View Full Version : Michigan Carbine Collectors Association
05-06-2014, 08:52
Does anyone know what happened to the Michigan Carbine Collectors Association? Was anyone here in it or know somebody who was in it? Does anyone know if there are back issues available? Thanks.
It folded a number of years ago. The former president of the group moved to Denver if I recall correctly. To the best of my knowledge, there is nobody available to contact. the former president's name was Chuck Osbourne.
I haven't done much with carbines lately........But there was the Carbine Club at one time. Their address was: Carbine Club, P.O.Box 251, Canal Fulton, Ohio, 44614.
I was a member for a few years. However after a few years they got to thinking they were so good they were worth $50.00 a year for membership. They were nowhere near as good as the original Carbine Club. I dropped out, I didn't mind helping them along a little. But I didn't want to help them that much. There was also another carbine club out west for a few years Nevada I think.
I still have my membership card from the Michigan U. S. Carbine Collectors. Assoc albeit with an expiration date of Jan 98 on it. Card was signed by Judy and Chuck Osborne. Address was P.O. Box 47038, Oak Park, MI 48237, Tel: (810) 541-5711. They put out a pretty comprehensive newsletter and several very detailed ordnance drawings of the carbine. The membership fees at the time were a little too high for me as I recall and I did not renew.
As I said, Chuck moved to Colorado; Denver, I think. That address and phone number are no longer his.
05-11-2014, 07:11
I cant find a valid address or phone number for chuck osborne. If anyone has some old newsletters that they dont want i would be interested in buying them. I find it strange that with the internet today noboddy seems to know how to get a hold of him. He sounds like he has a wealth of information on carbines.
I haven't done much with carbines lately........But there was the Carbine Club at one time. Their address was: Carbine Club, P.O.Box 251, Canal Fulton, Ohio, 44614.
These guys put out a newsletter also. An extremely good newsletter..........and they also wanted data sheets on carbines. Must have quite a data base by now. I remember trying to get info out of Chuck Osbourne and he must have been pretty burned out by then. Wasn't long after that they closed shop.
05-12-2014, 05:29
I am a member of the carbine club and they have excellent information in their newsletters. I found out about this michigan carbine collectors association by reading one of larry ruths books. Apparently he was a member at one point.
Hi, This is the Carbine Club that I belong to......
It used to be in Canal Fulton, OH, but the contact address has changed. This is not the Michigan club as far as I know, Regards, Mike
02-16-2015, 02:53
Thank you all so much for your kind words about my father - Chuck Osborne Sadly he passed away from heart problems aortic Anurisim August 5, 2008 in Michigan. I know he would've responded to each and every request with his love of people and passion for the M1 Carbine. With Sincerest gratitude, Sharon Osborne- Mollema
02-16-2015, 03:02
My late father wrote several pages in an edit to an M1 Carbine book. I'd like to buy a copy - can you check if Chuck Osborne is in the credits ? Thanks!
02-16-2015, 03:04
I used to see them at gun shows on tables - his name was on the cover. It was a M1Carbine Manuel of sorts?
I think you may be talking about the "For Collectors Only" series book U.S. M1 Carbines,Wartime Production. I know he was in contact with them and promoted their books some in the newsletter. I don't have a early copy handy. But I did look in a later copy dated 2009. They did credit Dick Osborne in it. Hope this helps.
02-19-2015, 04:03
I think you may be talking about the "For Collectors Only" series book U.S. M1 Carbines,Wartime Production. I know he was in contact with them and promoted their books some in the newsletter. I don't have a early copy handy. But I did look in a later copy dated 2009. They did credit Dick Osborne in it. Hope this helps.
Thank you so much for this wealth of information! Maybe I can find out how to purchase them-I assume you meant credited Chuck Osborne and not dick Osborne? My father moved to Arizona 2004-06 to "get away" but never burned out on guns nor lived in Denver.
Again thank you so much for your kind words I wish he were here to respond to each one of you. I just found his MP helmet yesterday. And the search that led me to this post – angels are doing their job guiding for sure! Sharon Osborne - Mollema 602-317-4231 PS my father served in the Army, Air Force and Marines. But "once a Marine always a Marine!"
02-19-2015, 04:25
can you send me the link? The last revision was 2012 his would've been Published in 2004 or earlier any help would be greatly appreciated
Sorry about the misinformation on where he moved. I remember talking to him before he moved and could only remember that he moved in that general direction. I still have some of the tools that he sold me. They will stay in my collection til the day I join him. I wondered why he stopped corresponding with me. Now I know. I liked him.
02-22-2015, 03:57
Sorry about the misinformation on where he moved. I remember talking to him before he moved and could only remember that he moved in that general direction. I still have some of the tools that he sold me. They will stay in my collection til the day I join him. I wondered why he stopped corresponding with me. Now I know. I liked him.
It means so much to hear that - from my heart I truly thank you. You would've found a great loyal funny companion in him. He was very meticulous at whatever he did and guns were his passion from his earliest 20's. Especially later to the M1 -miss him every moment of every day.
02-23-2015, 12:36
Hi, This is the Carbine Club that I belong to......
This is not the Michigan club as far as I know, Regards, Mike
To be clear. It is definitely not the Michigan Carbine Collectors Association or the M1 Carbine Club. It is just the CARBINE CLUB.
I still have one of Chuck Osborne's business cards that I picked up at a gun show here in Michigan about 20 years ago or so. It just said "M1 Carbines" I didn't realize there was a club. I doubt if the information is any good, but I'll see if I can dig it out and post the details.
(Later) - Well, couldn't find the card. It was a trip down memory lane, though! Lots of old business cards from gun shows in the 1990's. :)
03-05-2015, 08:56
I have a 2007 copy , it lists a Dick Osborne on pg ii .
11-20-2016, 09:50
Sharon, I found a copy of the 1995 revision of U.S. M1 Carbines Wartime production, by Craig Riesch that mentions Chuck Osborne, Jim Luplow and Dan Eichelberger of the Michigan U.S Carbine Collectors Association. This notation is on pg. ii at the very beginning of the text. My Copy also has Chuck's and Craig Riesche's sighnitures along with an embossed seal of the Michigan Collectors Association. I would be glad to send this copy to you.
Regards, Chuck Lamb.
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