund the anti-firearm ownership gangs.
03-03-2017, 05:46
I use Lanolin and rubbing alcohol.
A standard household size alcohol bottle and 4oz. of Lanolin.
You can't over lube and it gives you an indication of when a pad needs reapplication way before you can get a stuck case. I use a throat spray bottle to apply to a RCBS case pad, it sprays a very fine mist.
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