View Full Version : Sailors with 1903s
Couple of pics that were new to me:
Thanks Liam, not sure of the bayonet drill. Are they trying to stick over a barricade
Thanks Liam, not sure of the bayonet drill. Are they trying to stick over a barricade
Repelling boarders at the gunwale ??
Plain Old Dave
05-09-2014, 08:54
It's called "Butts and Muzzles." PT under arms, and is in my old 1950s-60s Landing Party Manual. (
Rick the Librarian
05-09-2014, 10:50
Beautiful picture of a M1903 in the bottom picture in the first post - you can almost see the serial number!! :D
I'll bet if you had the original full-sized negative you could figure it out!
I'll bet if you had the original full-sized negative you could figure it out!
Unfortunately, no. Repeated exposure to your colorful avatar has damaged me to such an extent that the above-mentioned is not, for me, even a consideration. (
This photo is of my grampa in 1918 before he was assigned to the USS Wadsworth (
my dad in boot camp (Great Lakes) in january 1951. he had a mole that he razored off and started to bleed again. thats what hes looking at on his hand...
Beautiful picture of a M1903 in the bottom picture in the first post - you can almost see the serial number!! :D
I'll bet if you had the original full-sized negative you could figure it out!
Note the indents in the wood of the bayonet grips - district/branch markings perhaps?
Unfortunately, no. Repeated exposure to your colorful avatar has damaged me to such an extent that the above-mentioned is not, for me, even a consideration.
Quite right, Liam . . . .Quite right!!
In fact, since I first saw Rick's afghan a few years ago, I can no longer shoot my 03's with the same degree of accuracy as I could previously!!
You see . . . . I now have a "built-in" excuse for my dismal scores at the target . . . . . THANKS A BUNCH, RICK!!
Rick the Librarian
05-10-2014, 05:54
Don't laugh - I get a kickback from the optometrists and eye surgeons - how do you think I can afford all these rifles with being retired!! :D
My Great Grandmother knitted a similar rug... may have to photograph my RIA on it.... :)
When I went through recruit training at NTC San Diego in 1968, we were issued M1903's. Did close order drill and the 16 count manual of arms with the 1903. I was probably in the best shape of my life at that point in time. Remember doing push-up while balancing on the 1903. If one didn't have sufficient strength in your arms, the stock would roll and the knuckles on your hands would get crushed and scrapped up. Itai. Towards the end of boot camp, we headed out to Camp Elliot (near Miramar) and qualified on the M1 Garand.
Chris W.
05-12-2014, 08:06
.The 03 was the standard drill rifle at NTC Great Lakes in 1967. Stock on mine broke, they sent me to the armory for a replacement. Thought they would change the stock, no, they gave me a new rifle, just stripped out the bolt guts first. Sent me back with a new rifle covered in grease, couple of rags for the grease. In the armory, there was racks and racks of new in the grease rifles, building was huge. To many wood crates full of rifles to even guess at, my new one came from a crate in front that was open by the front desk, and half full of rifles. Old rifle thrown into a open 55 gallon drum. If they were still there, the CMP would be selling 03's for many years from the contents of that building.
Chris (
Whenever I see this particular scene in "The Sand Pebbles", I cringe . . . . .
Just after Steve makes his shot, he THROWS the RIFLE OVERBOARD!!
Oh, the INHUMANITY!! --Jim
Me too! But then I remember that the rifle was no doubt actually tossed off camera onto a cushion.
Boy oh boy, I'll bet that sailor shooting prone in his whites had a cleaning job. White's ain't for shooting prone on the bare ground.
05-15-2014, 08:10
Man I think the old Navy uniforms looked professional. Those blueberry sea cammies are a joke. They should bring back denims for a work uniform.
Boy oh boy, I'll bet that sailor shooting prone in his whites had a cleaning job. White's ain't for shooting prone on the bare ground.
Yea, I wish that I'd have asked gramps about that. Being a carpenter, mason, machinist etc., he actually helped build that rifle range. It could be that he wore his whites that day because of some screw up with the laundry or something. Who knows? I'll ask him when I get to the great beyond.
More photo's from The Sand Pebbles... ( ( (
Here he's not even using his sights... (
05-15-2014, 10:52
Maybe it is just the angle of the pictures but it almost looks like the middle two pictures show a M1917/P14 or other Enfield type offset stacking swivel on that '03.
Yep. The front sight cover is a USMC type too.
Vern Humphrey
05-16-2014, 05:01
Thanks Liam, not sure of the bayonet drill. Are they trying to stick over a barricade
The bayonet was a substitute for the pike, and that's pike drill you're seeing. Pikes are used collectively, not as individual weapons. Those men would be in the second rank, stabbing over the shoulders of the first rank. The men in the first rank would be holding their weapons lower.
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