View Full Version : info on my 1st Krag?

04-19-2014, 08:26
After a number of 03's and M1'sI just purchased my first Krag. It is a 1898 serial #432787, it is currently a carbine. Is this correct? What can you tell me about my new toy? Thanks in advance

Semper Fi
Walt S

04-19-2014, 08:38

Welcome to the Krag circus. It's definitely not a carbine, but Marilyn didn't start life as a blonde either. Some "carbines" have historic interest of their own so put up some pictures and lets have a look!


04-19-2014, 10:43
Let me also welcome you! Krags are not a collection, but a way of life! (LOL at Jon and his circus) You'll find that the Krag has the smoothest operating action of any weapon made... and they can be incredibly accurate too! Even cutdowns make great shooters.

If it's a carbine size, then it's most likely a cutdown. Is it in a sporter stock, or is it in a true Krag carbine stock? Faked 1898 carbines have burned lots of unsuspecting buyers. Like Jon said, post some pictures and let us take a look at it.


04-19-2014, 01:32
Thanks for the welcome. pics will have to wait until after the weekend. I was fairly certain it was not a correct carbine. Stock is dated 1901

Semper Fi

Rick the Librarian
04-19-2014, 05:08
Let me also welcome you! Krags are not a collection, but a way of life!

For further proof, see my post on the "sample" Krag I bought! :D