View Full Version : Company identification

05-12-2014, 09:22
REALLY not up on US unit ID's, so would appreciate help with this one.

Bought an M1905 (SA 1911) locally (Australia) on eBay. It arrived today, and I am very pleased with it overall (blade needs some cleaning with one of those rubber metal tarnish removers,but that's all). I initially bought it just for the original M1910 scabbard, but now not sure I will swap :)

Anyway, the LARGE printed company mark on the back of the canvas cover reads CO. I. 180 (or maybe 186 - hard to tell). Any ideas?

Pics here at original sale: http://www.ebay.com/itm/281323973175?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649

It's much nicer than his pictures make it look, and the grips,whilst boned, are VERY handsome after a coat of Howard's Feed n Wax.

I MAY yet put my RIA 1907 in this (one of 2 I have!), and put the M1917 scabbard on it, but who knows, this set may just be original to each other.

05-13-2014, 05:58
Possibly regimental markings? During WWII the 180th was in the 45th Inf Div & the 186th in the 41st.

05-13-2014, 07:43
By company, I do mean regimental I assume the CO means Company in the printed ID.

05-14-2014, 07:48
By company, I do mean regimental I assume the CO means Company in the printed ID.

Looks like 186 to me in the pics. The 186th regiment was incorporated in the State of Oregon National Guard in 1921. The unit was federalized into the 41st Inf Div in 1940. The 41st was one of the very first divisions sent overseas after the U.S. entered WWII. It spent nearly a full year training in Australia before being sent out to the islands. The 41st Div was comprised of the 162, 163 & 186 Regts. During WWII the typical infantry rifle company would have about 190 men (+or-) of all ranks. There were three rifle companies to the battalion, with three battalions to each full strength regiment. Nine companies, A through I, in each Infantry Regiment

05-15-2014, 07:56
Many thanks!

05-15-2014, 07:57
Kind of makes sense that the bayonet is here with me in Australia!!!!! Hmmmm, stolen, traded, lost.... :)

05-15-2014, 11:58
Nice find! I collect these things for the history, and this one is rich in that aspect.

Australia is a beautiful place, I had the pleasure of stopping by Perth and Sydney while in the Marines, and I hope to get the chance to visit again!

Ed Byrns
05-16-2014, 07:35
After carefully looking at the photo I am inclined to believe
the markings denote"Company I,136th Infantry" which was part of the
33rd Division.The 33rd fought the Island campaign along with Luzon and did pass thru
Australia .The 33rd was a well known National Guard Unit .Most of the 33rd went to the Pacific except for the 131st
which took special training and guarded the Locks at Sue Saint Marie. That portion(131st) went to specialized D-Day units.
Respectfully submitted
Ed Byrns

05-17-2014, 07:31
Many thanks Ed,and holding it in my hands, I am inclined to agree with you.

WONDERFUL history.

Just wish my 1913 RIA (nearly all original) showed a hit with similar connections