View Full Version : Looking for Marine M1 Carbine
04-24-2014, 04:11
So it's pretty easy to spot a rebuild Marine M1903. Marine 1911's fall into certain serial ranges, and you can find a lot listed in the SRS, and M1 Garands can be found with the 0-65,66,67 USMC rebuild mark.
Were there any traits or ways to figure out if a M1 Carbine has Marine Provenance? I have Marine everything, except for a proven Marine M1 Carbine. And now I'm on the hunt looking for one.
Other than maybe a bringback story which could be bogus, or maybe by some chance a lucky break on the SRS, is there any other way to tell?
There are no known ways to tell who what or where any carbine has been. Records for carbines were never kept other then at the company level and then not for long after the war ended. A bring back is about the only way to find one and you do have to remember to buy the carbine and not the story. Good luck in your search.
Johnny in Texas
04-24-2014, 01:09
They are all USMC or could be just have a really old marine shoot it and you should be good to go. LOL!
04-25-2014, 03:28
Or I'm sure there are many dealers out there that would love to create a story for me. :)
There was or is one guy who was stamping carbine stocks with USMC on them. Of course they are bogus but he would tell you that they are the real thing and be very glad to empty your wallet for you.
04-27-2014, 04:29
I have a late 43, early 44 Inland that has some Marine provenance. Completely original rifle. Long story short, the person I bought it from got it in 1962, when he was 5, from the Marine who lived next door to the family, on a base in Florida. Has a Reising SMG sling on it, which was only used by the Marines for the most part. It has been there a long time, due to the witness marks on the stock from the sling. It has never had a "regular" carbine sling on it. I do not know if that gives it Marine provenance, but I think it points very much so.
When a carbine was first issued it was complete including the oiler and sling as a package. So why issue a Rising sling when the carbine came with a brand new one made for it? Does your Winchester have the adjustable rear sight and the type three barrel band with the bayonet lug?
04-27-2014, 08:20
Tuna, it is an Inland, not a Winchester. Don't know if you meant to say that! Anyway, it has an original flip sight, never been off. Original type 1 barrel band, front sight has never been off. High wood stock, etc. Like I said, same person had it since 1962. He never did a thing to it, except keep it in a closet. He never knew what kind of sling was on it. When asked about the sling that looked like a carbine sling, but a little different, all he said was it has always been there. Like I said, I am not sure if it proves anything. The loop on the Reising sling at the front is longer, which puts the snap further away. All I can say is that it does not look like any other sling except this one has ever been on it. Here is a picture of the sling on my rifle.
Your right I did mean to say Inland. The sling does appear to have been on it a long time. I would say it's a replacement more then anything else. Lots of them were surplus material and sold in the 50's and 60's. Yes the Marines did have the Reising subgun as they could not get Thompsons, M1 Garands or carbines. Army came first as far as arms were concerned. The Marines didn't like the Reisings much and did like the Johnson rifle but time and standardization caught up with them and they finally got everything the Army had. If the back of the sling is rubbing on the stock you might want to put a small piece of electrical tape or duct tape on the back of it when one can't see the tape but it will protect the stock. As made carbines are hard to find and the better the condition the higher the value stays.
04-29-2014, 12:10
Ok, I can tell you one that is for sure 100% USMC and USMC Raider (my Uncle) to be exact. I have his paperwork. 1815772. Now all you have to do is find it.
That would be an Irwin Pedersen serial number and made by IP or S'G' for Saginaw Steering Gear and I would hazard a guess of S'G' and he would have gotten that carbine issued to him about September or a bit later maybe in 1943.
04-30-2014, 06:26
That would make it a doubly sweet find!
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