View Full Version : Need info on Camillus USMC Mark 2 "fighting knife"

Johnny in Texas
05-07-2014, 03:54
I have been buying Mark 1 and Mark 2 "fighting knives" for many years and recently dug through a box of them I had put away years ago. I found a Camillus in exell. cond. marked Camillus NY on one side of the blade and USMC on the opposite side. It is in a plain riveted leather scabbard. Is this a common variation with USMC markings?
I also found a guard marked Camillus USMC knife. I have never seen another of the Blade mark knives that I remember but I did not remember I had these knives either so woohoo thinking of selling stuff like this before my wife gives it away someday.

sac troop
05-07-2014, 05:22
As far as the blade marked Camillus NY- U.S.M.C. They made them in WW2 and reproduced the knife starting in the mid 90's until they closed in 2006, (stock number 5685) . Might need some good pictures to see which one it maybe.

05-08-2014, 07:59
sactroop is correct, and they are hard to tell apart unless you have studied them. The markings have slightly different fonts. The commercial reproductions had the sheath marked with the EGA and USMC, but of course they are easily separated and swapped around.

The WW2 blade marked is not all that uncommon. Using eBay as a baseline, there are at least 6 on right now and that is about average. My PERSONAL method of classification using eBay is: Common: 10 or more at a time Less Common: 5 or more at a time Uncommon: 2-3 at a time Highly Uncommon: 1-2 at a time Fairly Rare: Less than 1 at a time Rare: 1-2 a month Very Rare: 1-2 a year. Extremely Rare: Less than 1 a year. Silly I know, but it does put some of these in perspective.