View Full Version : 1903 rear sight fit question

03-29-2014, 09:19
Is the turret in the collar supposed to be tight or at least snug in the hole on the bottom of the rear sight base or should it be loose?

03-29-2014, 09:52
Accurate and repeatable windage adjustments are possible only if the stud is a snug fit in the hole. If it's not, the movable base can move up front without rotating the back and the back end can move without being fully controlled by the windage worm. It's pretty much like having a worn-out wheel bearing - the wheel (movable base) can't turn smoothly and precisely if the axle (stud) has a loose fit. Also like a wheel bearing, having it too tight comes with another set of problems.

John Beard
03-29-2014, 09:55
Theoretically, it shouldn't make any difference. But in reality, the rear sight should fit snugly without binding. I've seen the turret peened very slightly around the edges to snug it up. Theoretically, only three peens positioned in a triangle across the turret should do the job.

Hope this helps.


03-29-2014, 10:50
Thank you both. Figured that was the case. My original rear sight fits as it should, which it requires a twisting back and forth to remove it (the stud has four shallow holes drilled in the top, I assume where a punch was inserted at some point to widen the head of the stud). I have another, different rear sight that I tried and although it is not sloppy loose, it just goes on without having to twist it back and forth to get it down on the post as is the case of the original. I thought it was strange that one fit so well and the other did not. Tolerances I guess.

John R.
03-29-2014, 10:57
Theoretically, it shouldn't make any difference. But in reality, the rear sight should fit snugly without binding. I've seen the turret peened very slightly around the edges to snug it up. Theoretically, only three peens positioned in a triangle across the turret should do the job.

Hope this helps.


Have any of you ever seen or heard of an armourer's M1903 windage knob winding tool ?

I got one in a bunch of five tied together with a length of cord.Four were for M1 Garand rear sight knobs.One was not.Too small and it had me wondering until inspired by a cosmic flash of brilliance made me pull my M1903A1 out of my safe and.......VOILA !

Has anyone else ever seen one ?

John R.

03-29-2014, 11:15
What is a rear sight winding tool for? Is it to chase the threads?

Gary L. Bush
03-30-2014, 06:58
John R.
You may be referring to a 1903 windage knob wrench. Would you please post a picture?
Gary Bush

Rick the Librarian
03-30-2014, 07:46
Here's a picture of one I had a couple of years back.


03-30-2014, 11:55
Welcome to the joys of the M1903 rear sight, one of the most cussed sights ever installed on a military rifle. When properly adjusted they are capable of very fine accuracy on the range when using the aperture in the rear sight leaf. Sloppiness in the sight can result from wear in the following areas; windage screw, moveable base, fixed base stud/post, and front and rear overhangs on the fixed base. There are also the normal manufacturing tolerances to deal with from one part to another.

Generally I've found that sloppiness in the moveable base can be improved by selective fitting of several moveable bases, replacement of the windage screw, peening the fixed base stud or adding a shim to the top of it, or slightly tapping either the front or rear lug to get a closer bite on the moveable base. Packing the windage screw with grease is also helpful.

Within the past couple of years I've installed 3 new GI replacement barrels with unworn fixed base surfaces and found them to be a real pleasure to work with. I've installed new windage screws each time and still found that I had to trial fit several of the moveable bases to get one with a tight fit. I like to keep a supply of moveable bases and windage knobs on hand. You can still locate NOS/unused ones w/o too much trouble.

03-30-2014, 01:15

Thank you for that post. Had no idea that the turret and base fit would be an issue until I tried a different one.

03-31-2014, 07:41
Have any of you ever seen or heard of an armourer's M1903 windage knob winding tool ?

Yes. But they only fit the early small windage knobs and will not work on the later large ones.