View Full Version : Fair value request on a Bushmaster xm15-e2s
I was wondering what this rifle might be worth w/o any fancy add-ons. I know someone who wants to accumulate some cash and is thinking of selling it. What would be a good price for the seller and good price for the buyer? The rifle is in nice condition overall.
Chris W.
05-12-2014, 07:25
Same question just came up here because of someone's passing. 4 AR's to sell. Wal-Mart sells them new in the $800 range here. ( Bushmaster )Anything other than new in the box in perfect unfired condition is going to bring $500-600 tops because of the Wal-Mart new in the box price. Used hard, lots of rounds through, it goes down from there. This doesn't take into account any expensive add-on's or extra stuff, just the gun and Nevada prices.
Thanks. This is a pre-ban shorty rifle with all the "evil looking" parts still on it. Is this the same as the ones currently selling at Wallyworld in your area?
Chris W.
05-14-2014, 07:42
More or less, yes. Didn't do a close inspection on the ones in the rack. LGS says the same thing, so, should be in the ball park. No scope, no accessories, 2 mags, and of course, no ammo. Any extras will add price and value. Any hard use or abuse will subtract from the value.
05-14-2014, 12:34
For a true serial preban bushmaster lower, you should get around $700 for just the lower from someone from Connecticut, Massachusetts, or any other state where preban still means something. In those several states a pre ban serialized lower means you can own a AR with all the evil things, like flash hider and 30rd mag. So people will pay big money to get the lower and then build it the way they want. Then the remaining parts should net you around $350 or so for the upper, and a $100 for the bolt Carrier group.
That is the way you are going to make the most money on it. I have sold several preban lowers on and I always get around $700 for just the lower. And preban Colt's even run higher than that.
As far as the complete Bushmaster rifle, if you didn't go the preban lower route and split it up, that should probably bring you $700 to $800 pretty easily in good condition for a local sale. Online it would probably bring closer to the 800, maybe 900 mark if someone sees it on gunbroker and wants a preban.
But I'm telling you on AR15, you would be surprised what that lower would sell for by itself.
As for the earlier $500 to $600 quote, I think that is pretty low. I can see that for a parts gun with a no name lower. Or a beat up DPMS or something like that. If it is Bushmaster, Rock River, or Colt, they usually don't dip much less than $700 if you want one, in any condition. And they go up in price from there depending on configuration and name. Colt always brings the most.
As for the Walmart guns, I think they are in the high $800 range. Like $880 or something close to that. They aren't technically bushmaster as that name no longer exists. They are Windham, which are the same people, but they changed their name. I forget the reason why. But it is still a good firearm, but doesn't have the name recognition yet like bushmaster has. But still with tax, you would be close to the mid 900 range from Walmart. And to add to that, they have paperwork on them.
And if I had to choose between a preban Bushmaster or a Windham, I would buy the bushmaster for the same price without even thinking. I would even pay more for the bushmaster if I had to choose, especially preban.
To me I will pay a little more also for a rifle without paperwork as well, but that is just me.
To answer your question though, between $700 to $800 is a price that if a preban Bushmaster was offered to me, I would buy it without question.
Chris W.
05-14-2014, 01:49
I'm thinking that if they are going that high back east, might get these 4 on Gun Broker or something like that. In Nevada, pre-ban, post-ban is a non issue. Yes, Colt will always bring more, even here, but I think the question was Bushmaster value.
Darreld Walton
05-14-2014, 06:48
Up this way, mentioning "pre-ban" and hoping for a premium might get a chuckle.
Chris W.
05-14-2014, 08:17
Have been through Arco several times Darreld, ( nice town ) and you live is as rural of a location as I do. Value difference could also have something to do with city value VS rural, common as dirt here, lots of them truck guns, sometimes several setting around the house. Don't think many are riding around in the pickups in the city unless it's marked LEO/PD. ( or gang member ) Could also have a big difference in value because of that. Over the hill in California, if you have a registered pre-ban, it can't be sold in state, or even given to a family member, no extra value there. Very grateful for where we live,
Darreld Walton
05-15-2014, 08:30
True enough. They're still, more than anything else, at least around here, a tool, and an afternoon's worth of shopping will turn up several of the things available for a reasonable price, sometimes a bargain, and occasionally, a steal.
Well guys, thanks for the input and thoughts on the Bushmaster. I believe a fair offer would be around 8 or so considering it comes with a sling and a "few" 30 mags. even though I have my own. I really don't need another one but what the heck, two is better than one even though I do prefer my M1A's or a Garand for a day out shooting. Looks like I might have to make room in a safe.
Thanks again.
When Bushmaster was sold, the new buyers ( Remington) promised to keep all the folks working in the original factory.......... Soon after the sale was finalized, the factory was closed & everyone laid off.
The gent who had originally developed Bushmaster , then got a lil perturbed at that, he rehired all of the original factory workers & began the Windham brand....... I've been told that it is his family name. So if you really want an original Bushie, built by the same folks that worked at Bushmaster, buy a Windham........................
I saw one posted for sale as pre ban at $1,500.00. Didn't sell as pre ban around here doesn't mean much. I think the seller bought during the ban them all hysteria.
Chris W.
05-19-2014, 12:28
Around here, you could almost buy 3 for that price.
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