View Full Version : .30-06 HXP Ammo
What are these worth?
If your a member of CMP you can get 400 rounds of loose 30-06 for about a little over half what the bid is on this.
06-06-2014, 02:12
HXP at the CMP is delinked machine gun ammo, mixed lots, extremely dirty. Last can had 40 rounds of corrosive WW2 ammo.
The spam cans of the same lot, as produced, are not currently available.
06-06-2014, 06:03
The HXP that I've purchased at the CMP have all been good, save one round which had corrosion on it and I refused to shoot. CMP sells it - 200 rounds loose in a can for $118.00 (price went up from $99.00 this year). If you're worried about whether they are corrosive or not (mine haven't been and I bought 600 rounds so far), just make sure you clean your rifle well after shooting... which I do every time I shoot anyway! Other than reloading, you can't beat the price!!!
I bet this guy at the Gunbroker auction purchased them at the CMP and is trying to cash in...
6/7/2014... I just saw where I had put $214, Don't know what I was thinking there... I've changed it to the proper $118. Thanks Chaz, I was having a total brain fart I guess! Sorry for posting the incorrect amount.
Today from CMP website: "M2 Ball Greek HXP (Pyrkal) manufacture, Packaged loose in 30 cal ammo can. The cans themselves are old and may be rusty.
Total 200 rounds. Boxer primed, non-corrosive. Headstamp varies.
NEW PRICE effective 12-20-13
S&H $11.95 per can
06-07-2014, 06:45
I changed my post above.... Sorry. Total brain fart there! Chaz is correct. What the heck was I thinking anyway?
The ammunition is plain vanilla M2 Ball. I also believe it's way overpriced. That comes to about what you could buy commercial match ammo for. As was said above the ammunition is no longer available in cartons in sealed cans, therefore I would put a fair price at $150.00, $175.00 tops and the old boy will still be making a profit on it.
06-07-2014, 02:07
How is 200 rounds for $118 in an ammo can overpriced?
The ammunition is plain vanilla M2 Ball. I also believe it's way overpriced. That comes to about what you could buy commercial match ammo for. As was said above the ammunition is no longer available in cartons in sealed cans, therefore I would put a fair price at $150.00, $175.00 tops and the old boy will still be making a profit on it.
How is 200 rounds for $118 in an ammo can overpriced?
He was referring to the ammo on the auction. Not the ammo CMP is selling.
Guys, not everyone can purchase from CMP. In my town we have three gun shops and they are selling any and all 30-06 for over a buck a round.
06-07-2014, 07:27
Sorry... as my son would say - My Bad!
06-14-2014, 06:02
Damn!! Didn't realize any of that Greek ammo was corrosive! Not advertised as such. So...need to take my M1s down no?
HXP at the CMP is delinked machine gun ammo, mixed lots, extremely dirty. Last can had 40 rounds of corrosive WW2 ammo.
The spam cans of the same lot, as produced, are not currently available.
06-15-2014, 06:19
Damn!! Didn't realize any of that Greek ammo was corrosive! Not advertised as such. So...need to take my M1s down no?
Since Greece wasn't making M2 ball in WWII, I'm going to say some USGI WWII, which is corrosive, got mixed in with the Greek.
06-15-2014, 04:53
The Greek HXP is not corrosive, but does attract a magnet!
Since Greece wasn't making M2 ball in WWII, I'm going to say some USGI WWII, which is corrosive, got mixed in with the Greek.
That is correct. The loose Greek ammo needs to be sorted after arrival to cull out any corrosive non Greek ball. If it was mine I'd just separate out any old U.S.G.I. ball and shoot it in my bolt guns, and put the non corrosive through my M1s.
06-17-2014, 12:02
I've got 800 rounds or so of the loose HXP and in addition to that I usually opt to buy it at $15/60 for our bolt gun matches. I have heard of problems with extraction with 03's and can confirm. Every now and then with the mixed, the bolt is very hard to unlock. As it always happens in a match, I've not isolated any particular head stamp.
At my last match with my M1 I had one round during slow fire single load where the bolt didn't lock back. It's my competition JCG rifle and has had thousands of rounds down the pipe fired by me and this is the second time I can ever remember this happening. I wonder if was a round that would have been hard to extract in my 03.
Some hxp I fired last weekend from my 03a3. Good stuff. My 03a3 likes it as well as handloads.
07-02-2014, 10:21
I've shot a LOT of the Greek HXP Ball M2. I've never had a problem, seems to burn fairly clean...not as clean as the Hornady M1 food maybe, but never a misfire, never a hang fire or dud. Some brass needs attention before going into the clips, but I've noticed no excessive deterioration of the brass. Little dirty, some discoloration. Nothing a little 4/0 steel wool and a dry rag won't fix while watching a Tiger's game.
Head stamps I've received have been mostly mid 70s, fewer late 60s. All non corrosive, per CMP, and a few other sources. For $118.00 / 200 in a can, I'm getting what I am able to while I am able to do so. Good stuff. Not match but great 300 yd plate ringer ball ammo.
Has anyone heard of a catastrophic failure, or any related problem with the Greek M2? GREAT site! Lot of history here. I'm humbled. Thank all of you veterans for your service! Have a happy safe 4th!!
07-03-2014, 06:40
Agree with mwt. Heads up for Ca. shooters though, if currently proposed SB 53 is hammered in, internet sales (CMP) are over. Toast. Getting tough as it is. So get that CMP ammo while you can, if you can. Currently here, all CMP rifles have to go through the same transfer policy as a hand a CMP rifle you just purchased must be received in state only by an FFL dealer, all related receipt admin (Ca DROS) is required, you'll have the 10 day wait, or "cooling off" period...etc. That includes "individual sales", person to person. Selling a M1 to your buddy? You'll have to go through the same process you would when you transfer a hand gun. ALL long guns, as of Jan. 1 2014. Just a heads up, not sure what the status on that bill is currently. It's been jumping around a bit.
Some hxp I fired last weekend from my 03a3. Good stuff. My 03a3 likes it as well as handloads.
07-03-2014, 08:48
Good info. Thanks.
What do you think made the Greek M2 load struggle with extraction in the O3's? The M1 bolt not locking back during the slow fire...would that be low pressure, brass issue or both? Maybe I should hold off on buying any more of that stuff, was thinking that would be OK in my 03A3, and my Garands. Did notice on buffing up the Greek brass (last couple of cans I received) prior to loading in the M1 clips that some of it was tacky, some kind of dried preservative residue or something. Price is right, but not if it's risky in those older rifles. Appreciate your thoughts.
I've got 800 rounds or so of the loose HXP and in addition to that I usually opt to buy it at $15/60 for our bolt gun matches. I have heard of problems with extraction with 03's and can confirm. Every now and then with the mixed, the bolt is very hard to unlock. As it always happens in a match, I've not isolated any particular head stamp.
At my last match with my M1 I had one round during slow fire single load where the bolt didn't lock back. It's my competition JCG rifle and has had thousands of rounds down the pipe fired by me and this is the second time I can ever remember this happening. I wonder if was a round that would have been hard to extract in my 03.
I witnessed a shooter having two rounds in a local match that were very tough to extract in an 03. Headstamps were all 60's and 70's. In my 03, I had problems with many with closing the bolt, but this rifle has a barrel that gauges new even though it is dated in the 30's.
07-07-2014, 02:28
I heard that the greeks were not given M2 factory spec information from the US . They had to reverse engineer the '06 to fit the M1 Garands they had . The M1s were made with a little bit longer chamber neck area for better functioning under dirt and grime than the manually operated '03 . Thier ammo spec works fine in an M1 , but may be a hair too long in an "03 . It's this extra hair that may cause some stickiness. No real danger and why this disappears on trimed reloads using the same brass.
shoots fine in my 03a3 and 1917
07-08-2014, 11:39
As it has in mine . I think it's the combo of a tight spec chamber with a max spec case where it pops up.
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