View Full Version : Srs check 1903 usmc sniper?

04-22-2014, 07:08
I have a 1903 Springfield with "C" stock, engraved serial bolt, Drawering numbers on stock scope bases with a long scope, but not unertl, scalloped hand guard, serial number is 1526280 barrel date is SA 3-39
Heavy checkered butt plate
also another rifle, from same deceased vet's estate

1903 Springifeld #1261343 has PJ O hare sight covers, "C' stock engraved serial bolt lyman RS 48 rear sights as well, barrel date SA 10-23 both rifle barrels are star guage marked.
Heavy checkered butt plate
Do I have any winner here?

04-22-2014, 08:09

04-22-2014, 08:26
no camera, I aint selling them, just researching.

04-22-2014, 08:55
1526205A1NM 072739DCM RIFLE SALES 1922-42
1526207A1NM 042440DCM RIFLE SALES 1922-42
1526208A1NM 050640DCM RIFLE SALES 1922-42
1526217A1NM 121439DCM RIFLE SALES 1922-42
1526222A1NM 020840DCM RIFLE SALES 1922-42
1526261A1NM 062240DCM RIFLE SALES 1922-42
1526304A1NM 091339DCM RIFLE SALES 1922-42
1526308A1NM 100439DCM RIFLE SALES 1922-42

1261343NM 100724DCM RIFLE SALES 1922-42

Looks like your one is a true NM rifle.

Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
04-22-2014, 04:45
Not a sniper rifle.


Johnny P
04-22-2014, 09:35
1261343 is a DCM civilian sales National Match.

Johnny in Texas
04-24-2014, 01:17
A5 are you so sure because the s/n is a known Fugasi.

04-25-2014, 10:39
Is fugasi a fugazi that's all fubar ?

Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
04-25-2014, 02:22
A5 are you so sure because the s/n is a known Fugasi.

Haven't seen or heard that term in a while. :-) :-)


06-03-2014, 12:52
1526205A1NM 072739DCM RIFLE SALES 1922-42
1526207A1NM 042440DCM RIFLE SALES 1922-42
1526208A1NM 050640DCM RIFLE SALES 1922-42
1526217A1NM 121439DCM RIFLE SALES 1922-42
1526222A1NM 020840DCM RIFLE SALES 1922-42
1526261A1NM 062240DCM RIFLE SALES 1922-42
1526304A1NM 091339DCM RIFLE SALES 1922-42
1526308A1NM 100439DCM RIFLE SALES 1922-42

1261343NM 100724DCM RIFLE SALES 1922-42

Looks like your one is a true NM rifle.

Question on this information? I had the opportunity to look through "SUMMARY OF D.C.M. RIFLE SALES 1922 - 1942" (dated 1976). The eight rifles grouped together above are listed the same (without the sales date) as above. The 1261343 rifle is not listed as a NM. How many versions of the "SUMMARY OF D.C.M. RIFLE SALES 1922 - 1942" are there? Is the information in the version (1976) that I looked in a mistake? (I realize there are mistakes in all books.)