View Full Version : New Rock-Ola, picture heavy.
06-30-2014, 07:09
Form everything I can tell, between the books I have read and the research I have done here and on a few other sights, this Rock-Ola looks good to me. I do however, seek the opinions from others here. Please take the time to let me know what you think. Thanks! ( ( ( (
06-30-2014, 07:13 ( ( ( ( (
06-30-2014, 07:14 ( ( ( (
06-30-2014, 07:17 ( ( ( ( (
06-30-2014, 07:20 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
06-30-2014, 07:26 (
06-30-2014, 02:37
Im a bit concerned by all the silence. Should I be?
Mike in NC
06-30-2014, 02:57
My thoughts, like it or not. To me the barrel band looks like a repro. The "MR" stamping looks far to deep and crisp to me. The back lip of the band where it meets the handguard doesn't look like a Rock-Ola barrel band to me. The B/R hammer is not a Rock-Ola hammer. The flip sight looks like a repro to me (milling marks on the side of the base and the letter stampings). Seems like a very early 3-43 barrel for a 4.57 million Rock-Ola. The recoil plate screw is a Winchester. The bolt with "Rock-Ola" on right lug is too early for this receiver, would expect one with "Rock-Ola" on left lug. I would have to check one of my early Rock-Ola bolts, but the stamping on the right lug doesn't even look like a real Rock-Ola to me. The "I I" marking on the gas cylinder has me wondering, that doesn't seem right to me. Not sure about the early Rock-Ola barrels, but I was pretty sure at least the later ones have "Rock-Ola" stamped on the side of the gas cylinder. I will have to look but I think the milled front sight might be too early for this rifle, I think it should be stamped Rock-Ola front sight by this time. I am not sure if the mag catch is real or not. Sorry to be negative, but too many parts look like repro and too many parts not from the right era of production.
06-30-2014, 03:57
I guess my questions or concerns would be if the parts aren't time frame correct, are they at least actual authentic rockola made parts and not reproduction. Sounds like there might be some issues with both.
The serial number dates to about February 1944. The barrel if it is a Rock-Ola barrel is far too early for it but the gas cylinder is marked for Inland. The front sight may go along with a barrel dated as this one is but too early for the serial number but again I wonder about the barrel. The hammer as pointed out by Mike is not correct. I'm pretty sure the trigger housing should be a type 4 for the serial number. The barrel band I think is suspect. I agree with Mike in that I think it's a repo. The bolt is correct as it was used marked on the right to almost the end of the second block of serial numbers. Some bolts can be found in the later part of the second block with Rock-Ola on the left side lug. The rear sight well if it's real it's in the wrong serial number block. Those marked as yours were used in the first, with some used in the third and fourth serial blocks of numbers but not the second block. While you do have some Rock-Ola parts that are right you do have a lot that are not right or are fakes. If your able to send it back and get a refund I think that is what I would do.
The 3-43 Rock-Ola barrel is correct with an Inland gas cylinder.
07-01-2014, 03:18
You know I repark guns a lot and to me it looks like it was reparked and quite recently as well.
Maybe it's the pics, or I'm just flat wrong. But it looks like it was just refinished to me.
Look at number font. Then compare it to another 3-43 rockola barrel. Also see if reduced barrel size diameter in front of front sight. To me it has several repro parts. The repro guys are getting good. We are educating them.
07-01-2014, 06:11
Let me first apologize and clear some confusion. This rifle was advertised and having been “corrected” with Rock-Ola parts. Maybe not time frame “correct”, but my bigger concern is that the parts are in fact real Rock-Ola and not repo. The barrel band was the part I was most unsure about, but not having another to compare it to I was giving the benefit of…. all the other parts looked ok for the most part to me. I know there is some questions on the hammer, but another site I was using says a double boxed B/R hammer IS a correct type3 Rock-Ola hammer. ????
These days it has been hard for me to even find a Rock-Ola in any kind of condition worth buying. Even average condition mix master are going for $2k. This one’s a bit more than that, but it seemed like a good start on a Rock-Ola for me. Dare I ask about the stock originality? Given all the bad and a little bit of good, is this even worth starting out withthis one? I know it’s ultimately my decision, but I now have mixed feelings, and I’m a bit bummed. My window to backing out is closing, if not already closed. I might have a fighting chance at saving my ass on it if I can get a true value of it. So I ask……..??
Thanks again for all the help. It’s a learning process that sometimes can sting. It’s a damn shame there are people out there that are dishonest. Maybe with what I learn, I can help others if not myself.
The boxed B/R and circled B/R hammers are not Rock-Ola hammers. They are replacements made by Bruner-Ritter. With the amount of repro part and the refinish the value as a "corrected" carbine is a fraction of the figure you posted.
Mike in NC
07-01-2014, 08:13
If you paid more than $2K you got taken for a ride big time. This one isn't fixable and the few parts that are real aren't worth more than $2K.
without getting into correct parts, looks reparked, and the stock has been well sanded and refinished. i dont think its worth anything close to 2K.
07-01-2014, 01:11
Good news, its going back and im getting a full refund plus shipping. Man that was close. Looks like I have a lot more to learn.
Anyone wanting to sell an honest Rock-Ola let me know. Thanks all for the help.
Still a very nice carbine. Wish it was mine!
07-02-2014, 05:41
Is this one worth going to look at? It's close to where I live.
Mike in NC
07-02-2014, 08:10
This 6.08 Rock-Ola is worth taking a look at if you are close. I like the stock, it looks real and doesn't look like it has been messed with. The pictures aren't the right ones, we don't need all the pictures of the "17" rack number. There aren't great pictures of the front sight or the barrel band. Many of the parts look like they are the right type for that vintage Rock-Ola such as round bolt, stamped trigger housing, type 2 looking barrel band, what looks like type 4 slide, plain face mag catch, etc. From the poor pictures, it looks like the bolt might be DuLite finish. What is missing is any contractor stamps on any of the parts. Can't really see any of these in an assembled carbine with the magazine in place. A couple of the pictures as dark as they are show a hint that that the staking on the front sight pin is right. Glad I don't live in the Chicago area, but wish I was there to look over this carbine.
07-02-2014, 08:21
that's good news. this carbine is located in the town next to where I grew up. it is only an hour south of where I live now so it gives me an excuse to go visit my folks as well. Thanks again!
07-08-2014, 08:06
I would first like to thanks those who took the time to respond and help me with the first Rock-Ola debacle, especially the forum member who took his time to actually call me, and offer some advice. Cheers! I was able to send it back and with your help, saved my rear end from getting screwed. With a little help, I was able to find and purchase another Rock-Ola that seems to be a winner. Thanks, again everyone for the help. ( ( ( ( ( (
07-08-2014, 08:07 ( ( ( ( ( (
07-08-2014, 08:09 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
07-08-2014, 08:10 ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Here's mine for comparison. What I believe to be a legit RMC stock that went through an U rebuild.
Ok so you do have a nice carbine....except for the oiler is far too early for it. Should be one marked IS and the hammer is wrong. The B/R marked hammers are not Rock-Ola hammers. They are replacement hammers made by Brunner Ritter Co. These hammers are listed in both War Baby and in US M1 Carbines Wartime Production as being Rock-Ola but they are not. A type 3 hammer marked LT-R or LT-Q would be correct.
07-09-2014, 05:53
I was informed about the hammer and just waiting to find out what would be correct. LT-R or LT-Q it is. M1 carbine family noted correct type III as being marked, "KR" "KR2" "R-LT" "LTR" "Q" "I.K." "S/R" "KR" in a diamond", but i'll look for the ones you noted. About the oiler, I did find this.....
"In January 1943 International Silver sent two letters, one to the Springfield Ordnance Dept. and to the Carbine Industry Integration Committee, requesting permission to eliminate the prime contractor markings on magazines and oilers made by them. In the letter(s) they stated that they were making so many magazines and oilers that keeping them segregated by manufacturer was becoming burdensome and that it would be more efficient to eliminate markings all together or mark both with the generic IS. With magazines and oilers bearing a generic mark they (International Silver) would be in a better position to respond to the prime contractors needs and could keep stocks on hand to respond to increases in production schedules".
So from that point on, all the Oilers were just marked "IS"
Thanks for the aditional info and help.
09-02-2014, 11:46
Where my pics go hummmm?
Where my pics go hummmm?
What ? Did you piss off Photobucket or what?
11-16-2014, 06:33 (
I have never seen a legitimate crossed cannon stock cartouche that looks anything like the one the original poster put up, nor the one the 2nd gent put up either. both appear to be of the same stamp...... the butt ends of the cannons appear to be straight lines........ I'd sure lke to get Rick Borecky's opinion on them...... they may be real USGI stocks... but I'm sure wondering if the cartouches weren't redone.
added. damn nice pix though guys. wish I could do some as good as those.
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