View Full Version : Remington 03 questions

03-11-2014, 05:01
Picked up a Rem 03 (not 03A3) with a serial of 3094XXX (paranoid, yes :eusa_whistle:)

Questions: seeing the stock set is NOT original (it was replaced by one of Northridge replacement stock sets, unfortunately) - is this TOO late to be a GG stock rifle originally? Should this be just a regular non-GG S stock? Should the handguard be early style with the concave section and half-round windage cut, or later Rem style with the tapered profile with a straight cut windage cut? (it currently wears a Booher or whomever contractor "lump" handguard - the fugly ones). The seller included the stock that was on it when HE got it - unfortunately cracked - and is the transitional type with pins rather than stock bolts.

I have a Greek return GG stock that LOOKS Rem (there is an R on the foreend tip - RIA?) that should clean up nicely - I think it would look nicer than the later plain jane non-GG stocks, but possibly not historically correct (weird supposition for a "bitser" anyway!). Maybe put on a Keystone C, but again... Ah well.

Another odd aspect to this rifle is a complete lack of barrel markings. The barrel shares the same slightly worn and used appearance as the rest of the rifle, so I am fairly certain it is period correct. I know RA/SA/RIA/HS/Sedgely barrel stampings are usually pretty deep, so any idea what this could be? I seem to recall SOME Rem's having unfinished SA or RIA blanks, but surely Rem would have marked them? It is NOT a civilian barrel. The RSFB is the non-fluted, full round type (worse luck - I have definite esthetic tastes in M1903's, the round RSFB not being one of them :) )

Other than the above oddities and restoration points, the rifle seems good - barrle lots of life left, Rem milled triggerguard set, Rem bands, Rem bolt, Rem rear sight. Only thing I had to buy was an nickle oiler, a stacking swivel and a sling - I was very happy to get an ORIGINAL Kerr NoBukl M1903 type sling at a Gunshow the other week for $35 (yes, it IS original, and NOT a WPG repro - unless someone put rust stains on the canvas, wore some of the blackening off the brass and then let it mellow for 50 years :) I got it with a can of GI bore cleaner thrown in - the little khaki one that proclaims you can put it in your ammo pockets etc :)

Rick the Librarian
03-11-2014, 05:18
I have seen a few original Remington M1903s of that serial range with GG stocks, but the VAST majority had non-GG stocks with a RLB stamp and no slots for the 1903A3 handguard ring. The RLB was boxed.

All Remington handguards were the modified "high hump" variety - none were the later "straight" variety you seem to be describing.

Rock Island stocks had an RI on the tip, if the 1917-1919 variety, and a large S if the early (1913 and before) type.

No Remingtons used RIA or Springfield barrels. There were all marked.

Again, as with the GG stocks, I have seen a tiny number of higher numbered Remington M1903s such as yours with the lightening grooves on the FRSB, but nearly all were the ones without them, ugly or not - they saved a step in manufacture, and that was the name of the game.

R=Early parts are sometimes seen on later Remingtons, but they are by far the exception to the rule. I believe John Beard calls them "floor sweepings." I have a very early Remington bolt on a very late Remington rifle, but this was the exception to the rule, as I stated above.

03-11-2014, 05:41
Thanks RTL, I knew I could depend on you for good advice.

Have you got a picture in your vast collection of a Rem 03 with GG stock and the round FRSB that is known to be 100% original?

The Greek return stock I have shows all hallmarks of Rem style - different comb shape to definitive SA style, deep GG's. The handguard with it is VERY nice, and is "modified" high hump. A shame the Greeks sanded/boned off any cartouches, but such is life I guess. Seems it will be the stock going on it - selling the unissued generic replacement makes this a VERY affordable rifle now :)

Rick the Librarian
03-11-2014, 05:56
Here's couple of pictures of my Red Star Remington M1903, #3,024,801. One picture shows the "round" FRSB. The rifle is original except that, probably during British service, the handguard got switched or replaced. Note the shape.

Any chance of seeing pictures of your rifle?



03-13-2014, 02:32
Many thanks Rick, and what a gorgeous rifle!

I only have BAD seller photos of it at the moment, so will show it in due course with better images.