View Full Version : Some WWII history from my home town

Allen Humphrey
04-03-2014, 07:55
This isn't an '03 story so I hope you will forgive me, but the people I "know" best hang out in this corner of the forum. As Rick the Librarian knows, I grew up in a tiny little farm town in Washington State. The city population is less than 2000 so everybody knows everybody. A friend tipped me off to the following story about a fellow still living there today.


The story incorrectly lists his home town as Dayton, Idaho but I assure you it is in Washington. However if you blink as you drive through town you might be in Idaho when your eyes open:)

Our little town, like most, was peppered with WWII vets including both my grandfathers. Most are gone, but I was fortunate to get to know many of them. Few spoke of their service. The town erected a very nice memorial on main street a few years ago that is disproportionate compared to the size of the town. All wartime service members (dating back to before 1900) names are added when they pass.

I happen to be heading back home this weekend to see some family. I might have to make a point of stopping at Owen's house and ask him about both of his visits to Iwo.

Rick the Librarian
04-03-2014, 03:18
We went through last fall ... wish I had looked to find it.

Viking Guy
04-08-2014, 06:19
Headed to Walla Walla next month only about 20 minutes from Dayton. I'll have to stop by plus there is a great mom and pop restaurant/bakery there that is great!

Allen Humphrey
04-11-2014, 02:13
Good maple bars there.

The memorial is on main street under the big flag.

http://i1320.photobucket.com/albums/u532/allenhumphrey/DaytonMemorial_zps50d1b7da.jpg (http://s1320.photobucket.com/user/allenhumphrey/media/DaytonMemorial_zps50d1b7da.jpg.html)

There are a few fun things to look at in town. Oldest train depot and courthouse in the state for example. Recreation of a Lewis and Clark camp ground and several very nice sculptures in bronze. This shameless plug for my old town should allow me to maintain my "local boy" status for a while longer:)


Viking Guy
04-12-2014, 11:54
Couple of years ago before my mom passed away, we left Walla Walla to go to the bakery and went on out and saw the bronze silhouettes off the roadside. Pretty neat. I'm born and raised in WW but left many years ago so those were new to me.