View Full Version : Winchester Model 70 SRS look up

03-30-2014, 02:31
I have a model 70 Winchester that falls into the serial number range of the USMC riffles bought in 1942. Where can I find any information on these serial numbers? I did lots of research with no luck. Would the SRS be of any help? Serial number of rifle is 46480

Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
03-31-2014, 05:32
I know only one of the serial numbers, and it is W47262. I do know someone who has them all (SN's), but most of the rifles are long gone. Is your rifle glass bedded? What weight barrel does it have? Caliber? I know very little about these rifles, but I don't recall any of them being surplussed. It is very unlikely you have one of them.


03-31-2014, 06:03
The rifle is in new condition. Not reblued or restored. Its a standard type 1-4 winchester. 24in barrel with a type 3a roll stamping on the barrel. I wasn't sure if this was part of the lot the USMC bought in 42 and got mothballed. Its a 30 06

Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
03-31-2014, 08:26
The rifle is in new condition. Not reblued or restored. Its a standard type 1-4 winchester. 24in barrel with a type 3a roll stamping on the barrel. I wasn't sure if this was part of the lot the USMC bought in 42 and got mothballed. Its a 30 06

It is my understanding that all the rifles acquired were used in combat and received severe duty (to say the least). I haven't seen Hathcock's rifle at Quantico yet, but I have been told it was refinished. FYI, the atmosphere in RVN was very corrosive and damp (anyone who went through a monsoon season may see the humor in that last statement).

Someone more knowledgeable than I may jump in and educate us both. I do know the maintenance records for these rifles still exist, making them well documented.


03-31-2014, 11:03
Check out this article. http://www.americanrifleman.org/articles/military-winchester-model-70/

03-31-2014, 11:19
I know there is a book or magazine called Death From Afar Vol 1 Someone told me the book had a partial serial number list. I was hoping someone might have a copy

04-20-2014, 04:28
Win Model 70 S/N 46480 does not appear on the list, pages 49 and 50 of Chandler's "Death From Afar" volume 1, Prewar Model70's, however, the list is prefaced as all known S/Ns as of the date of publication. S/N 46480 is in the range. I would recommend you acquire the Chandler book and do your own research as to exact configuration of the rifles acquired by the USMC before WW2 began. Hope this helps.