View Full Version : Mess Nights
Griff Murphey
07-03-2014, 04:11
Mess Nights are known for some crazy misbehavior. The only one I ever participated in was 1st BN, 4th Marines' pre - Vietnam- Cambodia evac float one in 1975. I was warned you could not get up to use "the head" etc. actually it was pretty good. A piper "piped in" the roast beef, speeches were made, toasts made. It was fairly tame until the end and we had games such as drinking a beer from a soupbowl in the prone position with your hands in the parade rest position. Later Carrier Quals... Mess tables wet down with beer, two guys joined their belts as "arrester cables."
Have a friend who went to a British mess night in Hong Kong, said they broke down .303s for powder, stuffed it in an old cannon, and fired the silverware. The damage put our few broken mess tables from carrier Quals to shame.
Our Mess Nights were usually held when we were in Garrison. We were in Dress Blues or Alpha's. Carrier Quals were usually a parties. Since I was in squadrons carrier quals had a Landing Signal Officer (LSO's) and the works. The last one I attended was at the "E" Club at MCAS Yuma and the entire Squadron was there. Had several tables end to end in a private dining room for the carrier. Numerous pitchers of beer were used to wet the "Flight Deck". If you had a "Bolter" (missed your landing the result was hitting the floor face first). The Club Manager had a "SH*T FIT" as more beer ended up on the floor than the flight deck. The dining room had just been remodeled and the floor was a new wooden one and needless to say the beer was not to good for the finish.
Had a squadron party at MCAS Cherry Point's E Club once. Again had the private dining room for the party. They had Go-Go dancers at lunch time for entertainment for the lunch crowd. One of our guys talked them to coming back to dance for us (of course some funds were involved). Had the girls on the new pool tables so everyone could see (yes, they had on spiked heels). Club Manager said to get them off there.....our C.O. told him to take a hike......... He left to get the base Club's Officer to come talk to our Lt.Col. (C.O.) We got the Chief of Staff to come over (he brought the C.G. with him). Meanwhile the guys took up another collection for the young ladies and did some fast talking and got them to dance topless. When the Base Club's Officer got there and saw what was going on he was p*ssed. Then the Chief of Staff (and the C.G.) told him to have a drink and enjoy the entertainment. Funny, after that the Go-Go dancers were no longer featured at the club during lunch time.
Griff Murphey
07-05-2014, 07:56
No go go girls at the Camp Hansen O club 74-75. For the USMC Birthday Ball they bussed in about 20 Okinawan ladies in the formal Japanese dresses that look like they are wearing backpacks. Be assured the dancing was all quite decorous.
This was about the time the Marine Corps made a big push to "discourage alcohol" and all they did was drive most to their Qs to drink in peace. I preferred the bar and often nearly had the place to myself. I made good friends that way with Gunner R.D. Embese, the CWO who ran the ranges.
We had movies I think twice a week, usually second rate stuff, never anything good. I would cut the top off of my empty beer can and fill it with ice cream, eat it with a straw.
Former Cav
07-05-2014, 08:58
I sure am happy I was in from 65 to 69.
they used to march us down to the village in So. Korea in 65-6 for what was called "organized graba$$".
you could drink all you wanted of anything for FREE. I have NO IDEA where the funds came from. The parties were "morale boosters"
you had to provide for your own lady of the evening though (yobo or business woman as they called themselves).
From the C.O down was involved in this at a little Nike missile base.
Sounds like what we called Prop Blast Parties. 101st Abn 63, 64 65. They would get all the brand new officers out of jump school rounded up and have a similar event. I remember one at the parachute supply and maintenance co in 64. Those new guys caught a lot of supposed good natured hell. Intoxication helped a lot for the newbys as well as the old ones. Military has some weird **** sometimes.
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