View Full Version : Franken-Garand

03-18-2014, 03:15
Just found today on a German auction site, a really messed up Garand with a PU scope and scope mount (plus the Garand is deactivated).

Besides this really curious fake I kept wondering whether they really did such rifles, probably in Vietnam? Has anyone ever seen something similar?

03-18-2014, 10:44
I have no idea about whether this is something semi-official or a one-off, but it must be a real horror to shoot with that scope mounted that high. Of course, most Russian scopes are way up in the air anyway, so maybe it didn't appear that strange to the builder.

Griff Murphey
03-19-2014, 05:36
Vietnam bring back by a a GI who was later assigned to Germany? Left in his off base housing when he rotated back to the states and found by German, or the GI traded it off to a German, who then had it dewatted to make it legal? Just a guess.

Jim in Salt Lake
03-19-2014, 09:29
How could you shoot that thing? I'm 6'4" and when I'm shooting mine prone, my nose is pretty close to the back end of the receiver. No way could I shoot with that scope, no eye relief. It looks like the scope is mounted in the rings wrong, maybe should be mounted with the turrets in front of the rings? I'd bet the scope was mounted at the same time the rifle was dewatted.

03-19-2014, 10:53
What does that medallion say????

03-19-2014, 11:17
As far as I see it the scope was mounted only by screwing the scope mount to the receiver, without a scope mount base as used on the Mosin Nagant rifles. Additonally parts of the scope mount have been cut off. I requested additional pictures of that rifle, hopefully I'll receive some. No idea what the medallion says.

Edit: added a picture of what I received from the seller.