View Full Version : Cleaning Rod for a KKW 22Trainer

05-04-2014, 09:54
I have an SA Nazi party marked GGW 22 Trainer made by Gustloff Werke. It does not have the cleaning rod, and I cannot figure which rod will work for it. It does not take the standard 98k rod. Can someone advise me?

05-04-2014, 12:49
It is 12 5/8"long including the approx. 1/4" threaded potion. It is 3/16" dia. Threaded portion is 1/8"dia. Head/patch end is same dia. as the rod. I believe the one on mine is original, it is blued. I know of no where you can get one and know of no one who repros them. If you don't get one with rifle----lots of luck! Used to be someone who made some repro parts for KKW's (the rods included) but he has quit some time back.
PS; the patch end is drilled and tapped for another rod just like the big ones!

05-06-2014, 01:12
Well, you are certainly welcome for what little I could help you!

05-08-2014, 08:52
Try Don Schlickman, dfsjpn@aol.com